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Posted: Tue Jun 20, 2017 9:53 am
by Philip
Is Chicago on the brink of being the U.S. Venezuela? What policies are not working that they should change? If it gets bad enough, could the Feds take over? Detroit's in a similar boat. ... -safe.html

Re: Chicagoland!

Posted: Tue Jun 20, 2017 10:20 am
by RickD
Philip wrote:Is Chicago on the brink of being the U.S. Venezuela? What policies are not working that they should change? If it gets bad enough, could the Feds take over? Detroit's in a similar boat. ... -safe.html
Foxnews isn't a reliable source for news.*

*In before edwardmurphy.

Re: Chicagoland!

Posted: Tue Jun 20, 2017 12:58 pm
by Philip
OK, Ricardo - don't shoot the messenger, eh? Just to make our progressive friends know it's not "fake" news - here we go with CNBC's take on the unfolding disaster in Chicago: ... pitol.html

Too conservative for him? :lol:

Re: Chicagoland!

Posted: Tue Jun 20, 2017 1:25 pm
by edwardmurphy
Being on FOX doesn't automatically make a story false. They're not always lying, just often.

Re: Chicagoland!

Posted: Tue Jun 20, 2017 2:33 pm
by RickD
edwardmurphy wrote:Being on FOX doesn't automatically make a story false. They're not always lying, just often.

Re: Chicagoland!

Posted: Thu Jun 22, 2017 6:41 pm
by B. W.
Obama care is imploding...

Re: Chicagoland!

Posted: Thu Jun 22, 2017 6:48 pm
by B. W.
Nancy Pelosi repeats words,often calls Trump Bush, then often garbles speech, talks in circles...

Re: Chicagoland!

Posted: Thu Jun 22, 2017 10:22 pm
by edwardmurphy
B.W. pops into a thread about Chicago to ramble about Obamacare and Nanci Pelosi as if he's as senile as he says she is...

Also, Obamacare was never perfect, but if it implodes it's because the Republicans have spent the last 8 years doing everything in their power to break so that they could call it broken. The supposedly liberal media lets them get away with that talking point without ever bothering to point out the cynicism and hypocrisy.

Re: Chicagoland!

Posted: Fri Jun 23, 2017 10:35 am
by B. W.
edwardmurphy wrote:B.W. pops into a thread about Chicago to ramble about Obamacare and Nanci Pelosi as if he's as senile as he says she is...

Also, Obamacare was never perfect, but if it implodes it's because the Republicans have spent the last 8 years doing everything in their power to break so that they could call it broken. The supposedly liberal media lets them get away with that talking point without ever bothering to point out the cynicism and hypocrisy.
As Illinois goes - so will California... soon America...

I posted these as examples on the results of liberal progressive new Marxist group think has where allow to progress...

Collapse and confusion... and blame games ...

Obama Care was passed in the dead of night without Republican allowed to debate it. It was rammed down the collective throat of America without the GOP as the DEM's were in complete power. The GOP did nothing to stop it nor could they.

Obama care --


No, Obama care did not fail due to the GOP but rather to how it was designed to fail and usher in a single payer system, long lines, and new method to scare voters to vote for the DEM's in every election while not delivering health care at all...

It is a bad bill and will bankrupt America too and as America goes the way of Illinois with the likes of Nanci Pelosi telling everyone the need to pass Obama Care to see what is in it... Yep...

Made my point...

Re: Chicagoland!

Posted: Fri Jun 23, 2017 11:35 am
by RickD
B. W. is correct, in the idea that Obamacare was designed to fail. The ultimate goal was a one payer, government controlled health care system. Hillary would've continued to reach that goal. Now that she failed to get in office, the whole plan is not going to happen at this time.

The US is not Sweden or Great Britain, or Canada.

Re: Chicagoland!

Posted: Mon Jun 26, 2017 7:57 am
by Hortator
RickD wrote:B. W. is correct, in the idea that Obamacare was designed to fail. The ultimate goal was a one payer, government controlled health care system. Hillary would've continued to reach that goal. Now that she failed to get in office, the whole plan is not going to happen at this time.

The US is not Sweden or Great Britain, or Canada.
Exactly. Not to dredge up ancient history, but single-payer was Obama's priority #1 as newly elected President in 2009. He threw as much political capital as he could into that dream: the presidential honeymoon period, the majority Democratic house and senate, and the general optimistic populism support of his base.

Fast forward several months, the first draft fails. Not deterred, Obama redrafts a new proposal that was "less radical". The ACA. The reason ACA is bad is because.....ACA is bad. By design, it was intended to fail. In the shadow of defeat, when people lose their coverage, they will cry out for a government solution to their government problem (when will we learn?) and it's hello single-payer!

Obama signaled long before his presidency that he wanted single-payer. While he was a professor, and I think even during his quiet years as a Senator. So if you don't think Obama didn't want single-payer....I have some seaside real estate in Arizona to sell you.

Re: Chicagoland!

Posted: Mon Jun 26, 2017 8:13 am
by Stu
edwardmurphy wrote:B.W. pops into a thread about Chicago to ramble about Obamacare and Nanci Pelosi as if he's as senile as he says she is...

Also, Obamacare was never perfect, but if it implodes it's because the Republicans have spent the last 8 years doing everything in their power to break so that they could call it broken. The supposedly liberal media lets them get away with that talking point without ever bothering to point out the cynicism and hypocrisy.
Obamacare about to fail, liberals blame it on Republicans :pound:

Re: Chicagoland!

Posted: Mon Jun 26, 2017 9:05 am
by edwardmurphy
Republicans have been working tirelessly for the last 8 years to erode confidence, limit implementation, and strip away funding. Now that Sideshow Don is in charge they can actively break the ACA while further eroding confidence.

But no, none of that is a factor, because the ACA was designed to fail so that a completely discredited Democratic Party could somehow pull single-payer out of the ashes. That makes complete sense and isn't a stupid theory at all.

Well, whatever. Sit cozy in your bubble listening to your misinformation while your political party of choice [love] you over in favor of the money elite. Grats on your win.

Re: Chicagoland!

Posted: Mon Jun 26, 2017 9:15 am
by Philip
One thing that has been a seismic shift in the views of the U.S. masses concerning healthcare - and that is, that "it should be a right and EVERYONE should be FULLY covered." Particularly, the younger people are, the more people tend to see the issue like that. But something has to give - you can't simply take on vast millions into the system, without enough people fully supporting the cost of it. Other thing - especially young and healthy people - you don't need health coverage that means every time you sneeze, stub your toe or have a simple virus you can go to the doctor. For those poor, of lessor means, of dire financial circumstances, they should be covered by supplemental care for more serious or emergency issues. While full coverage for everyone would be fantastic - they money to do so simply isn't there. As well, go to places that have nationalized healthcare for everyone, and there are huge waiting lists of all kinds of routine procedures. And the other issue - the economy has been brutal for going on 10 years - the cost to employers for funding healthcare to their employees means some must choose between hiring people or not - as they can't afford the insurance cost.