Dealing with homosexual desire

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Dealing with homosexual desire

Post by Ark~Magic »

How far can 2 guys go without violating God's law? Is there any limit to how much affection or love can be exchanged between 2 gay guys or lesbian women without breaking the lord's commandment?
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Re: Dealing with homosexual desire

Post by Believer »

Ark~Magic wrote:How far can 2 guys go without violating God's law? Is there any limit to how much affection or love can be exchanged between 2 gay guys or lesbian women without breaking the lord's commandment?
Anything but unhealthy physical contact. If you have 2 men or 2 women in a locker shower (which is common after sports games, maybe not the quantity), then they are there to simply wash down, however ALL unhealthy physical contact should be avoided to avoid feeding the mind suggestive thoughts to partake in an action. Just stay away. It is still bad for a guy to be with a guy and a woman with a woman in an unhealthy way. Hugs are fine as I would do that with my dad or friends, maybe a kiss to my father or a good friend, but that draws the line. Anything like this, the homosexual stuff, although hard as it is to imagine how a struggle with it could be like, all things that you know it really isn't right, should just be away with.
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Post by bizzt »

Mat 5:28 but I say unto you, that every one that looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart.
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Post by kateliz »

It is important to remember, however, that fondness has it's place in a friendship.
Ark wrote: Is there any limit to how much affection or love can be exchanged
Thinker wrote:Anything but unhealthy physical contact...Hugs are fine as I would do that with my dad or friends, maybe a kiss to my father or a good friend, but that draws the line.
I'm not so sure I fully concur with Thinker's statements. Certainly there can be nonphysical "contact" that's sinful in it's homosexuality. And I don't mean just "phone sex" kinds of things. Anything with any origin in a homosexual attitude is sinful, even if it has the appearances of being innocent or something just between the same gender of friends.

Ark, you seemed to include the possibility of other expressions of fondness than just sexual expression. Too much "innocent" hugging or kissing on the cheek can be sinful because it might only exist because of hidden or un-noticed homosexual attitudes. I'm not saying to get all paranoid about how you express fondness with your friends, but one should fully examine the motives for "excess" hugging and kissing on the cheek, (I don't, at least for my culture in my time period, feel too comfortable condoning kissing friends on the lips. And I can see how it might, even accidently between two very heterosexual people, lead to something more than should ever happen between just friends.) But, again, it's not so much the form of or the expression itself, (cuddling can be fine and healthy even,) but the attitudes behind the expression. If one honestly questions one's motives, thinking there might be a hint of homesexuality in it, don't do it. Work out those issues first.
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Post by stjimmythepunk »

Surely if two people love each other they should be allowed to love each other without some individuals telling them what they are doing is wrong. Christianity is very intolerent.
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Post by August »

stjimmythepunk wrote:Surely if two people love each other they should be allowed to love each other without some individuals telling them what they are doing is wrong. Christianity is very intolerent.
Please don't double post.
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