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Posted: Fri Jul 30, 2010 7:50 am
by CeT-To
Any body think Solomon had a bit of a lust problem..i was reading The book of Kings i was like :shock: how does one have that many wives and concubines...

Later on he starts worshiping other god...i know it was cause he was swayed by his wives but y:-? how do you go from seeing Pre-Christ twice to worshipping other gods? You guys think he is in heaven? because later on The man of God gets killed for not following a simple he in hell? y:-/

Re: Solomon

Posted: Fri Jul 30, 2010 9:20 am
by sinnerbybirth
CeT-To wrote:Any body think Solomon had a bit of a lust problem..i was reading The book of Kings i was like :shock: how does one have that many wives and concubines...
Can you imagine the guys honey-do list. y:O2 I've always wondered, how many children did he father.

Re: Solomon

Posted: Fri Jul 30, 2010 10:45 am
by jlay
Solomon's life is a good example on many levels.
In good ways and in bad. The man wrote proverbs, and then look at what happened. Be careful of pride. Anyone who thinks they are beyond falling, is prideful and most likely will.
Continuing in the faith is never losing sight of who you are in Christ, yet never forgetting utterly disgusting rags of your life, and the depths of the pit from which you were rescued.

Whether he is in heaven is not due to the good or bad that he did. No one, and I repeat no one can get into heaven by balancing the scales.

Re: Solomon

Posted: Fri Jul 30, 2010 12:05 pm
by One of Many
I would say, look at his father David. Here was a man who lusted after a married women, committed adultery, sent her husband into battle, and ordered that he be put on the front lines to be killed. Yet he was " a man after Gods own heart ".
I think God has sufficient grace to cover a multitude of sins, if we have the proper heart attitude of humbling ourselves, admitting that we were wrong, and asking forgiveness, and turn away from that behavior (repent).

Re: Solomon

Posted: Fri Jul 30, 2010 8:48 pm
by Kristoffer
Anyone think that man had a bit of a wealth problem and a fame problem too? All of this just because he preyed for a bit of wisdom? :ebiggrin: Seems that wisdom=/=moral living
One of Many wrote:I would say, look at his father David. Here was a man who lusted after a married women, committed adultery, sent her husband into battle, and ordered that he be put on the front lines to be killed. Yet he was " a man after Gods own heart "...
Don't you think he missed the mark a bit then? Or is David who we should emulate? :wave:

Re: Solomon

Posted: Fri Jul 30, 2010 9:22 pm
by CeT-To
Kristoffer wrote:Anyone think that man had a bit of a wealth problem and a fame problem too? All of this just because he preyed for a bit of wisdom? :ebiggrin: Seems that wisdom=/=moral living
One of Many wrote:I would say, look at his father David. Here was a man who lusted after a married women, committed adultery, sent her husband into battle, and ordered that he be put on the front lines to be killed. Yet he was " a man after Gods own heart "...
Don't you think he missed the mark a bit then? Or is David who we should emulate? :wave:
In the bible Wisdom pretty much is moral living and having an acute eye for distinguishing right from wrong :P good on you for catching on Kristoffer :D

Re: Solomon

Posted: Fri Jul 30, 2010 9:31 pm
by One of Many
One of Many wrote:I would say, look at his father David. Here was a man who lusted after a married women, committed adultery, sent her husband into battle, and ordered that he be put on the front lines to be killed. Yet he was " a man after Gods own heart "...
Kristoffer wrote:
Don't you think he missed the mark a bit then? Or is David who we should emulate? :wave:
My point was God's grace.
think God has sufficient grace to cover a multitude of sins, if we have the proper heart attitude of humbling ourselves, admitting that we were wrong, and asking forgiveness, and turn away from that behavior (repent).
The aspect of David that we need to emulate is: his penitence! David may have got some things wrong (as we all do) but he was willing to humble himself before God, and turn away from his sin.

As far as where they will spend eternity...Only God knows the answer to that.

Re: Solomon

Posted: Sun Aug 01, 2010 1:33 am
by Kristoffer
CeT-To wrote:
In the bible Wisdom pretty much is moral living and having an acute eye for distinguishing right from wrong :P good on you for catching on Kristoffer :D
You do realise that (=/=) is "not equal too"

Re: Solomon

Posted: Sun Aug 01, 2010 3:58 am
by CeT-To
Kristoffer wrote:
CeT-To wrote:
In the bible Wisdom pretty much is moral living and having an acute eye for distinguishing right from wrong :P good on you for catching on Kristoffer :D
You do realise that (=/=) is "not equal too"
My bad, but how does it not?

Re: Solomon

Posted: Sun Aug 01, 2010 4:01 pm
by Different_Name
CeT-To wrote:
Kristoffer wrote:
CeT-To wrote:
In the bible Wisdom pretty much is moral living and having an acute eye for distinguishing right from wrong :P good on you for catching on Kristoffer :D
You do realise that (=/=) is "not equal too"
My bad, but how does it not?
Solomon asked God for wisdom. God gave Solomon wisdom. Then Solomon lived the rest of his life.