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An article that I'm finding disturbing...

Posted: Tue May 25, 2010 6:40 pm
by derrick09 ... aturallife

Let me know what you guys think, especially if some of this stuff comes to pass, would Christian theism still be able to survive or remain a reasonable belief system? Thanks and God bless.

Re: An article that I'm finding disturbing...

Posted: Tue May 25, 2010 7:58 pm
by B. W.
derrick09 wrote: ... aturallife

Let me know what you guys think, especially if some of this stuff comes to pass, would Christian theism still be able to survive or remain a reasonable belief system? Thanks and God bless.
The problem I see in this new discovery is this: You need a living organism to insert the manufactured DNA, etc, into. I am not too keen on this new discovery but it seems to be missing that an already living life form can be altered from manufactured DNA; therefore, this is not really creating life but rather altering what already is...

Re: An article that I'm finding disturbing...

Posted: Tue May 25, 2010 8:01 pm
by ChrisB
Yes, Christianity could and would survive this. Christianity is founded upon the Resurrection of Jesus, which is attested to historically in the Gospels and through the attempts of secularists, Jews, and Muslims throughout history trying to explain it away as something purely naturalistic (e.g. theft or hallucinations), which quite simply cannot be done.

I would'nt worry about this. After all, there is still a whole lot that we do'nt know.

Re: An article that I'm finding disturbing...

Posted: Tue May 25, 2010 8:38 pm
by derrick09
Thank you guys for the responses, Samuel, I was curious, what else do you think would be very damageing to Christian theism if it were proven? Such as would it hurt Christian theism if science could show a naturalistic origin of what started the big bang, or could demonstarte that our universe is eternal, would that hurt Christian theism? Also, if they are able to show that the soul doesn't exist would that hurt Christian theism? Interesting questions to ponder. Thanks again and God bless.

Re: An article that I'm finding disturbing...

Posted: Tue May 25, 2010 9:01 pm
by Gman
derrick09 wrote: ... aturallife

Let me know what you guys think, especially if some of this stuff comes to pass, would Christian theism still be able to survive or remain a reasonable belief system? Thanks and God bless.
I always love it when certain scientists use their intelligence to create "so called" synthetic life and then say that naturalism by it's own merit could do it.. Sounds logical to me.. :doh:

Re: An article that I'm finding disturbing...

Posted: Tue May 25, 2010 10:23 pm
by openminded
I remember reading this article. The critics claim it isn't purely synthetic because, yes, it did require a pre-existing organism to not only allow it to live, but I'm pretty sure the DNA was based off of some other DNA arrangement found in a..some sort of cell.

Anyways, I think the most damaging thing, depending on the findings, would be the discovery of the origin of human conscience.

Ever sit back and wonder why we aren't all just automated? I'm me, and I'm self-aware of that. I make self-aware decisions (usually). Why am I not you? How is the conscience biologically possible? Was I placed here just to live in this human body of mine and grow through human anatomy and thought processing or am I a fluke? What about other organisms?

I once imagined what it'd be like to be an ant just to see if I could imagine my conscience (soul?) to be placed under a different body system, so to speak.
Would the development of my mind be limited by that body system, and therefore my soul/conscience only grows so much?

Wish I had it in me to be a neuroscientist. I just couldn't stand all the isolation of being a scientist, though.

Re: An article that I'm finding disturbing...

Posted: Wed May 26, 2010 1:32 am
by Silvertusk
I have had many stumbling blocks that were damaging to my faith. Evolution was a biggie - but now I am fine with it - basically all of Genesis - but now I see it in a whole new way. I think the discovery of alien life will be damaging for me - because I really believe that earth is very special and unique. What the LHC may discover is making me a bit nervous - but then it might lend more evidence to a creator - who knows?


Re: An article that I'm finding disturbing...

Posted: Wed May 26, 2010 9:56 am
by ChrisB
derrick09 wrote:Thank you guys for the responses, Samuel, I was curious, what else do you think would be very damageing to Christian theism if it were proven? Such as would it hurt Christian theism if science could show a naturalistic origin of what started the big bang, or could demonstarte that our universe is eternal, would that hurt Christian theism? Also, if they are able to show that the soul doesn't exist would that hurt Christian theism? Interesting questions to ponder. Thanks again and God bless.
I think it unlikely that there will ever be found a "naturalistic" origin to the Big Bang, since most if not all (naturalistic) comological models tend to start off with matter already existing. However if discovered, it could easily erode the faith of many who are blissfully unaware of the evidence for Jesus being who He claimed to be, and how science alligns with the Bible when the context of specific passages are properly understood*. Even if such an origin is discovered, it still can't explain why Jesus' tomb was empty.

As for an eternal universe, scientists tried propping up that possibility with the Steady State theory of the 1950's and 60's, before the discovery of the Cosmic Microwave Backround Radiation in 1964, and much of the reasearch into the Steady State theory ended up supporting the Big Bang theory.

In regards to the soul... we do'nt fully understand what a "soul" is. It may be the "breath of life" given to humanity by God in Genesis 2:7. Science often tries to equate the soul with the mind, but according to Jesus they are not the same (Matthew 22:37; Mark 12:30; Luke 10:27).

*I've found a topic by Gman that really helps to clarify the context of Genesis 1:1-2:3. ... 60&start=0

Re: An article that I'm finding disturbing...

Posted: Wed May 26, 2010 12:47 pm
by derrick09
Silvertusk wrote:I have had many stumbling blocks that were damaging to my faith. Evolution was a biggie - but now I am fine with it - basically all of Genesis - but now I see it in a whole new way. I think the discovery of alien life will be damaging for me - because I really believe that earth is very special and unique. What the LHC may discover is making me a bit nervous - but then it might lend more evidence to a creator - who knows?


Interesting Silvertusk, I was going to ask, what specifically about the LHC and the expirments they are doing with it cause you to feel a bit nervous? If you know anything specifically let me know I might try to read up more about this contraption.

Re: An article that I'm finding disturbing...

Posted: Thu May 27, 2010 4:25 am
by Silvertusk
To behonest - nervous was a slight exaggeration. It just that everything about the LHC seems to be implemented with an athiestic agenda. An article from one of the scientists at the LHC confirmed that. It was posted a while back now.

It seems as if they are so desperate to find out that it was not God that started everything. But like I said I think the LHC will actually provide more evidence of a creator in the end.


Re: An article that I'm finding disturbing...

Posted: Tue Jun 01, 2010 10:31 am
by DannyM
Well what a load of nothing! I'd rather comment on this from Craig H, in the 'comments' below the article...

"This isn't about science or religion; it's about evolution. Life seems to find a way; whether its at the bottom of the ocean on some smokey vent, or through the hands of another of it's creations; man. This discovery is more inevitable than it is amazing. This next emanation of evolution may have begun as "synthetic", but will be as real as flesh and blood when it asks it's first question as we did; and that is "why". For those that think this is of science fiction; this technology could easily end up in future iPads as easily as it will in gene therapy. So hang onto your bags, this ride is going to get real exciting."

Notice how the above is just words with not an iota of substance... "Life seems to find a way...whether it's at the bottom of the ocean on some smokey vent..." I mean, What?! This moron had nearly 150 'thumbs up' and only 45 odd 'thumbs down' ... I mean, has the entire world gone completely mad??

Just look at his words and, please, somebody, tell me the precise empiricism this 'Craig' has for such assertions...??