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Praying for God's will ABOVE my own

Posted: Tue Jul 05, 2011 2:16 pm
by jac76
I am brand new to this site and I approach you, fellow believers with a humble request for prayer about a matter which has been consuming my mind.
My husband and I have been trying for our 1st baby for almost 4 years and it seems that it has not been in God's will to bless us in this way up to this point. Mostly, I remain positive and prayerful, because I know that God's ways are not our ways, and I know that His timing is always perfect, yet these past couple of days, after having been convinced I was finally pregnant, only to find out it was a false alarm, I feel the devil is dragging me down with doubts about myself, hopelessness for the future and a faith in God which is being tested. I feel God Himself is bringing me through the refiner's fire, and I am struggling! I pray to God to let His will be done, and then I take back my dreams and hopes and try to fix things myself, ending up always frustrated and upset. My husband and I are on the waiting list for IVF, but what I need is prayer for FAITH, belief in what my eyes cannot see and what my mind can not know. I pray that God will bless us with a child who I will bring up in a home devoted to Jesus, but more than this, I ask that you will pray with me for acceptance of whatever God has ordained for me in this situation, and that His will shall be done. I long to stop being selfish in my desire for a baby, but I am finding it tough right now. Thank you so very much for reading and your prayer would mean so much to me. GB.

Re: Praying for God's will ABOVE my own

Posted: Tue Jul 05, 2011 10:19 pm
by neo-x
I pray that God will bless us with a child who I will bring up in a home devoted to Jesus, but more than this, I ask that you will pray with me for acceptance of whatever God has ordained for me in this situation, and that His will shall be done.
Amen. I would only say that you keep your faith and let it not sway, remember Abraham and Hannah. God may be late but he will surely not forsake his own people. God bless you.

Re: Praying for God's will ABOVE my own

Posted: Thu Jul 07, 2011 8:18 pm
by ChrisB
Lord, if it be Your will, please bless Jac with a child. I pray in Jesus' Name, & for His Glory, Amen.

God Bless, Jac.

Re: Praying for God's will ABOVE my own

Posted: Tue Jul 12, 2011 6:08 am
by jac76
Thank you for your prayers. I believe that God is faithful and when I look back at tests in the past, whether I failed or passed, I see that God was with me at every turn, and He worked all things for His purposes, and this should give me the assurance I now require. I guess I am failing in my faith, because doubt is creeping in (satan). I pray that God will strengthen me in the battle.. God bless you for praying for me. :amen: