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Alien Civilizations Search

Posted: Thu Sep 24, 2015 8:54 pm
by Philip
Doesn't appear that anyone's out there? ... =obnetwork

Least not in the "neighborhood." y:-?

Re: Alien Civilizations Search

Posted: Fri Sep 25, 2015 2:34 am
by Disciplical
I honestly don't believe there's alien life out there. We constantly hear conflicting stories from the "experts" regarding the subject and that gives me the impression no one really knows what to think. According to some, if there were alien life out there, we would already know about it because they'd have contacted us by now. According to others, it is mathematically proven that alien life does exist somewhere else in the universe.

I think the implications of discovering alien life would be profound on the Earth's religions, including Christianity. I personally would find it hard to reconcile the Bible's messages to include extraterrestrial life.

Re: Alien Civilizations Search

Posted: Fri Sep 25, 2015 6:21 am
by PaulSacramento
Nothing in the bible states that there is no other life outside this world, far from that actually as there were other forms of life BEFORE this world was created ( Angelic beings).
We have so much to fix here that it seems a bit premature to worry about "out there".

Re: Alien Civilizations Search

Posted: Fri Sep 25, 2015 6:32 am
by Philip
I can tell you what drives an awful lot of those who believe there MUST be alien life somewhere in our universe: Belief in Evolution - and SPECIFICALLY, those who believe in evolution as a totally blind, Godless process that began and proceeded by pure dumb chance. And thus, also the belief that if the temperatures and some basic conditions are right, and if there's been a consistent water source on some planet, then, "as it happened HERE, it's inconceivable that it didn't happen somewhere else." There is so much naivete that this (GODLESS evolution) could have happened. And NASA is playing such belief like a pro to the public, always seeking funding for various research and "a search for life." You know, "well, if Mars had water, then it very well might have had some type of life forms, etc. And the vast majority of the public has no clue of the vast array of complex components that must be in play to SUSTAIN life, much less to BEGIN it without a Beginner.

Funny, scientists always talk in terms of alien life that would likely be highly advanced in technology, etc., simply because it may have existed long before us. It's as if they think this incredible "miracle" of life forming here is like some "Genesis" tape that would have inevitably been played elsewhere as well. So, it's always a discussion of advanced intelligent life, instead of mere sponges and very primitive life. Actually, that's a thought - maybe some alien life is a whole lot like the world of Sponge Bob. :lol:

Re: Alien Civilizations Search

Posted: Fri Sep 25, 2015 6:42 am
by Philip
Paul: Nothing in the bible states that there is no other life outside this world, far from that actually as there were other forms of life BEFORE this world was created ( Angelic beings).
True! And, as I'm fond of saying, God is an ETERNAL Being Who has ALWAYS existed. Being creative is one of His attributes. Are we to believe He ONLY Created during one "week" (HOWEVER long) for ALL "time?" How many untold physical realities might He have previously created - that may or may NOT still exist? What has He created in other dimensions? Etc. Is it realistic to think that this universe and this life is the ONLY PHYSICAL reality God has EVER created in Eternity past? Maybe. Maybe not. MAYBE we are the only PHYSICAL beings in THIS universe. God never had a beginning and He's always had a creative nature - so, I wonder how there could ever have been a FIRST thing He created - think about THAT one when you're trying to get to sleep.

It is also likely, that IF there are other beings in our universe, that God has dealt with them, that we will never physically come into contact or meaningfully communicate with them - due to the vast distances. Which may be why God has not revealed such things to us - kind of, out of sight, out of mind, mostly irrelevant - at least as to how that might ever impact us.

Re: Alien Civilizations Search

Posted: Fri Sep 25, 2015 6:58 am
by RickD
I'm still convinced, that somewhere in this vast universe, there's a world where men and women live, and the men AREN'T wrong.

Re: Alien Civilizations Search

Posted: Fri Sep 25, 2015 7:10 am
by EssentialSacrifice
I'm still convinced, that somewhere in this vast universe, ... you had me ...

there's a world where men and women live, ... you had me ...

and the men AREN'T wrong... nope ... nope nope nope ... you lost me ... :pound:

Re: Alien Civilizations Search

Posted: Fri Sep 25, 2015 7:51 am
by melanie
Disciplical said
According to some, if there were alien life out there, we would already know about it because they'd have contacted us by now.
Like what is estimated worldwide to be since the 1950's 100 million ufo sightings and millions of people who claim to have had alien encounters. The classified government files from many countries that have been declassified and made public that only deepen this mystery due to the serious nature and inquests that governments have conducted into this.
The countless testimonies from multiple witnesses, the most credible being those from the military and pilots.

Wish they would just let someone know they are out there!! :ebiggrin:

I'm not speculating here the nature of the phenomenon; inter-planetary, inter-dimensional, demonic but even if you take a large slice off for crackpots there still leaves far too many people with credible accounts with multiple witnesses to dismiss what is still millions of encounters.

Re: Alien Civilizations Search

Posted: Fri Sep 25, 2015 9:42 am
by RickD
True story...I don't share this too often, but when I was younger, I was driving through the mountains of New Hampshire, when I got a glimpse of something that looked to be coming out of the sky. It was a bright light, but going too slowly to be a meteorite. It looked to be landing, not falling. Anyways, it was close enough to me, that I went to take a look. I pulled around a bend on the mountain road, and I could see the light ahead in a clearing. So I parked the truck, and went over to where the light was coming from. I could only describe it as a very sleek looking kind of aircraft. When I approached, there seemed to be a door open, with a glow being emitted from inside. I carefully looked around, and it seemed safe, almost a hypnotizing, calming effect. So I looked inside. And then I saw the most enlightening thing I've ever seen. Inside this "space ship" was what seemed like an infinite number of unmatched socks. Then it dawned on me...all the socks we've ever lost in the clothes dryer, were stolen by aliens!

One of life's mysteries solved...

Re: Alien Civilizations Search

Posted: Fri Sep 25, 2015 9:44 am
by PaulSacramento
RickD wrote:True story...I don't share this too often, but when I was younger, I was driving through the mountains of New Hampshire, when I got a glimpse of something that looked to be coming out of the sky. It was a bright light, but going too slowly to be a meteorite. It looked to be landing, not falling. Anyways, it was close enough to me, that I went to take a look. I pulled around a bend on the mountain road, and I could see the light ahead in a clearing. So I parked the truck, and went over to where the light was coming from. I could only describe it as a very sleek looking kind of aircraft. When I approached, there seemed to be a door open, with a glow being emitted from inside. I carefully looked around, and it seemed safe, almost a hypnotizing, calming effect. So I looked inside. And then I saw the most enlightening thing I've ever seen. Inside this "space ship" was what seemed like an infinite number of unmatched socks. Then it dawned on me...all the socks we've ever lost in the clothes dryer, were stolen by aliens!

One of life's mysteries solved...
I knew there was a rational and logical explanation !

Re: Alien Civilizations Search

Posted: Fri Sep 25, 2015 11:36 am
by RickD
All this talk about ufo's has put me in the mood for some classic Boston. Here's Hitch a Ride. And please don't shut it off until the guitar solo is over. :guitar: