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Posted: Tue May 31, 2005 8:21 pm
by Prodigal Son
is voodoo and all this stuff really real? in the ot, God seems to acknowledge the power of curses. don't really remember where i read that. anyways, why would he lend importance to curses if they aren't real/have real power?

Posted: Tue May 31, 2005 8:58 pm
by LittleShepherd
Voodoo and other similar religions actually call upon demons. And the demons answer. And yes, it is possible to curse someone -- demons like to torment and stuff, so it's not too difficult.

Curses have no power on the Christian, however. I mean, the unwary Christian can be tormented and stuff, but any Christian who knows enough to stand on the promises of God and His Word will find demons fleeing Him, not sticking around long enough to do anything to Him.

Christians also can't be victims of demonic possession. The Holy Spirit inside makes this impossible. They can only do their taunting from the outside, like whispering suggestions in your ear, but that's about it.

So yes, the occult is very real. God tells us not to get mixed up in it for a reason. Of course, we as Christians know that the power behind occult stuff(like voodoo) is demons. And that we have the ultimate weapon against them.

Posted: Mon Jun 27, 2005 6:01 am
by j316
I also believe that the occult is real. It is not something to mess around with.
I haven't always believed that but I have been more and more convinced of its truth over the course of the past ten years. I base it on personal experience so its not second hand.

Most of the demonic influence extant requires either your ignorance or your consent, being aware and christian is the best defense.