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"An Apologetic for Apologetics"

Posted: Mon Jun 04, 2012 2:55 pm
by Philip
Philippians 1:16: “The latter DO IT OUT OF LOVE, knowing that I AM PUT HERE FOR THE DEFENSE OF THE GOSPEL.”

Much of God's Church, has, historically, done a very poor job of answering many of the key questions common to unbelievers (about God, the Creation, Jesus, the Bible, etc.), many of which God could AND DOES powerfully use those providing available answers so as to break common roadblocks to belief. Such is the very nature of apologetics, and is in fact much of the thrust of this very website.

But many in the Church do not at all understand the importance of apologetics, often and unfortunately thinking of it as merely being a pursuit of Christian intellectuals and/or geeks. Many also fail to realize the faith-building power of studying apologetics FOR CHRISTIANS. So apologetics power can open many important understandings about God to both believers and unbelievers.

Renowned conservative theologian Norman Geisler has written an excellent short defense of the great importance of Christians utilizing (and how we are COMMANDED to use) apologetics, titled, "An Apologetic for Apologetics." Read it on his website at: ... getics.htm

Geisler's article addresses the following points:

I. Objections to Defending the Faith: Biblical and Extra-Biblical

A. Objections to Apologetics from Within the Bible

I. Objections to Defending the Faith: Biblical and Extra-Biblical

2. Jesus Refused to do Signs for Evil Men

3. Paul Was Unsuccessful In His Use of Reason on Mars Hill and Later Discarded the Approach

4. Only Faith, not Reason, Can Please God

B. Objections to Apologetics from Outside the Bible

3. You Can't Prove God or Christianity by Reason

4. No One is Persuaded of Religious Truths by Reason

II. The Reasons for the Need to Defend the Faith

A. God Commands the Use of Reason

B. Reason Demands It

C. The World Needs It

D. Results Confirm It

1. The Conversion of St. Augustine

2. The Conversion of Frank Morrison

3. The Conversion of Simon Greenleaf

4. The Results of Debates

5. The Results of Reading Apologetic Writings

Re: "An Apologetic for Apologetics"

Posted: Mon Jun 04, 2012 6:47 pm
by B. W.
Thank for link Philip...

Very Good...

Re: "An Apologetic for Apologetics"

Posted: Tue Jun 05, 2012 7:55 am
by PaulSacramento
There are quite a few good apologetic books out there.
I do think that first a person should get a good grasp of Theology and Alaister Mcgrath has an excellent one called "Theology, an introduction"
After that I find that it is best to find a theme/topic that one likes and focus on that.
Also it is crucial to read and study the OTHER side too.

Re: "An Apologetic for Apologetics"

Posted: Tue Jun 05, 2012 8:12 am
by B. W.
PaulSacramento wrote:There are quite a few good apologetic books out there.
I do think that first a person should get a good grasp of Theology and Alaister Mcgrath has an excellent one called "Theology, an introduction"
After that I find that it is best to find a theme/topic that one likes and focus on that.
Also it is crucial to read and study the OTHER side too.
"... best to find a theme/topic that one likes and focus on that... look at the other side too.."

That is my opinion as well because from that one topic a person will become grounded and readt for the next.

Lee Strobel uses that approach in his book per chapter entitled - The Case for Faith

Good read for those interested...

Re: "An Apologetic for Apologetics"

Posted: Sat Jun 09, 2012 6:38 am
by Philip
Yes, the Strobel books are very good. I especially recommend his "Searching for the Real Jesus" - it includes some very enlightening interview comments from scholars relating to the inerrancy issue.