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Not to kick a dead horse, but come on!

Posted: Tue Jul 28, 2020 9:01 pm
by edwardmurphy
This is just absurd. Please, make it stop...

Re: Not to kick a dead horse, but come on!

Posted: Wed Jul 29, 2020 1:09 am
by Kurieuo
I don't understand the racism there towards Stella. If she were a skinny white man with a white name like Tony or the like, then no matter how much he were wrong, I'm sure it'd be a different story I'm sure from such leftist media outlets.

Interestly Madonna approves.

Re: Not to kick a dead horse, but come on!

Posted: Wed Jul 29, 2020 5:50 am
by RickD
edwardmurphy wrote: Tue Jul 28, 2020 9:01 pm This is just absurd. Please, make it stop...
Make what stop?

Aliens? Crazy people?

I don’t know the first thing about hydroxychloroquine, and if it works or not. But there are other doctors who aren’t fruitcakes like this lady, and they swear by it. Could we maybe try discussing the efficacy of the drug, instead of just dismissing it just because a crackpot happens to promote it?

Re: Not to kick a dead horse, but come on!

Posted: Wed Jul 29, 2020 6:05 am
by edwardmurphy
Racism? Are you kidding me?

She's pushing hydroxychloroquine as a cure, even though it hasn't been shown to be beneficial and can be dangerous, and she's saying that masks aren't useful, even though they've been shown to be effective in slowing the spread of the virus, are inexpensive, and pose no risks to anyone. In other words, she's spreading dangerous misinformation. She also apparently believes that:
Many women suffer from astral sex regularly. Astral sex is the ability to project one’s spirit man into the victim’s body and have intercourse with it. This practice is very common amongst Satanists. They leave their physical bodies in a dormant state while they project their spirits into the body of whoever they want to have sex with.
That's a medical doctor saying that more often than not gynecological problems are caused by the afflicted woman having sex with a demon in her dreams. That's bat crap crazy.

So now, in addition to birthers, anti-vaxxers, and flat earthers to be exasperated by, we also have hydroxychloroquine truthers who insist that Fauchi is in the pocket of big vaccine and this is all just a hoax and the mask deniers having fits in grocery stores. And the President of the [love] United States of America is promoting that nonsense during a pandemic! That's insane! It's the kind of thing one might expect to see deep in the jungles of Papua New Guinea, where people still dabble in headhunting and cannibalism. It's not something one should hear from a medical doctor favored by the President of the United States, but here you are defending it, because of course you are.

Talk about TDS...

Re: Not to kick a dead horse, but come on!

Posted: Wed Jul 29, 2020 6:15 am
by edwardmurphy
RickD wrote: Wed Jul 29, 2020 5:50 amI don’t know the first thing about hydroxychloroquine, and if it works or not. But there are other doctors who aren’t fruitcakes like this lady, and they swear by it. Could we maybe try discussing the efficacy of the drug, instead of just dismissing it just because a crackpot happens to promote it?
The efficacy of the drug has been repeatedly tested all over the world. It didn't work.

I'm not rejecting the crazy lady's claim because she's crazy, I'm rejecting it because hydroxychloroquine has been studied and tested and found not to be helpful, much less a cure, (and to be dangerous for people with heart conditions).

That's it. It would have been super if it had solved all of our problems, but it didn't. When the thing that you were really hoping would work turns out to be a dud you can either move on or blindly cling to it no matter what. Trump has chosen the latter course. That's bad. The President needs to stop with the magical thinking and wish casting and put his full throated, unequivocal, unwavering support behind wearing masks and keeping our social circles small, because those things are actually effective.

Re: Not to kick a dead horse, but come on!

Posted: Wed Jul 29, 2020 6:34 am
by Kurieuo
edwardmurphy wrote: Wed Jul 29, 2020 6:15 am
RickD wrote: Wed Jul 29, 2020 5:50 amI don’t know the first thing about hydroxychloroquine, and if it works or not. But there are other doctors who aren’t fruitcakes like this lady, and they swear by it. Could we maybe try discussing the efficacy of the drug, instead of just dismissing it just because a crackpot happens to promote it?
The efficacy of the drug has been repeatedly tested all over the world. It didn't work.
It's funny to me how the media made this into a political issue.

Re: Not to kick a dead horse, but come on!

Posted: Wed Jul 29, 2020 7:23 am
by edwardmurphy
The media? No. Trump made it political.

If hydroxychloroquine had worked then it would have near universal political support, the media would be trumpeting its effectiveness, and the new issue would probably be a global shortage of the drug. It's a political issue because the President and his enablers insisted that it worked before it had been tested and clung to their faith in its efficacy long after it had been shown to have none. The same thing happened with masks, only in reverse. For a couple of months the experts have been saying that masks are a critical part of our containment strategy, but the President thinks wearing one makes him look weak so he and his allies have downplayed their effectiveness.

The Democrats recognized that when the President contradicts his experts, rejects science, and wish casts debunked miracle cures it leaves him open to political attack, so of course they attacked. The Never Trumpers also attacked. And the media, ranging from MSNBC to Fox News, reported the facts accurately. That wasn't an attack, but it may as well have been, since reality doesn't make the President look good at all.

Thus Trump's approval rating is -13 on the RCP polling aggregator (and -20 on pandemic response), and -15 on the FiveThirtyEight ticker, and 67% of people polled don't trust what he has to say on Covid.

Re: Not to kick a dead horse, but come on!

Posted: Wed Jul 29, 2020 6:32 pm
by Kurieuo
If Trump said the sky was blue, it'd become political. It's the media that hypes up the issues that you often link to.

Hydroxy is a viable medicine from what I've explored. That said, a person should always consult their doctor to be prescribed medicine since they all have side effects which may affect a very low percentage of people.

Re: Democrats, they are going to lose at the next election because you just can't win by defining your policies to be the opposite of whatever your opponent advocates and says. They don't stand for anything tangible that I can see right now. They're just a mess and supporting some pretty stupid policies. They're just going more and more extreme and from what I can tell, a lot of previously centrists who supported the Democrats are leaving. Often silently leaving to not receive any ire, and a lot of polls fail to get those who choose to remain silent.

Now call me crazy, but that's my own take. Any proof will be in the results of the next election.

Re: Not to kick a dead horse, but come on!

Posted: Thu Jul 30, 2020 1:55 am
by Kurieuo
edwardmurphy wrote: Wed Jul 29, 2020 6:05 am Racism? Are you kidding me?
While I might have been razzing, such is full of truth.

Why, out of all the doctors on that video now banned by tech oligarchs likes Facebook, Twitter and Youtube, was the black lady singled out by the mainstream left? Could it be because of their prejudices towards black African people? She has a hint of voodoo look to her? Witchcraft, or like? There were white doctors as well in the video.

So it seems racism of sorts is at play with Stella. Actual racism. And it's perpetrated by the leftist media to spin their own narrative and to mount an attack on Trump, ignoring the substance to her claims based upon some sort of genetic fallacy (association with certain superstitious beliefs black Africans are open to), ignoring the other doctors in the video for the more plump, black, African, "voodoo-looking" woman, who are promoting success of hydroxychloroquine in early COVID-19 stages.

Interestingly, the white guy, Anthony Fauci, who has flip-flopped and often advised wrongly, is put on a pedestal by the same.

Re: Not to kick a dead horse, but come on!

Posted: Thu Jul 30, 2020 7:28 am
by edwardmurphy
It seems to me that Stella took heat because 1) the President shared her inaccurate and dangerous claims about Covid and 2) he said that, although he didn't know anything about her, hers was a strong voice that we should be listening to, and 3) she believes that ovarian cysts are caused by astral sex with demons during dreams, alien DNA is being used in current medical treatments, and a variety of other crazy stuff.

Also, "voodoo looking"?


She looks like a doctor. Doctors can be female. Doctors can be Black. Doctors can have accents. The voodoo part doesn't come into play until she starts talking about lizard people and demon sex, at which point it's completely reasonable to wonder why the President of the United States is presenting this lunatic as an authority on Covid (and her guidance as an alternative to that of Fauchi, Birx, the CDC, etc).

Regarding Fauchi, throughout the pandemic he's been saying "Based on our best available knowledge this is what we should be doing..." If our best available knowledge changes, which is has, continuously, Fauchi updates guidance based on the new information. He's been criticized by some for not instantly knowing everything about a new virus, but he's still the most trusted voice by far specifically because most of us understand that he's doing his best to formulate a data driven response to the pandemic, while the President undercuts his efforts with his jealousy, narcissism, and ridiculous claims.

Re: Not to kick a dead horse, but come on!

Posted: Fri Jul 31, 2020 4:57 am
by RickD
Ed wrote:
while the President undercuts his efforts with his jealousy, narcissism, and ridiculous claims.

Re: Not to kick a dead horse, but come on!

Posted: Fri Jul 31, 2020 7:48 am
by edwardmurphy


the available body of facts or information indicating whether a belief or proposition is true or valid.
"the study finds little evidence of overt discrimination"
The administration put out talking points attacking Fauci. Trump openly complained about how everybody likes Fauci but nobody likes him. When Fauci was invited to throw the opening pitch at a Yankees game Trump falsely claimed that he'd also been asked but that he couldn't due to a scheduling conflict. It's all public record.

Re: Not to kick a dead horse, but come on!

Posted: Fri Jul 31, 2020 8:13 am
by DBowling
edwardmurphy wrote: Fri Jul 31, 2020 7:48 am It's all public record.
Who cares...

Re: Not to kick a dead horse, but come on!

Posted: Fri Jul 31, 2020 9:21 am
by RickD
DBowling wrote: Fri Jul 31, 2020 8:13 am
edwardmurphy wrote: Fri Jul 31, 2020 7:48 am It's all public record.
Who cares...
Very good. The first step is admitting that you have a problem...

Re: Not to kick a dead horse, but come on!

Posted: Fri Jul 31, 2020 1:27 pm
by edwardmurphy
And you're clearly not ready to do that.