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What makes you and I different with God?

Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2012 8:01 pm
Why is it so hard to stay on the path of purity after accepting God as your Savior?
Whatever age you are when you find and accept God and Jesus in your life is your start of a new life, a new living, a rebirth of your soul. You have been cleansed of all sins and light is now shining through your heart. You feel new and different when you accept God to run your life. Some people have jumped for joy and some have fainted. Whatever your experience will be or has been, God is the director and plans have been made for you since the day of your birth, so don’t expect to react the same as the next person you may have witnessed accepting Jesus in their lives. Your reaction and emotions may be just a smile and possibly a blood rush through your entire body like a wave just washed you.
Everyone is different and it must be the deep inner pockets of life I call it, that makes us different. Most of us have mountains of obstacles in place before us before finding God the very first time. These deep pockets of our lives have directed our paths since we opened our eyes at childbirth, learned to talk and walk. We are the example of human life raised on this earth with sin all around us and parents we don’t even know until we grow up understanding our own lives so we can compare right from wrong of the lives of others. We think we know what is right from wrong from our upbringing and how we were taught with the good and bad experiences we have faced in our lives. All of our understanding of life and nature in this world comes from our upbringing. We are different with our own opinions and emotions deep inside us that we can only unlock. We don’t know that some of these emotions and habits we carry with us are bad for us and to others around us. Some emotions to us may seem perfectly normal and right to us, but to others they are disturbing. We may even know that we are different with these habits and emotions but don’t care because it is you only affecting you. We feel fine and see no wrong in ourselves. The problem is not you but what you have grown in to and carried with you from childbirth. When you find God in your life you start to become aware of these habits in yourself and how it is affecting others and your own life. God gives you wisdom and guidance when you have him with you so always seek him, pray to him and gives thanks for the blessings you have received and will receive each day of your life. When you accept God into your life for the first time, the change in you is sudden and your reaction is different than others for the very reason I explained. The deeper your faith the stronger you feel the presence of God and want to make the change in your life. Your decision to have God in your life and accept Jesus as the son of God whom with his own blood sacrificed his life to save us is no small one. The faith you hold inside, God and you only know and the experience you will have, God and you only know. You will begin a new life and be reborn into the hands of God and will want the life of Jesus, whom rid all sin inside you, cleansing you and forgiven you. When you open your eyes after you accepted God wherever you may be, standing or knelling, sitting or laying down, in a pool, lake, ocean or church you are brand new. The person or persons around you did not give you this feeling or cause this rush of blood in your body. You are praying and accepting God into your life. You want this life and cried inside and outside for this life and God knows this and everything that day forward God will direct your path for you. You must seek, pray and thank him while walking always toward the Light of Life and that light is God showing you the path of righteousness. The bible says many things about going to Heaven, a place God has set aside for us to live without sin. I would think this place as beautiful and full as given to Adam and Eve in the Book of Genesis. That Garden of Eden happens to be here on this Earth. Your new Heaven is right here in front of you. Your life starts anew the moment you opened your eyes to God. The Heaven when we die will be another place as God promises, if not this same world completely rid of all sin and made as beautiful as we can ever imagine it to be. The Heaven right now is in you and your eyes have opened to a new view of life with God as the Father and the purity of Jesus washing away your sins. You’re reborn with the spirit of God inside you as strong as your faith can handle. After you settle down and hug the people your with or hug yourself if your alone, your energy is only as strong as your faith inside you. Start from there and realize a very important fact I am going to make, that most everyone disregards because they just don’t realize this fact after finding God in their lives the first time. You are reborn into Christ and this fact of life does not make you an expert, nor a preacher, teacher or scholar of Christ and God in your life and especially into other people’s lives. You have always been a Child of God and when accepting God in your heart for the first time at whatever age you are, you are just that, “A Child”. For some they will be a Baby. You must learn to crawl, walk and talk with your eyes open always with God in your heart. You must seek, pray and thank God for the life you want to live from this day forward. Be a child and listen to God. He has a plan for you and never wants you to fail. Failure and these similar negative words are not of God. God wants you to live as his son Jesus Christ has lived, with God the Father and you the child.