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Why believe that the modern Bible canon is inspired by God?

Posted: Fri Sep 16, 2022 7:29 pm
by Seraph
Pretty self explanatory. Christianity makes the assumption that the Bible as we know it today (which differs in ways based upon your denomination) is the inerrant and inspired word of God. However the Bible has evolved many times throughout history and it was humans with political agendas who selected which books made the cut and which books didn’t. It was oftentimes for the sake of being consistent with previously established theology through a series of votes which served as the basis for which books were considered inspired and which books weren’t.

And then you have the issue of texts from other religions like that Vedas from Hinduism or the Tao te Ching from Taoism which claim to contain divinely inspired or cosmic knowledge as well. Not to mention the Quran in Islam, which in terms of content shares a lot of similarity with the Old Testament. Why aren’t these books inspired?

Why is the modern day (probably Protestant if you belong to this site) version of the Bible inspired by God while other claimed sacred texts are not?