Pray for Bret

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Pray for Bret

Post by Thwarp »

5 years ago I was in a spiritual turmoil. I had been backslidden for 20 years at least. Its a long story of battle for me so I wont get into the details. But It seems the Lord was chastising me powerful like only I looked at it as condemnation because there was someone else hanging around tossing scriptures at me left and right tellin me there's no way God wants you. Yer dead.....reserved for wrath. Put a target on yer back and let God take aim.... you're going to hell!! Somehow instead of blowing my brains out which I wanted but I could never do I waited.....and waited. I wait many years for The Lord to send someone to me that had answers. Someone who would just say over lunch "Yeah you're fine (Burp)" See ya" Thanks for the lunch pastor so n So. No real counsel... nutting. I talked with a few folks. Depression set in for awhile. Then somehow....being alone I made some worldly friends and sorta of fell into some of the old ways but Not like it was when I was 25. I wound up in another mess. I lost my job.... I quit really to move into a wicked (sinful) situation. I got out of it a few years latter (Thank God) and The Lord gave me my old job back though I didn't deserve it. But like Joseph and his brothers God meant it for Good. I soon me Bret.

Hes a tall fella sure and true in biblical teaching. More learned in the Bible than anyone I've ever met. One night as a went to bed I felt lost convicted again. Only this time I was completely alone with my sins of many years. How wicked and hopeless I felt. I barely slept that night. That Saturday Bret and I had to work OT. I must have looked like crap. I walked into work and I couldn't help it but my eye's started welling up and I tried walking past Bret to avoid him seeing it. But he did. We didn't work much that day as Bret took hours to explain to me in vivid scriptural detail that God is not nor will he ever abandon you because of the sinful life you fell into. He's much bigger than that and the blood of Christ is more vaulable and powerful. He does not abandon his adopted children ever. But he has no problem scolding, chastising and even whooping his children into obedience. Over many months Bret has put up with my "What about this scripture" stuff without so much as breaking his temper or his faith. He would always answered with scripture, a bit of theology. It only proved to me that my reading skills are sorely lacking. A light would go on and I'd say...oh... That makes more sense in the grand plan than what I was taught after I first met the lord when I was 18. It's still a bit of a battle for me sometimes to fully grasp and believe Jesus never nor will he ever let me go. I am his despite myself.

Well ....The Lord moved Bret , his wife Patricia and his 6 children to Montana through a series of hard circumstances not due to any fault on his part. But I don't think Josephs journey to be 2nd most powerful man in Egypt was a particularly joyous one either. I hadn't heard from Bret in 3 years. I finally got an email from his wife (much to my delight).

She asked me to pray for Bret as he is seriously depressed but gave no specific details. Thats all I needed to hear anyway. The Lord is doing something and we all know "All things work together for the Good to them that Love God."

Please Pray for our brother Bret. He means alot too so many. Best big brother one could ask for.
God in His Word has given us information concerning creation that we could have received no other way other than by divine revelation, for no one was there to observe it, and it cannot be repeated in a laboratory. So important is this information that he begins his word with this subject: Genisis 1:1 In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. Two of the biggest claims God ever made!
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Re: Pray for Bret

Post by Danieltwotwenty »

I was very moved by your story, I too have a friend that showed me the mercy of God when I thought I would always be lost to him.
I will be praying for your friend Bret and maybe you should give him a buzz and let him know how your doing.

Your friend in Christ

Here is a trustworthy saying that deserves full acceptance: Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners of whom I am the worst. But for that very reason I was shown mercy so that in me, the worst of sinners, Christ Jesus might display his immense patience as an example for those who would believe in him and receive eternal life. Now to the King eternal, immortal, invisible, the only God, be honor and glory for ever and ever.Amen.
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Re: Pray for Bret

Post by Byblos »

Somehow we can always look back and find that special person who had a huge influence in our lives (other than our parents). Whether it be a teacher, a friend, a caring neighbor, even someone who didn't even realize they were making an impact on us. Mine was my cousin, who is a few months younger than me. We were best friends growing up but then our lives took completely different turns. I migrated to the States, went to college, have a career in software, got married and have a family. My cousin joined the priesthood and dedicated his life to Christ and the church. I've always looked up to him and admired his courage for such lifelong dedication. I even envied that sometimes but I do credit him for keeping me focused on God.

I will be praying for Brett.
Let us proclaim the mystery of our faith: Christ has died, Christ is risen, Christ will come again.

Lord I am not worthy that you should enter under my roof, but only say the word and my soul shall be healed.
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