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Musicians - Gig or Worship?

Posted: Wed Jan 17, 2007 1:46 am
by Fisherman

I'd like to ask what you think of paying your musicians in the praise band or orchestra.

I'll leave it at that. I don't want to influence any opinions. I'll give my opinion later.

God bless you all!

Re: Musicians - Gig or Worship?

Posted: Wed Jan 17, 2007 4:02 am
by Silvertusk
Fisherman wrote:Hello,

I'd like to ask what you think of paying your musicians in the praise band or orchestra.

I'll leave it at that. I don't want to influence any opinions. I'll give my opinion later.

God bless you all!
Hi Fisherman

I sing in a worship band and I dont get payment. I know this may sound cheesy but I dont need any because - well we are worshiping God and that gives me such a buzz. Payment enough me thinks.

I dont see a problem with it - but I would personally question why they are up there in the first place - to earn money, or praise God.

Just my two pence.


Posted: Wed Jan 17, 2007 8:27 am
by bizzt
In depends I guess. Many Worship teams now a days do Part Time work or Full time work to this Ministry! They also have to make a Living and their Expenses have to be met. I guess it depends on if the Worship Team is Fulltime (like Hillsong) or just part time. :)

God Bless

Re: Musicians - Gig or Worship?

Posted: Wed Jan 17, 2007 11:37 am
by Canuckster1127
I don't think there is any more validity to questioning musician's motivation to worship if they are paid, than there is to question a pastor's sincerity to preach and exercise gifts of ministry if they are paid.

Different roles to be sure, but the same issue in terms of what motivates.

There's always a danger in ministry that one will begin to fill a role and treat ministry as a job instead of a high calling. It's an issue of the heart, attitude and mind-set of the person doing ministry in this regard and one only God and that person ultimately can tell.

The Scriptures teach that a workman is worthy of their hire. Paul taught this even while modeling the approach of self-support in ministry because he could and because he did not want his ministry questioned by motives of self-enrichment. Both points have validity.

The tension then for Paul still exists for others.

As Churches grow larger and the ministry needs call for more dedication and time there is nothing wrong with paid staff. It's actually a good thing to strive for excellence in worship where the focus is on God. It gets murky when the emphasis become technical emphasis on excellence in order to market the church or hold people from going elsewhere. The danger is that the spiritual and lifestyle requirements spelled out in the Scripture for pastors, elders etc. will be minimized because the person is good at what they do.

No-one is perfect and we all need humility and grace and to extend grace to others constantly. When ministry is reduced to a job however and money becomes a motive rather than a support to free us for ministry, then the risk is high.

It's a matter of heart, attitude and motives.

Posted: Wed Jan 17, 2007 12:14 pm
by Fisherman
Some very good posts. Thanks for them all.

I'm a trumpet player (a comeback player after 25+ years) and want to eventually play in church. I wouldn't accept money for worshipping God. I would charge for weddings and other such events because that's a whole different thing in my opinion.

Here's the reason that I've been thinking about this. A thread from a trumpet forum that I frequent. ... hp?t=61021 I'm Airport Bum since Fisherman was already taken. Some of the posts in this thread seem downright mercinary. My favorite was a post by someone called "Pastor Joe".
Pastor Joe wrote:As a Pastor and a trumpet player, I couldn't pass this one up. I have to agree with a few of the previous posts, that you have to determine what you are doing, and why. Is it a "gig", as the original post calls it, or is it service to God? We are not looking for "entertainment" or merely "music" in our church, but rather, those who "worship the Lord in spirit and truth". (John 4,23,24).

The assumption that all Pastors are financially compensated is faulty. Many of my fellow bi-vocational Pastor friends would agree that not only are they not "paid", but very often, they are the number one contributors in their own congregations.
Last year, I purchased several like-new instruments (cornet, trombone, soprano sax, alto sax, flutes, clarinet) for the young musicians in our Praise Band, because their parents could not afford them, and I believe that music could very well be the way to keep them off of the streets, and out of trouble. (Thank God for eBay!)

I play for free in every church I visit, as well as at weddings, and at every other opportunity, as do most of my fellow "church trumpeters". Actually, they could not pay me enough to STOP playing in church.
I laid my horn down for over a quarter of a century, because I couldn't find anything worth playing. Since I have picked it back up for Him, I'll don't intend to lay it down again, until they finally lay me down.

I'm not trying to "knock" anyone, just giving you this Pastor's perspective. You guys are highly talented musicians, and I'm sure you are worth every dime you receive and more. If churches are willing and able to pay you for your service, I say, "God bless you". But, you'll never really lose anything by "giving your gift away" in a church service.

Just think what might (or might not) have happened in the following Biblical account, if the 120 trumpeters (and the other musicians and singers) had demanded the going "rate" to play. Perhaps, the final verse may never have been written.

We have several fine, well-trained (uncompensated) musicians in our church, but there is no sound that moves my spirit like that of my Getzen as it sings out praises to the Most High. Trumpets were made to praise God.

Some may flame me (but those are not the flames I am concerned about), but this Pastor just had to get his $0.02 in on this one (more like $20.00 worth on this one). Thanks for "listening".

Posted: Wed Jan 17, 2007 1:44 pm
by FFC
Bart wrote:It's a matter of heart, attitude and motives.
I think this sums it up in a nutshell.

Posted: Thu Jan 18, 2007 8:00 am
by puritan lad
Just to put things into musical perspective, check out the latest buzz in "christian" punk. (Beware, this site may be offensive). The name says it all...


Makes you want to laugh and cry at the same time...

Posted: Fri Jan 19, 2007 2:18 pm
by Fisherman
puritan lad wrote:Just to put things into musical perspective, check out the latest buzz in "christian" punk. (Beware, this site may be offensive). The name says it all...


Makes you want to laugh and cry at the same time...
You're right about that. "SIGH"

Re: Musicians - Gig or Worship?

Posted: Mon Apr 13, 2009 9:35 am
by LXX
Very interesting delema.......I am a worship leader and play guitar, I also play in a 8pc horn funk band as a professional muscian. My first thought is that these talents that God has given me is for the use of the church and I don't require payment, just like when I teach adult sunday school I don't require payment. But if the church body has decided that to raise the level of muscianship in their worship service they need quality players, that to me seems to be what a group of believers, joined in Christ, and with prayer have decided to do. It brings on many new problems that most churches are not ready to deal with like auditions, level of playing, firing if not performing well, pay level, and other areas.
On the other hand if the church soul purpose is to get a better band that just sounds great and makes the church look good, then the issue is a spiritual one and that says to me their hearts on not on God's direction of worship.

God bless

Re: Musicians - Gig or Worship?

Posted: Mon Apr 13, 2009 4:36 pm
by B. W.
In my local church, I am back in the praise and worship band. I play guitar and we play for the enjoyment of worshiping the Lord. No pay — we just play…Better that way!

This time, we are doing something different. We do a style of blending and updating old hymns in a blue grass style revising some of the older chorus' as well as using some of the popular praise songs to this mix along with a country music sound (depends on the songs). So far so good and we get a good response from the members of the congregation.

We are working on a rendition of 'Hallelujah Side' with a snappy flat pick along with a strum in three four time. Yes, blue grass style hymns seem to get the church members worshipping. We may even have people dancing in the aisles soon and that is in a conservative church too!

This is different for me. In prior church praise bands, I played standard popular praise songs, then Messianic Praise and worship, and now a blue grass, country, and pop style. I like the blue grass style the best. The old hymns are largely forgotten these days and not used very often. A little adjustment to time/beat and you can really have a church congregation praising and worshipping God! People who never clap or sing — do! Amazing!

No pay — just play — better that way 8)

Re: Musicians - Gig or Worship?

Posted: Sat Jun 06, 2009 2:00 pm
by ageofknowledge
With the official politically correct unemployment rate trending upwards into double digits in 9 states (the real one includes everyone that couldn't find a job and don't get counted anymore as well as people working part time that want a full time job and is much higher as a result) and overall at 9.4%, I think churches that have the extra funds certainly should help out members on the worship team that are in desperate financial straights in these difficult economic times for their service.

Re: Musicians - Gig or Worship?

Posted: Sun Nov 01, 2009 7:29 pm
by Byzantine_Catholic
No, its not a show but worship of our lord

If musicians have talents it should be their gift to the church

Re: Musicians - Gig or Worship?

Posted: Wed Feb 24, 2010 10:49 pm
by Dazed and Confused
B. W. wrote:This time, we are doing something different. We do a style of blending and updating old hymns in a blue grass style revising some of the older chorus' as well as using some of the popular praise songs to this mix along with a country music sound (depends on the songs). So far so good and we get a good response from the members of the congregation.
This sounds like an awesome mix. Do you know if there are any Christian artist currently playing this style of worship, maybe something I could purchase or download. I know the "Rounders" have a similar style, and there fun to sing along to and to see perform.