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Why do Jehovah witnesses trust the Watchtower, since...

Posted: Wed Jan 25, 2023 8:40 pm
by Philip

Why would a Jehovah witness - or anyone else - ever trust the Watchtower organization, given that it has taught and changed key contradictory teachings, over and over?

See what you think:

Re: Why do Jehovah witnesses trust the Watchtower, since...

Posted: Fri Jan 27, 2023 2:59 pm
by Fliegender
The Watchtower Bible & Tract Society is very adept at pseudo-Christianity. Watchtower members use Christian terms, their theology is Christian-like and their followers are mostly well-groomed, polite and law-abiding citizens. They seem to be zealous for God to most people - seculars and Christians alike - looking at Witnesses from the outside. So, from a worldly perspective, Witnesses have a lot to recommend them: they are disciplined, neat, faithful, respectful and they know their “bible”. The same may be said about the Mormons and devout Muslims.

So to answer your question, Why would a Jehovah’s Witness - or anyone else - ever trust the Watchtower organization...? , it’s likely that many followers of this religion want to earn their own salvation and are comforted by the discipline inherent in all man-made religions. Follow the rules and your god will be happy with you.