I'z got some splanin to do

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I'z got some splanin to do

Post by HappyFlappyTheist »

Yes! I am a Christian. i've seen some of you wondering so I thought i'd clear the air. Very boring testimony but i've been asked to share it, so share it I shall.

I've already gone over my past in the questioning deism thread so I'll start splanin from 3 months back +.

I can't really stress this enough, I did not come here seeking to convince myself of the Christian faith; more than anything I came here to strengthen my deistic beliefs through reminding myself of the absurdities of the Christian religion. Deism was a form of "idon'tcarism" for me personally. It was more than anything a way to justify my disbelief in an infinitely regress-able universe while at the same time not bonding me with religious dogma I viewed as absurd. Deism seemed the most logical solution to the great question, but I suppose it had it's logical flaws. Questions did sporadically arise when I thought of my beliefs, the chief of those namely being "why did fred do this?" I did believe that doubt could be overcome through exposing myself further to the absurd alternatives; obviously, that did not happen.

Deism is illogical to me now; jac did a good job of exposing some major flaws in my deistic philosophy. It got me thinking. Admittedly, reading through the 'proof' of the illogical nature of deism according to jac based on my own flawed logic was not enough, it simply rung in my head that me being a physics major who's taken a single philosophy class could not adequately and fairly debate the subject. The problem was, as I found from further reading, there really is no 'good' way to defend deism. It's an illogical belief system. It does not make logical sense.

It's a downward slope from here. Deism is illogical. Seeing as I cannot justify the infinite universe (also how I am a firm believer in the big bang theory), but at the same time find deism illogical, theism reared it's beautiful head.

Judaism seemed to lack true sense of relationship, that's crossed off the list (it's not a very appealing religion either). Islam was founded by a bloodthirsty, pedophile; that's off the list. Mormonism is a historical stand up comedy skit; off the list. Buddhism seemed to similar to deism; off the list. My sister in law's naturism/paganism, again, is just a cheap form of deism; off da list. Christianity does pack a pretty good historical sucker punch thus seeming the most appealing when coupled with it's very theistic,relational theology, and powerful way of changing lives (as seen through the "what is faith to you?" and this testimony forum) but it still had many issues I had to remedy somehow. I could not (still cannot fully) believe in much of genesis, even taking it as 'poetic language.'

So nothing seems perfect logically at this point, but what the heck I was raised catholic, let's give the front runner another try. So I gave it another try.

I tried sincerely praying to yahyew for the first time in many moons, it was very comforting, indeed a terrific feeling of love and joy. I felt compelled to attempt to return to my childhood faith. I went to confession (where I promptly accidentally cut in front of a crippled old lady) and received absolution for the first time in nigh 3 years. It was very incredible experience, like a boulder was tossed off my back into the ocean. I received the sacrament of the holy eucharist, something I don't think I've ever done with the appreciation of what it truly is ever before. This was the "breaking point" if there was one at all. I know what this love I feel is. I know where this feeling of joy, love and acceptance comes from. I know it's real and I never wish to turn away again. I think I stayed on my knees crying ( 6'2 215 pound man crying) for the rest of the mass not ever wanting to leave the state of prayer I was in. In hindsight I guess this would be that "blowing of trumpets of the holy spirit entering me" event I didn't think actually happened for a while after.

I waited 3 months before informing others (besides jac, who really helped me along by the way) because it'd be a bit disheartening to some I'm sure if my expectations came through that this was just an emotional rollercoaster, not a true case of belief, and this faith simply faded away. 3 months in i'm well aware it's not going anywhere for the rest of my life, thus why it is shared will all now y>:D<

The love of all here, guided by Christ, is a major reason I re-explored my faith and found such an amazing gift that i'll be sure to cherish forever.
Christ is an will always be my savior and my dearest friend. That's what I know for certain now.

God is great :amen:

Last edited by HappyFlappyTheist on Fri Jul 24, 2015 7:46 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: I'z got some splanin to do

Post by RickD »

Wait! Are you telling me that Jac played a major role in your coming to Catholicism? :shock:

Sounds like Jac's got some splainin to do!!!

All half kidding/half seriousness aside, I'm glad this forum played a role in your coming to Christ!

It just shows, that despite what some here say, logic plays a large part in helping to bring some people to a saving faith in Christ.

Thanks for sharing HappyFlappyTheist!!
John 5:24
24 “Truly, truly, I say to you, he who hears My word, and believes Him who sent Me, has eternal life, and does not come into judgment, but has passed out of death into life.

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Re: I'z got some splanin to do

Post by Kurieuo »

I must say I'm a little disappointed. I thought you'd have become a true Christian. Not one of those Catholic ones. ;) :poke:
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Re: I'z got some splanin to do

Post by neo-x »

HappyFlappyDeist wrote:Yes! I am a Christian. i've seen some of you wondering so I thought i'd clear the air. Very boring testimony but i've been asked to share it, so share it I shall.

I've already gone over my past in the questioning deism thread so I'll start splanin from 3 months back +.

I can't really stress this enough, I did not come here seeking to convince myself of the Christian faith; more than anything I came here to strengthen my deistic beliefs through reminding myself of the absurdities of the Christian religion. Deism was a form of "idon'tcarism" for me personally. It was more than anything a way to justify my disbelief in an infinitely regress-able universe while at the same time not bonding me with religious dogma I viewed as absurd. Deism seemed the most logical solution to the great question, but I suppose it had it's logical flaws. Questions did sporadically arise when I thought of my beliefs, the chief of those namely being "why did fred do this?" I did believe that doubt could be overcome through exposing myself further to the absurd alternatives; obviously, that did not happen.

Deism is illogical to me now; jac did a good job of exposing some major flaws in my deistic philosophy. It got me thinking. Admittedly, reading through the 'proof' of the illogical nature of deism according to jac based on my own flawed logic was not enough, it simply rung in my head that me being a physics major who's taken a single philosophy class could not adequately and fairly debate the subject. The problem was, as I found from further reading, there really is no 'good' way to defend deism. It's an illogical belief system. It does not make logical sense.

It's a downward slope from here. Deism is illogical. Seeing as I cannot justify the infinite universe (also how I am a firm believer in the big bang theory), but at the same time find deism illogical, theism reared it's beautiful head.

Judaism seemed to lack true sense of relationship, that's crossed off the list (it's not a very appealing religion either). Islam was founded by a bloodthirsty, pedophile; that's off the list. Mormonism is a historical stand up comedy skit; off the list. Buddhism seemed to similar to deism; off the list. My sister in law's naturism/paganism, again, is just a cheap form of deism; off da list. Christianity does pack a pretty good historical sucker punch thus seeming the most appealing when coupled with it's very theistic,relational theology, and powerful way of changing lives (as seen through the "what is faith to you?" and this testimony forum) but it still had many issues I had to remedy somehow. I could not (still cannot fully) believe in much of genesis, even taking it as 'poetic language.'

So nothing seems perfect logically at this point, but what the heck I was raised catholic, let's give the front runner another try. So I gave it another try.

I tried sincerely praying to yahyew for the first time in many moons, it was very comforting, indeed a terrific feeling of love and joy. I felt compelled to attempt to return to my childhood faith. I went to confession (where I promptly accidentally cut in front of a crippled old lady) and received absolution for the first time in nigh 3 years. It was very incredible experience, like a boulder was tossed off my back into the ocean. I received the sacrament of the holy eucharist, something I don't think I've ever done with the appreciation of what it truly is ever before. This was the "breaking point" if there was one at all. I know what this love I feel is. I know where this feeling of joy, love and acceptance comes from. I know it's real and I never wish to turn away again. I think I stayed on my knees crying ( 6'2 215 pound man crying) for the rest of the mass not ever wanting to leave the state of prayer I was in. In hindsight I guess this would be that "blowing of trumpets of the holy spirit entering me" event I didn't think actually happened for a while after.

I waited 3 months before informing others (besides jac, who really helped me along by the way) because it'd be a bit disheartening to some I'm sure if my expectations came through that this was just an emotional rollercoaster, not a true case of belief, and this faith simply faded away. 3 months in i'm well aware it's not going anywhere for the rest of my life, thus why it is shared will all now y>:D<

The love of all here, guided by Christ, are a major reason I re-explored my faith and found such an amazing gift that i'll be sure to cherish forever.
Christ is an will always be my savior and my dearest friend. That's what I know for certain now.

God is great :amen:


It's almost 12 and i'm tired, spellcheck/grammar check will have to wait for another day.
Its a beautiful testimony, God bless you.
It would be a blessing if they missed the cairns and got lost on the way back. Or if
the Thing on the ice got them tonight.

I could only turn and stare in horror at the chief surgeon.
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Re: I'z got some splanin to do

Post by 1over137 »

y>:D< I will be happy to change your name. What that would be?
HappyFlappyTheist? Or HappyFlappyChristian?
:wave: y>:D<
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Re: I'z got some splanin to do

Post by melanie »

Great to hear Happy!
Thanks for sharing
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Re: I'z got some splanin to do

Post by Storyteller »


How totally and utterly wonderful!

I had tears of joy running down my cheeks reading that :)
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Re: I'z got some splanin to do

Post by EssentialSacrifice »

I went to confession (where I promptly accidentally cut in front of a crippled old lady) and received absolution for the first time in nigh 3 years. It was very incredible experience, like a boulder was tossed off my back into the ocean. I received the sacrament of the holy eucharist, something I don't think I've ever done with the appreciation of what it truly is ever before. This was the "breaking point" if there was one at all. I know what this love I feel is. I know where this feeling of joy, love and acceptance comes from. I know it's real and I never wish to turn away again. I think I stayed on my knees crying ( 6'2 215 pound man crying) for the rest of the mass not ever wanting to leave the state of prayer I was in. In hindsight I guess this would be that "blowing of trumpets of the holy spirit entering me" event I didn't think actually happened for a while after.

actually HFT, I would say it's the "Gabriel" version of "blowing the trumpet" :D I am very very glad for your return. This is, as it seems to me, is our Protestant friends' calling, "born again" All the feeling, all the sincerity all the emotional responses all the root integrity are... all the same, in a sacramental way. Congratulations on your rediscovery by God on your behalf. Look forward to your 'New Wine" participation. :good:

Wait! Are you telling me that Jac played a major role in your coming to Catholicism? :shock:
This just goes to show you how good Jac actually is. Without knowing or caring, without even trying, he guided well :clap: :ebiggrin:
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Re: I'z got some splanin to do

Post by melanie »

@Jac, I know how humbly you would take Happy's turnaround and your role in it but kudos to you!
Wish we had a fist pump smilie
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Re: I'z got some splanin to do

Post by RickD »

Wait! Are you telling me that Jac played a major role in your coming to Catholicism? :shock:

ES wrote:
This just goes to show you how good Jac actually is. Without knowing or caring, without even trying, he guided well :clap: :ebiggrin:
Jac thought he was guiding the sheep into the pen. But when The Shepherd(Jac) wasn't looking, the damn sheep did a 180, and jumped off the cliff!

Jac should have been paying better attention to the sheep, instead of texting while shepherding!
John 5:24
24 “Truly, truly, I say to you, he who hears My word, and believes Him who sent Me, has eternal life, and does not come into judgment, but has passed out of death into life.

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Re: I'z got some splanin to do

Post by EssentialSacrifice »

meh, in the pen, off the cliff ... sheep are sheep, it's how you care for them that counts ;)

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Trust the past to God’s mercy, the present to God’s love, and the future to God’s providence. -St Augustine
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Re: I'z got some splanin to do

Post by 1over137 »

Storyteller wrote:HFD,

How totally and utterly wonderful!

I had tears of joy running down my cheeks reading that :)
I had goosebumps.

Happy goosebumps. :mrgreen:
But examine everything carefully; hold fast to that which is good.
-- 1 Thessalonians 5:21

For I am confident of this very thing, that He who began a good work in you will perfect it until the day of Christ Jesus.
-- Philippians 1:6

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Re: I'z got some splanin to do

Post by abelcainsbrother »

Awesome! My advice is to develop a relationship with Jesus more than anybody else.Keep focused on Jesus,not man,a priest,preacher,minister,etc.Make Jesus your #1 focus also get you a bible and read it.
Hebrews 12:2-3 Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith;who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross,despising the shame,and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God.

2nd Corinthians 4:4 In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not,lest the light of this glorious gospel of Christ,who is the image of God,should shine unto them.
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Re: I'z got some splanin to do

Post by Jac3510 »

I don't know how I missed this thrad but I just now saw it. HFT had told me of his conversion some time ago via PM, but not the full extent of it. That's a beautiful testimony. Thank you for sharing. Obviously I think and say that you credit me too much. You were honest with yourself and with your beliefs, and it seems to me that you are still being honest with yourself and your beliefs (and we all know that I missed that at first!). That is the truly hard part. Just goes to prove that those who seek . . .

I sincerely thank you for sharing. Welcome to the family. And I won't even make any of those Catholic jokes! (I'm sure you know it's all well meaning ribbing ;)).

God bless, haps! :cloud9:
Proinsias wrote:I don't think you are hearing me. Preference for ice cream is a moral issue
And that, brothers and sisters, is the kind of foolishness you get people who insist on denying biblical theism. A good illustration of any as the length people will go to avoid acknowledging basic truths.
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