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For my Faith

Posted: Mon Apr 18, 2011 5:42 pm
by Murray
My faith is a difficult thing to explain. I can constantly make arguments for god, and i am great at beating atheist is my school in debates ( i never loose because i read the KJB and understand the Hebrew translation, along with having a far greater understanding of history-all i do is read history in my free time).

Even with this spirit to defend my faith, i myself sometimes am not convinced. Its strange, at some moments I feel like my faith is unbreakable then out of nowhere, without event i loose it then i comes back. Its very strange, and i honestly wish it would stop and that I could have a full heart of faith.

I read the bible semi-daily, i pray daily and throughout the day, I do my best to live a life by the bible and for god, and i constantly ask god for faith, wisdom and understanding.

I ask that you will pray with me so that my faith will grow and that i will achieve my life goal of having a full heart of faith; for it is something I truly desire.

I thank you very sincerely for your prayers

Re: For my Faith

Posted: Mon Apr 18, 2011 9:19 pm
by B. W.
Wel Ryan, you describe what we all go thru - I found it best to rest in the Lord when times like you mention hit me and rely on the Holy Spirit. Not sure how to explain what I mean or what I do to recover in ten easy steps other than the Jesus model. The Jesus model is this: in the bible, it tells us that Jesus often withdrew himself to be alone to pray - rest - etc ... I think that gives a good clue. We are not supermen and human flesh wearies after much toil. We do need a time to recoup and revive. I praise the Lord for your efforts and dealings with difficult people and your service to to the Lord - not many do what you do so take heart and rest...

God Bless!

B. W. Melvin

Murray wrote:My faith is a difficult thing to explain. I can constantly make arguments for god, and i am great at beating atheist is my school in debates ( i never loose because i read the KJB and understand the Hebrew translation, along with having a far greater understanding of history-all i do is read history in my free time).

Even with this spirit to defend my faith, i myself sometimes am not convinced. Its strange, at some moments I feel like my faith is unbreakable then out of nowhere, without event i loose it then i comes back. Its very strange, and i honestly wish it would stop and that I could have a full heart of faith.

I read the bible semi-daily, i pray daily and throughout the day, I do my best to live a life by the bible and for god, and i constantly ask god for faith, wisdom and understanding.

I ask that you will pray with me so that my faith will grow and that i will achieve my life goal of having a full heart of faith; for it is something I truly desire.

I thank you very sincerely for your prayers

Re: For my Faith

Posted: Tue Apr 19, 2011 7:47 am
by jlay
i don't have anything specifically against debating atheist. However, the way you stated it got me to thinking. Maybe it has something to do with 'beating' atheists. Is our goal as apologists just to beat atheists and one up them? Or, is it to give a reason for the hope we have, so that we might play our God given part in leading the lost to Christ. If this should be the case, then I doubt God will let you continue on this course. He will frustrate you, and you will find no peace. So, perhaps this is manifesting itself in doubt. If you are unable to confront the atheist in love, there in could lie the problem. I don't mean ooey, gooey, bunk. I'm talking heart motive.

Anytime I have prayed for my faith to grow, guess what. It is tested.

Re: For my Faith

Posted: Tue Apr 19, 2011 11:32 am
by ChrisB
Ryan, I know where you're coming from. I know what it's like to have alot of head knowledge, to know exactly what I believe and why it is true, but still not feel it in my heart. I advise you to keep praying, but to also take in the Word more often and your faith will grow (Romans 10:17), meditate on it (that is, ponder the meaning of any given verse by reading it over and over again, to get the most out of it), and supplement your faith with works (anything you do out of sincere love for another is a ministry in and of itself, for the Lord notices even the smallest sacrifices; Matthew 10:40-42). Keep seeking, asking, and knocking, both for wisdom and for God. God's love is unconditional, but His promises are conditional. If you seek Him with all your heart, then you will find Him (Jeremiah 29:13), and if you ask for wisdom you will find it too (Proverbs 2:6-8; James 1:5). I'll be praying for you Ryan. I too could use some prayer for almost the same reason as you. I just have'nt been doing as much as I could be.

I'd take Bryan's advice too, because he's dead-on (Isaiah 30:15).