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Good people caught in a web

Posted: Thu Jan 20, 2005 9:15 pm
by twoedgedsword
hello all people who are interested in just the truth, not my opinion not what the guy down the street told me but the truth about all religions .
thats right im a equal opportunity kind of guy.
the question id like to ask all mormons is why dont they examine the history of the church for themselfs.
carfull now im an ex-mormon so you cant lie.[/url]

Posted: Fri Jan 21, 2005 7:49 pm
by Prodigal Son
i don't know if there are any mormons on this site.

Posted: Sat Jan 22, 2005 12:26 pm
by twoedgedsword
hey colors
there most certainly are mormons on this site and im hoping to get a whole bunch more.

Posted: Sat Jan 22, 2005 7:31 pm
by Prodigal Son
hmmm...that's cool.

Posted: Sun Jan 23, 2005 9:32 pm
by Deborah
Does this include the Roman Catholic denomination and others who teach manmade dogma rather than the word of god ? They state that they are an authority of god on earth, but where in the bible does it say that ?
I have heard it said that to learn and study the true word of god one must go back to the bible.
I mean no disrespect, it's just I do not understand where they get the authority when it says in the bible that there is no authority greater than mine or his. Sorry forget exactly but I know Jesus said it.

Posted: Mon Jan 24, 2005 1:01 am
by Anonymous
Deborah wrote:Does this include the Roman Catholic denomination and others who teach manmade dogma rather than the word of god ? They state that they are an authority of god on earth, but where in the bible does it say that ?
I have heard it said that to learn and study the true word of god one must go back to the bible.
I mean no disrespect, it's just I do not understand where they get the authority when it says in the bible that there is no authority greater than mine or his. Sorry forget exactly but I know Jesus said it.
Did you see that twoedgedsword addressed this to Mormons not Catholics?

Christ gives His followers authority. Not all who claim to be followers actually are. Do you know your Bible and consider it the word of God? It doesn't sound like you're very familiar with it. That's okay --- we all have to start somewhere.

1 Peter 2
9 But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should shew forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvellous light;

Those who are born again (i. e. followers of Christ) are a royal priesthood and, therefore, have authority from God. Yet authority is not the only thing a Christian needs. He needs the full armor of God.

Ephesians 6
17 And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God:

Psalm 119
11 Thy word have I hid in mine heart, that I might not sin against thee.

\0/Praising God for his mercy and grace\0/,


Posted: Mon Jan 24, 2005 2:03 am
by Deborah
I was asking a question.
I asked it because I did not know.
this post did not seem to be pointed only at the mormons, and that is why I chose to ask the question here. (my mistake, medication I am on often makes me miss words an with huge gaps in my concentration span I have huge trouble picking up where I left off)
I said when I introduced myself that I am still finding my way. I am still pretty lost.
I am still researching and studying in order to understand.
I know the bible is the word of god, and I am studying it to find the understanding I need to come too. But understanding of gods word does not just appear. I am one confused Christian just seeking help. That is why i am here on these boards.
My apoligies for posting under wrong topic. And thankyou Mandi for the references.

mormons, catholics, jehovah witness, bahai, muslims etc;

Posted: Mon Jan 24, 2005 8:47 am
by twoedgedsword
I am mainly interested in speaking with mormons because of the vast mormon community.
Deborah its good to ask any question you would like I love talking about the things of God. I do hope you visit this post again.
but in answer to your ? ANY denomination that has other books other than the bible is cursed Gal 1:6-10 every other denomination uses other books to further their cause let me make this perfectly clear any one who deviates from the word of God puts their trust in man end of discussion.

God bless you jerrod

Posted: Mon Jan 24, 2005 10:29 am
by Anonymous
Deborah wrote:I was asking a question.
I asked it because I did not know.
this post did not seem to be pointed only at the mormons, and that is why I chose to ask the question here. (my mistake, medication I am on often makes me miss words an with huge gaps in my concentration span I have huge trouble picking up where I left off)
I said when I introduced myself that I am still finding my way. I am still pretty lost.
I am still researching and studying in order to understand.
I know the bible is the word of god, and I am studying it to find the understanding I need to come too. But understanding of gods word does not just appear. I am one confused Christian just seeking help. That is why i am here on these boards.
My apoligies for posting under wrong topic. And thankyou Mandi for the references.
Please forgive me if I offended you. I just registered and wasn't sure where you stood. I don't mean to sound so tactless! God bless!

\0/Praising God for his mercy and grace\0/,