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We can be like Jesus

Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2012 7:41 pm
Be like Jesus:
With God as our Father as Jesus was taught and raised, we are the children of GOD. If we could speak to GOD and he spoke to us and gave us direction everyday of our lives we could be like Jesus.
The Heaven before the apple is still the Heaven after eating the apple. Nothing has changed in the garden except God removed the Tree of Life from us and I believe that is the way back to God by being reborn again with a new Life by excepting God as our Father and Jesus as his son in Human form sent to us to be the example of a pure heart following every command of GOD and dieing on the Cross for Humanity to show us that through faith and letting God be our Father, we too can be saved. We must die on our cross and rid our sins and except God the Father in our lives and accept Jesus the Son of God as our savior from our sin. Jesus was the example of a man without sin and he died without sin for us. Jesus was sent here to help us overcome all human sin through him.
God says we are his Children, so we can be like Jesus if we followed all of Gods commands, just like Jesus did. The only difference is how Jesus was raised and how we were raised from childhood. Jesus was raised by Joseph and Mary and both were faithful to God and God’s plan for Jesus was established at childbirth through Mary and she and Joseph knew this. God was to be the Father and Director of Jesus’ life. So Jesus born on this Earth and raised by God fearing parents and God as the Director of his Life’s path is a reality example of how anyone of us born on this earth can be like Jesus. If we were raised by God fearing parents and had God teaching and directing our path so we would not attempt the taste of sin, we too can be like Jesus. God said however, “For all have sinned, for there is not one of us without sin”. We are even “born of sin” the bible states.
This means to me that because Adam and Eve have tasted the Tree of Knowledge and now knew the difference in good and evil, that moment on we are destined to die and because of this sin brought into this Heaven created world, God has marked us all. We have God the Father and we are the children, but we are marked for life to work for our fruits and we will experience pain and all the emotions one can bare until we die. God forgives us and loves his children and sent Jesus to be the savoir of our sins. Our way out of sin was to know that Jesus was one of us fathered by God and his example of living life in a sinful world. Jesus had no sin in him because God was his Father. We have God as our father but not one on one like Jesus had. If we let God take control of our lives by prayer and direction everyday we can turn to a sinless nature and rid our bad habits and take a life forward as Jesus. You will do everything in the name of Jesus and God the Father. We accept that Jesus was brought into the world to die for us. This dying for us is for our sins to die with him. Because we have human parents, we cannot be without sin. By understanding that Jesus was without sin because God was his Father and when we accept God as our Father so we can be like Jesus to sin no more, to remove our sins, to cleanse our heart in the name of Jesus. We in spiritual sense die as well on our own cross when we ask God to become our Father and to have the Life of Jesus his son in our hearts. We are hanging up our own sinful nature carrying our own cross and asking to be reborn again, to die on the cross and be reborn thru Jesus Christ. We pray to give up the sins we were born with and acquired in our lifetime by accepting God and Jesus in our lives. God gives us Life after our death on our cross by fearing Him and walking and talking like Jesus is in our heart and we are pure and sinless. We are the children of God.