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End times and atheists

Posted: Wed May 23, 2012 2:29 pm
Hey everyone,

I was curious in regards to bible prophecy, end times, the antichrist, the illuminati, the coming one world government and so on, where do atheists fit into all of this? One would easily think as much as they have been in the public spotlight since the mid 00s you would think the world's elite and the coming antichrist are using them for some sort of evil purpose. I just wonder what the exact connection is with atheists and end times. If anyone has any inside info please let me know. Thank you all for your time. God bless.

Re: End times and atheists

Posted: Wed May 23, 2012 2:44 pm
by jlay
Why would an atheist be any more of an issue than say a Muslim, Hindu, or Buddhist?
Not sure how unbelief is really different than wrong belief.

Re: End times and atheists

Posted: Wed May 23, 2012 3:01 pm
Well it's namely where they are so attractive among teens to young adults. Another thing that really convinces me that they will have a role to play in end times events is where many of them are on board with some of the many globalist elite causes such as environmentalism and global warming extremism.

I have the feeling many of them in the future will certainly be on board with creating a cashless one world currency as well as being for a world wide individual monitoring system like the rfid chip implantation. Because for one they tend to love anything that appears to be rich in technology and anything that will be a problem for Christians.

Since they are already taking some of the current bait from the world's elite (global warming) I find it easy to believe they will be on board with all the rest when it becomes available.

Re: End times and atheists

Posted: Wed May 23, 2012 7:53 pm
by Ivellious
Sounds like a whole lot of baseless speculation more than anything. I don't know of any statistics that back anything that you've said, so once again, why would an atheist be more dangerous in your opinion than a buddist?

Re: End times and atheists

Posted: Mon Aug 13, 2012 3:53 am
by 1stjohn0666
Atheists fit into the bible and I think some can be saved. There are people of one faith who give another person of a different faith or even denomination quite a stir. Here is a nice link ... ohell.html I also believe that Muslims, Buddhists...etc. can be saved to. I'd even go as far to say that Hitler may very well be a saved man. Who knows but God. But those people love to help God out with his judging.

Re: End times and atheists

Posted: Sat May 11, 2013 6:00 am
by luigi
1 John 2:22 KJ says: "Who is a liar but he that denieth that Jesus is the Christ? He is antichrist , that denieth the Father and the Son."

By definition what John describes is that atheists who deny both the Father and the Son constitute antichrists, and are therefore synonymous.