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Origin of life MIT / Harvard scientists avoid Dr. James Tour's Challenge!

Posted: Thu Feb 29, 2024 8:02 pm
by Philip

Recently, Dr. James Tour laid out a very serious and detailed challenge in front of a panel of top MIT and Harvard scientists - for them to scientifically refute his contention that naturalism origin of life theories and research have led nowhere - and, in fact - only contain conjecture and wild theories that hold no scientific facts to sustain their validity.

As previously posted, here are the basics of Dr. Tour's challenge to scientists who insist a naturalism explanation / mechanisms for origins of life either exists or can be discovered. As he says, they are clueless, unless they can answer his questions: But even more riveting, as well as shocking, is Dr. Tour's summary of the background of how the origin of life panel discussion came to be and how, during it, these top scientists ignored and failed to address his scientific challenges. And note, Tour ONLY speaks of scientific matters in his challenge to the panel:

Also, incredibly fascinating, Tour talks about some of the amazing research his teams are doing on cancer treatments and reducing carbon and energy costs.