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So, WHY do you think you are a Christian - are you REALLY saved?

Posted: Sat Jan 21, 2023 7:49 pm
by Philip

So, you call and consider yourself a Christian? But are you SURE about this?

Many don't realize that while they self-identify as a Christian, by the Bible's standards and what the New Testament says, they most certainly are NOT truly saved! Millions are merely cultural Christians. Oh, maybe they do believe in God - perhaps are, at best, a deist. They might even be very religious. Maybe they even believe Jesus is God's son. Maybe they are very moral people, compared to most. Maybe they go to church regularly. Or constantly do good and charitable works. But the New Testament books of the Bible teach that NONE of these things will bring a person to salvation or eternal life! WHAT, you say??? HOW is that possible - what am I missing, you ask? While we've not seen the study's methodology, the Cultural Research Center at Arizona Christian University did a survey not too long ago that revealed that 48 percent of respondents believe that doing enough good things / being a good person is what determines whether one goes to Heaven or not. Which really isn't surprising - as such false beliefs are so widespread. (See the survey here: ... he-gospel/) And yet, ACCORDING TO THE BIBLE, that is totally a false belief!

What does the Bible say about God's criteria for salvation?

Romans 10:9: "because, if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved."

While the above verse is certainly true, as to how one comes to salvation - is mere BELIEF in Christ enough to save a person? NO! The Bible says even demons believe and know exactly who Jesus is. In Acts 19, as unsaved Jewish exorcists were attempting to cast out evil spirits, one of the evil spirits answered them, saying, “Jesus I know, and Paul I recognize, but who are you?” James 2:19 tells us, "You believe that there is one God. Good! Even the demons believe that—and shudder."

So, if being good enough or mere belief in God / Jesus isn't what saves, what does it take? Well, let's look to the saved thief on the cross. He acknowledged his sins before Jesus, and his words revealed that his heart, mind and desire had changed toward God / Christ - as well as towards his own sins - as he also requested that Jesus remember him when He came into HIS Kingdom, and that he wanted to be with and follow Him. It other words, God's salvation is bestowed upon those of COMMITTED belief in their heart and mind to Jesus, while also believing that He is Who He says He is (GOD!), that believe in His Resurrection, and have acknowledged to Jesus that they desire, need and accept His salvation. And such a committed faith to Christ includes a desire that one is now forever His - that you desire to be owned by Jesus - that He is now your Lord, whom you intend to, as best you can, follow and obey. Now, once saved, this commitment and salvation does NOT mean you won't still struggle against sin - as ALL Christians will, as long as they still live on this earth. And, once saved, God also begins to change a person's heart and mind towards sin, with a desire to avoid it.

And once saved, you are FREE! A saved person is forgiven for all PAST, PRESENT and FUTURE sins. And NO one can ever earn / merit or be good enough for salvation - because it's a FREE gift from God that we receive by committing ourselves, through faith and belief, in and to Jesus. And salvation also doesn't mean a person won't still struggle with various doubts or sin - ALL Christians do and will continue to. But God will guide a Christian through their doubts, help them avoid and resist sin, to the degree they depend upon Him. God is bigger than we can ever imagine! When it comes to His salvation, HE does ALL of the heavy lifting we are incapable of. And He made salvation very EASY, for one with an open heart and mind, who is willing to commit themselves to Him - BECAUSE HE IS THE ONE THAT DOES THE SAVING! It's just that simple. In contrast, RELIGION is a great burden that is VERY hard - as it involves people doing stuff to try to please God, to earn salvation - which it can NEVER achieve! God is the one that makes salvation possible because HE is the one Who has done (at the Cross) all necessary for salvation! He suffered and died on that Cross for us - but we must accept and embrace His sacrifice, through faith and submitting ourselves to the Lord, by receiving Him into our hearts and minds and committing ourselves to Him. Salvation is just that simple! Can't be earned, but must be accepted and embraced!

Here are some more links to ponder:

Who can be saved?:

Illegitimate evidences of salvation: ... rue-faith/

False belief that other religions can also lead one to God and salvation: ... y-way.html

Heresies many believe about Jesus: ... eresy.html