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Didn't God create Heaven on Earth for man?

Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2012 7:02 pm
Earth is Heaven and Hell.
God created the Universe and created Man and Woman on Earth. God created perfection on earth. The Oceans, the Mountains, and every living animal were perfectly created by God. In the bible God created the Garden of Eden which Man and Woman was allowed to eat all but from a Tree of knowledge, because once they eat from the tree of knowledge they shall surly know the good and evil and doomed to die.
Maybe there was an actual tree with apples on it and that one tree you cannot eat from and since Eve did eat, the entire world is now doomed to sin and we must all be slaves to this world.
Wouldn’t we all want to go back to that beautiful Garden of Eden and have a second chance? God promises a Heaven we will go to if we are in his Grace. God created the Heaven and the Earth, so there must be a separate place other than Earth to go to which the bible calls Heaven.
So God places Man and Woman on Earth in a beautiful Garden with everything the two of them need to be fruitful and multiply. God is their Father and God gave them freedom to roam the Earth and be themselves and play with all the animals. What a life, with no worries, no hunger, no pain, no sorrow, no lust, no hatred, no greed, no suffering, no killing, no envy, no lies, no yelling, no arguing, no injury, no fear, no thought of the need for anything. The two of them have it all. They didn’t even need cloths, because they don’t even know they are naked. I don’t know what language they spoke but I speak only English and I read the bible in English and I pray to God in English. The language is not my concern, but God’s creation of Human Life and this Earths perfect creation was none other than Heaven as I would want to live in.
I would not want any of the bad knowledge items that Adam and Eve didn’t even possess until the eating of the fruit of knowledge. That’s what all those items of emotion and action are that I listed. It is the very human gain of knowledge that brings these emotions and actions into our lives today. What God gave Adam and Eve was their Heaven to live in for the rest of their existence, because they did not know they were going to start dying the day they were born. They were told to be fruitful and multiple. “Go my Children, be fruitful and multiple, and eat anything you want but do not eat from the Tree of Knowledge over there because if you do, you will surely die. So on Earth is their Heaven to do whatever they want and they’re running around naked with no worry on their minds and probably don’t even know what the word “worry” even means. Sounds like fun and a life we all could live and call Heaven with God watching over us and being our Father.
We don’t have that Heaven today on this earth. Why not? Is this not the same Earth created by God? What has changed to make this Earth so different? Is it because Eve took a bite of the apple from The Tree of Knowledge and now we all lost our Heaven. It was taken away by God and we must all be slaves to this world and work for our fruits. We were one bite away from Heaven on this Earth as I can imagine to Hell on this earth I witness everyday.