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Posted: Wed Aug 17, 2005 2:11 pm
by AttentionKMartShoppers
Is there some religious context to this cult? I know they're secretive and have been allowed in US schools for a week (we had Mason week at least where I lived...which I thought hypocritical), but I don't know what they teach

Posted: Wed Aug 17, 2005 5:01 pm
by Prodigal Son
aren't they the "eye over the pyramid" people?
i think the davinci code mentions them; don't they have some weird ideas about Jesus?

Posted: Wed Aug 17, 2005 9:46 pm
by Judah
Here is a link to a site that will answer that question.

A clip from the site to summarize:
When a Christian takes the oath of Freemasonry, he is swearing on the following doctrines that God has pronounced false and sinful:

1. That salvation can be gained by man's good works.

2. To accept and promote that Jesus is just one of many equally revered prophets.

3. Masonry makes Christian men swear that they will remain silent in the Lodge and not talk of Christ.

4. Masonry makes Christians swear that they are approaching the Lodge in spiritual darkness and ignorance, when the Bible says Christians are already in the light, children of the light, and are indwelt by the Light of the World—Jesus Christ.

5. By demanding that Christians take the Masonic oath, Masonry leads Christians into blasphemy and taking the name of the Lord in vain.

6. Masonry makes Christians falsely swear that the G.A.O.T.U. [Great Architect of the Universe], whom Masonry believes is the true God of the universe, is present in all other religions.

7. Masonry makes Christians falsely swear to the teaching that true worship can be offered in the Lodge to God without the mediatorship of Jesus.

8. By swearing the Masonic oath and participating in the doctrines of the Lodge, Christians are perpetuating a false gospel to other Lodge members, who look only to Masonry's plan of salvation to get to heaven.

9. By taking the Masonic obligation, he is agreeing to allow the pollution of his mind, spirit, and body by those who serve false gods and believe false doctrines.
Another link here to Wikipedia Encyclopaedia on the subject.


Posted: Wed Aug 17, 2005 11:09 pm
by Ark~Magic
This cannot be said about all Masons, as different lodges and groups have different beliefs. The first link is a bit biased and tends to present a more stereotypical view, which actually can be said about some masonic groups, but not all. However, Masonry should be treated more as 'spiritual' or 'secular' even rather than religious.

Re: RE:

Posted: Wed Aug 17, 2005 11:25 pm
by Judah
Ark~Magic wrote:This cannot be said about all Masons, as different lodges and groups have different beliefs. The first link is a bit biased and tends to present a more stereotypical view, which actually can be said about some masonic groups, but not all. However, Masonry should be treated more as 'spiritual' or 'secular' even rather than religious.
Regarding the information directed to by the first link, please note the following preamble by which the writer qualifies his article:
Please note - by this article, we are not claiming that all who are involved in Free Masonry are cultists, or that all Free Masons believe all the items mentioned below. What we are saying is this - Free Masonry at its core is not a Christian organization. There are many Christians who have left Free Masonry after discovering what it is truly all about. Please visit Ex-Masons for Jesus for more information. There are also good and godly men, true believers in Christ who are Free Masons. It is our contention that this should not be the case. Each person should pray for wisdom and discernment from the Lord as to whether to be involved with Free Masonry.

Posted: Thu Nov 03, 2005 9:18 am
by SillyPutty
Please see

I just went through CleansingStreams (see also where we prayed breaking and renouncing all involvement with freemasonry both personally and generationally. Most important fact to know is that at the 33rd level it is revealed that the Great Architeched if the World is non other than Satan himself.

Posted: Thu Nov 03, 2005 1:08 pm
by Fisherman
I had a friend that used to belong to the masons. He showed me their secret book once. It was a long time ago but I saw illustrations of pyramids, goats and other things and references to very non-Christian things. I don't mean just non-Christian, I mean anti-Christian (anti-christ) things.

Like I said, it's been about 15 years so that's all I remember but if that's just some of the info they pass out to their members, I don't need to know any more to stay away from it.

My friend was trying to get me interested in it saying that it would help me spiritually (I'd taken him to church the week before.) and while looking at his little secret book I asked him what the h e double hickey sticks this and that meant and if this were Christian, why did they worship the devil. He didn't have an answer. I left for the golf course in a hurry! LOL "Church the Green" Just kidding. First time I shot scratch was on that day. We went to church together for a long time after that until he and his wife moved to another state.

I remember feeling a chill and feeling nervous when he got that book out and opened it. I just wanted to leave.

Posted: Thu Nov 03, 2005 1:27 pm
by SillyPutty
Indeed my friend, it's serious business and nothing to be played with. Glad you stayed away and hopefully planted a seed in your friend to maybe question what he's invovled in!!

All to His glory!!

Posted: Thu Nov 03, 2005 2:38 pm
by Fisherman
SillyPutty wrote:Indeed my friend, it's serious business and nothing to be played with. Glad you stayed away and hopefully planted a seed in your friend to maybe question what he's invovled in!!

All to His glory!!
Yes, he quit the Masons. Praise God!

Posted: Thu Nov 03, 2005 4:08 pm
by Jbuza
SillyPutty wrote:Please see

I just went through CleansingStreams (see also where we prayed breaking and renouncing all involvement with freemasonry both personally and generationally. Most important fact to know is that at the 33rd level it is revealed that the Great Architeched if the World is non other than Satan himself.
There is no doubt of this, the history of Free Masonry is wrapped up in the Knights Templar and worship of the devil Baphomet. There are reports of some very disturbing ceremonies involved in ascension to the 33rd degree of Free MAsonry reportedly involving child sacrifice, but it is hard to validate some of these things.

Posted: Thu Nov 03, 2005 5:09 pm
by Jbuza
Blood Red Fez - symbolizes Muhammad's victory over Christians

The Shriner is given a red fez with an Islamic sword and crescent jeweled on the front of it. This originates from 7th century Arabia when the Moslems, under the leadership of Mohammed, slaughtered all Christians who would not bow down to Allah.
Now when Mohammed's army of men, out to slaughter all the 'infidels', came to the city of Fez, in Morocco, they found a community of Christians. After killing all the Christians there with their Islamic-style swords, they took their hats (called a fez) and dipped them in the blood of the Christians, and wore the fezes throughout the land glorying in their victory over Christianity.

There are Christians, all over the world, who even today, suffer greatly and some have even give up their lives because they refuse to compromise their faith in Christ. And yet, professing Christians who are involved in the highest ranks of Freemasonry (Shriners) honor the persecution of Christians. A Shriner honors Islam and its symbols.

Posted: Sun Dec 18, 2005 9:59 pm
by russ
My grandfather was a Freemason but he was married to a Christian woman who attends worship at her local Uniting Church every Sunday and I never really knew much about Freemasons and he is dead now so I can't really ask him but I reckon I'll look into them a bit more now and see what it is all about

Posted: Wed Mar 15, 2006 5:14 am
by Son Worshiper
My father was a free mason for more than 40-years.
He wanted me to join and even invited me to some secret rite the lodge was holding.
But my mother, who was a Christian pulled me aside one day and let me know all about the Free Masons and the possible links between that group and satanic influences, so I told my dad "No, thanks."
He got really mad at my mom because he knew she had clued me in. But I'm glad she did. My oldest brother did go with him to witness the secret rites, but declined to join afterward.