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Re: Remember: "Legal Pot Will Prevent Crime and Be Taxed!"

Posted: Tue Apr 10, 2018 3:35 pm
by JButler
The FDA and DEA have been actively campaigning for MORE money and more employees. To justify this they've created crisis upon crisis that really don't exist. The media has been happy to support the spread of the propaganda. Since Trump got elected the two agencies have cranked up the volume to the point they got Trump to declare an opiate emergency. They hoodwinked Trump with lies. Here's an example how they do it: the FDA lumps ALL deaths from heroin and like drugs into the bucket with prescription overdose (alleged). This jacks up the numbers big time because there are not that many prescription opiate deaths. They have to lie because if they told the truth they would be out of a job.
The only "crisis" is the one the DEA and FDA created.

Here's the truth: since the big crackdown started 7-8 years ago the number of heroin deaths has skyrocketed. The DEA even put out a news release about how they were puzzled by rising heroin deaths. Plus the Mexican Mafia has been getting richer. Heroin is cheaper and easier to obtain than prescription medication so people seek out the drug dealers.

To top it off the increasing restrictions on legit painkillers is really pushing the effort for legal marijuana hard. Now you know what's driving that bus.

I'm so glad Big Govt is looking out for my safety and meanwhile millions of pain sufferers don't get relief they need because doctors are afraid of being arrested by the FDA and DEA.