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Posted: Wed Jan 05, 2005 7:21 am
by Christian2
Hello to all,

Do any of you know anything about the Moonies and what they believe? Are they Christians?


Posted: Wed Jan 05, 2005 1:19 pm
by Anonymous
No they are not Christians. Their teachings couldn't be anything remotely further away from Christian teachings! Here is a description of Moon's (the leaders) doctrine. I should mention, that Moon has been involved in Sexual Abuse allegations and others.

Moon claims to be the messiah of the Second Coming and his wife is the Holy Spirit. He and his wife, called The True Parents where he is the True Father and his wife the True Mother, are the first couple to be able to bring forth children with no original sin. "The cross is the symbol of the defeat of Christianity." The Bible is considered scripture along with Moon's work "Divine Principles." Sin is genetically based. It is not a moral issue. The thieves on the cross represent political movements. The thief on the right side of Jesus represents democracy. The thief on the left of Jesus is communism. Adam and Eve fell because of sexual sin. Eve had sexual relations with Satan. Jesus is a 'true person' though not God in flesh. The Holy Spirit is 'the True Mother,' or 'the Second Eve." The church denies the doctrine of the Trinity.
Nature is dualistic: male and female, positive and negative, external and internal. God has an external and internal aspect called the Universal Prime Energy. It creates, develops, and sustains the cosmos. God's internal aspect of has to do with personhood - motivation, purpose and identity.
People determine their own future place in the spirit world after death through what they do here on earth.

Posted: Wed Jan 05, 2005 4:33 pm
by Mastermind
Did this Moon perform any miracles? And I find it amusing that he would consider democracy the best. I don't recall about hearing of us joining God's democracy when we go to Heaven, but rather His kingdom(or empire if we take the literal translation of the verses from my language, and I prefer Empire anyway)

Posted: Thu Jan 06, 2005 1:47 am
by Anonymous
No he did not perform any miracles. The followers of his sect came mostly from confucian towns and villages. The reason he GOT followers, is because he fashioned "Christianity" (if you like!) to his own confucian style. You will notice that there is a LOT of Eastern Philosophy in the unification church (the official name for the moonies.) The principles of Feng Shui and Taoism also included - believing that there is a negative and positive to every aspect of nature, some of which are rather obscure. There is no biblical evidence for Moon's claims of Messiaship, nor of his teachings.

Posted: Thu Jan 06, 2005 1:51 am
by Anonymous
Wow this is the stupidest thing ive heard..sorry for my language but seriously people these day's are strange for a lack of a less vulgar word.

Back in the colonial days I doubt you would live long if you were an Atheist or Agnostic or a Moonie in this case. Bah! now they can roam around carelessly :lol: (THIS IS ONLY A JOKE)

Thank you to all

Posted: Fri Jan 07, 2005 5:04 am
by Christian2
The reason I asked this question is because I'm having a discussion board conversation with one. At first I thought he was a Christian because he quoted Scriptures, but his interpretations were way off and kind of weird. Then he admitted that he was a Moonie and I couldn't find that much on the Internet about them.

It is one of the strangest conversations that I have ever had. Just brings to mind that a lot of people believe a lot of weird stuff, but everyone has to make their own decisions on what to base their beliefs and why.

Thanks again to all of you.

God Bless

Posted: Sat Jan 08, 2005 7:34 am
by Anonymous
Yes you won't find anything about the "moonies" because just like members of LDS resent being called "Mormons", "Moonies" resent their common name. Search for "The Unification Church". More info there.