When is proper to tell someone they believe in a lie?

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When is proper to tell someone they believe in a lie?

Post by Philip »


The link below is an enlightening discussion between Christian apologist Greg Koukl and a woman who has had heartbreaking but very frank discussions with her Mormon family members about the lies they have bought into. Yes, we are to use gentleness, humility and patience in trying to influence people to Christ. But there's also a point at which some need a much more direct assessment and response. So, how do YOU tell someone they are deceived or believe in lies about God or the Bible? It's really tough when they are family members or friends!

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Re: When is proper to tell someone they believe in a lie?

Post by Fliegender »

I don’t have any friends or family members who are into pseudo Christianity religions. I only encounter these people when they intercept me in public or when they come to my door. I tell them straight away that they are mistaken, that their religion isn’t Christianity and - depending how that goes - that they are “emissaries of Satan” as a last resort.

Jehovah’s Witnesses and Mormons will usually object to me telling them they aren’t Christian. They insist that they are Christians because they worship Jesus Christ. I then tell them that their Jesus isn’t God. In Witness belief, their Jesus is just a man (albeit the “greatest man who ever existed”) but he’s still just some guy like you and I. For Mormons I tell them that their Jesus is god of this world only, unequal with the Mormon god-the-father or his wife the “Holy Mother”. This divine couple are the overarching gods of the universe and that any worthy Mormon can become a god in his own right, a god of his own planet/domain.

As you might imagine, Witnesses and Mormons generally disagree but I’ve read their crap theology and am more familiar with it than the minions who do the proselytizing. To their accusations that I’m not clear on what they teach, I answer something along the lines of,

...don’t take my word for it. Go to any Roman Catholic, Protestant or Orthodox church and ask the priest/pastor/teacher if your religion is genuine Christianity. Choose the denomination of your choice and ask the priest or pastor. Go ahead, do it.

The typical answer I get to this is that Jesus and his disciples were rejected by the Jews so it’s normal that their true religion will also be rejected by mainstream churches. That’s when I tell them that they are emissaries of Satan.

Sometimes that goes over well, sometimes it doesn’t. As far as I’m concerned, a seed of doubt may have been planted.
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Re: When is proper to tell someone they believe in a lie?

Post by Philip »

Flie, I'm glad you handle these groups like that. And it takes patience, as it's so tempting to just not answer the door or to send them on their way. As they NEVER arrive at a convenient time - typically, it's on a Saturday morning - which is when I'm busy doing chores and tasks around the house. I do know this, that, especially Jehovah Witnesses, have been taught to toss any printed info you might give them, that didn't originate from their church's Watchtower organization. Note as well, the Watchtower only has authorized it's own translation of its "bible" - which has edited the original Bible in key places, so as to match their own heretical theological teachings that thus contradict all other Bibles / New Testaments.

Here's a great channel on what to say or ask Jehovah Witnesses you might engage: https://www.youtube.com/@ericschaeffer8288/videos

And here, from Greg Koukl of Stand to Reason, explains the key differences between Mormonism and Christianity: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ydinQGma5bA

As some additional observations about Mormonism:

Have any of you ever noticed how Mormon churches and its members never display the Christian symbol of the Cross of Jesus? Interesting, right - because the cross is the universal symbol of Christian churches around the world, and constant theme and reference point across the New Testament. And yet, Latterday Saints (Mormon) churches avoid and reject it as a symbol, while at the same time asserting themselves to be a Christian church.

Truly CHRISTIAN churches don't merely believe Jesus to be God's son - as they ALL also adhere to the Scriptural teachings that Jesus was and IS GOD - one of three Persons in God's Trinity of the ONE and ONLY God. The Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, according to the New Testament, are each Persons FULLY God - not Gods plural - but with each of the three being Persons making up the ONE God. The Mormon church, in total opposition to the teachings clear across the New Testament, falsely teach and assert a Jesus that is NOT God! And THAT is the most important reason the Mormon church of Latter Day Saints is NOT a CHRISTIAN church, but one of many cults around the world! Not only that, the Mormon church teaches an ADDITIONAL, supposed "gospel," written by Joseph Smith, 19 centuries AFTER the completion of the New Testament and first century era of Jesus and His apostles - the "Book of Mormon." Yet, the New Testament strictly warns that we are to NEVER ADD to the God's Word - which is precisely what Joseph Smith did with his false writings. And most shocking of all - in direct contradiction to the Bible, incredibly, the Mormon church teaches that we ALL can become gods ourselves!
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Re: When is proper to tell someone they believe in a lie?

Post by Fliegender »

So, I watched the video you linked to above, the one by Eric Schaefer. It’s interesting and I appreciate his humour. I never realized that Witnesses were arguing against modalism...

Having said that, I doubt I would be able to keep my cool 😎 in a meeting with Witnesses. Moreover, they always come in twos and threes; I’ve never encountered an individual Witness. Coming in a group makes them less amenable to discussion. And they don’t really listen, at least not the ones I’ve encountered. Or maybe it’s me? Maybe I’m not patient enough listening to their drivel arguments ...my wife would agree to that!

Eric Schaeffer makes some good points but I’m reminded of my father who befriended a Witness and kept up this relationship for 20+ years. My father told me that even though they had many discussions about faith, God and religion, he and his Witness friend just decided to agree to disagree. If there’s no searching for God on the Witness’s part, salvation will be beyond their reach. This is true for everyone.
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