Who/What is the perfect?

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The edge
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Who/What is the perfect?

Post by The edge »

"All these shall pass away when the perfect is come"

Some refer the "perfect" to the completion of the bible, while others to the 2nd coming of Christ.

Which is correct?
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Post by JBirdAngel »

what verse is this? it would help to be able to read it in context... although to me it sounds like something from revelations or something refering to the ways of old passing away, and then to the perfect life on the new earth. which to me means that the old way, which is death and sin, as that is all we know, everything we see and touch is corrupted by sin

i think thats mostly the answer i have.. from my current understanding, and then the following is other stuff i wrote but isnt really answering the question or on this topic heh heh so only read if you want to

, i was told there is a verse in the Bible that says even our tears are too sinful for God or something like that, i havnt seen tha tmyself, but the old order of things to me is just how this life works, where things die and so on, where htere is sin and death, there is nothing in this life without sin and death... this earth will be destroyed, and with it sin and death, and then a new earth and heavens will be created where things will be perfect, no death, no sin... to me the only thing that is perfect is God, i feel that some people think that when we die and go to heaven we will become perfect, i totally disagree with this, we are humans, we were never created to be perfect, only God is perfect, we will however be perfectly human, perfectly as God created us, we will never know and understandeverything i dont think... if there wasnt new things to learn in Heaven it would probably get pretty boring...

sin is the opposite of God's will basically right? so the perfect will be God's will fully realized, with no more sin against God and his will, God and his people will live together on the new earth, and we will spend eternity with God doing his will, being with our parents, our children, our friends, our complement created for us by God, just as Adam and Eve would have spent eternity in the Garden of Eden with God had they not sinned, and we would be there also... the earth will be made new, things returned to the perfect state of God's intended creation, the way things initially were in the Garden of Eden...

we will always have free will, we will never be slaves to God, he created us specifically to not be slaves to him, not to be robots, but in Heaven we will finally be able to follow our will, God's will, we will finally be able to not sin, and to be fully ourselves, as i truely hope that who i am now is not the real me... i believe that our will truely is the same as God's, we just mess up alot...
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Post by The edge »

1Co 13:10
But when that which is perfect is come, then that which is in part shall be done away.
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RE: What is the perfect?

Post by Strix »

JBirdAngel wrote:it would help to be able to read it in context...
Good point. It's always appropriate to read passages in context.

1 Corinthians 13:8-13

Starting in vs. 8 - "Love never fails;" This is a universal truth that cannot dissolve. Paul then goes on to contrast this universal absolute with some things that are temporary.

vss. 9,10 - when whatever the perfect is comes, then these partial things will be done away.

vs. 11 - Paul likens this partial state to being childlike. Eph. 4:11-14, Hebrews 5:12-14

vs. 12 - The perfect will remove the partial, much like the answer to a riddle being revealed.

vs. 13 - "But now faith, hope, love, abide these three; but the greatest of these is love." What will abide after the perfect comes? Faith, hope, and love. When Christ comes again, will we still have hope? Hebrews 11:1, Galatians 5:5, 1 Timothy 1:1
Why is love greater? Because it is eternal. [vs.8]

The partial things (miracles, signs) were used to establish the perfect Mark 16:17-18,20. Once the perfect was established, there was no longer a need for these temporary things. What is completed and established? What is able to bring us to maturity in Christ?
[bible]Proverbs 2:6[/bible]
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Post by The edge »

I don't think the perfect refer to Christ as the verse uses "which" for perfect. It could however refer to the period after Christ return.

I just heard another line of thots.
Base on v8, what is being talk about has to do with the word.

1 Cor 13:8 Charity never faileth: but whether there be prophecies, they shall fail; whether there be tongues, they shall cease; whether there be knowledge, it shall vanish away.
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Post by Once4all »

I think "the perfect" is LOVE.

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