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Questions About Creation & Design

Posted: Thu Nov 04, 2004 11:26 pm
by Anonymous
Hey Guys:

I'm new to this so please be patient with me. :-)

I have two questions that have been put to me and I must confess...I did not know the answers. So, could you please give me a very short, layman's term answer to the following questions that has to do with "Evidence for Creation?"

1. Why is DNA evidence for Creation?

2. The farther away a galaxy is, the faster it moves. Why is that evidence for Creation?

Here's a third actually:

3. What scripture is there to support the idea that "God used natural processes (and not just miracles) to prepare the earth for mankind?"



Proper questions

Posted: Thu Dec 09, 2004 6:30 am
by ongelovige
Indeed, mindboggling. As fas as I'm concerned add: why do women have to suffer so much during poregnacy? Thee female anotomy (back troubles) is just not designed correctly to carry new life.

Pretty [i]un[/i]intelligent design, really.

Wonder how much response (and what) you'll get....

Re: Proper questions

Posted: Thu Dec 09, 2004 1:28 pm
by Felgar
ongelovige wrote:Indeed, mindboggling. As fas as I'm concerned add: why do women have to suffer so much during poregnacy? Thee female anotomy (back troubles) is just not designed correctly to carry new life.

Pretty unintelligent design, really.

Wonder how much response (and what) you'll get....
Well since you revived the thread ongelovige, I'll respond for your sake.

Women suffer during pregnancy and child-birth as a result of the curse inflicted upon mankind by the sin of Adam and Eve. It is reasonable to conclude that childbearing would not have been so difficult before the fall.

Genesis 3:16 [God speaking]
To the woman he said,
"I will greatly increase your pains in childbearing;
with pain you will give birth to children.
Your desire will be for your husband,
and he will rule over you."

And as for Monk's Q's:

1) DNA is evidence for Creation for a number of reasons. First the fact that even single-celled organisms posses so much DNA information to me underscores the fact that life itself must have been made rather than 'built-up' by random chance. Were it built up we'd expect single cells to contain insignificant amounts of DNA information compared to people, but we don't see this. A sequence billions of bits long dosn't just 'pop' out of some chemical soup. Second the 'design' is so simple yet powerful. Much like the solar system - perfectly suited to sustain and promote life; that indicates design to me, but not to an evolutionist.

2) The fact that galaxies further away move faster is evidence that space is expanding in all directions. There are many instances in the Bible (17 I believe) where God is described as 'stretching out the heavens.' Now this is obviously an interpratation, but that could well be referring to expanding space.

Isaiah 4:22
He sits enthroned above the circle of the earth,
and its people are like grasshoppers.
He stretches out the heavens like a canopy,
and spreads them out like a tent to live in.

3) I'm not entirely certain. However, the Lord left the Earth and our universe to be self-governing, in the sense that the laws of science define our universe and reality, and the universe adheres to those laws. Gravity, time, etc. govern the universe and make it suitable for life. I would say that it stands to reason that once God set those scientific laws into motion, nature would then have 'taken its course.'


Posted: Sun Dec 26, 2004 2:40 pm
by Anonymous
My brother,

1. Why is DNA evidence for Creation?

Well of course I gather your questioning for this, as we see DNA as a personal worldly thing. HOWEVER, DNA evidence suggests many things about the fine tuning of the universe, about disproving Darwin's claims of menoplutonic evolution, and the genius behind the cell.

Let me put something to you... if you have a lego package for Christmas, and you find some ready made figures of blocks. It is true that you can dismantle the blocks, and rebuild the creation. This, however, is not so for the cell and DNA.
If you have a cellular segmentation of DNA under a microscope and burst it, in the test tube or palette, you have all the things you need to recreate that once living cell. There was a famous scientist that attempted to do this; he couldn't. Although it is all there, as it was in early universe-age times (although more simply), the simple components of the cell could not get together and inaugerate life. Something NEEDED to give the life in the firstplace; or in more scientific terms, the components of the cell need to have the motivation and energy to make life.

Of course, I am answering your question as: "DNA is evidence for creation of organisms because..." - not creation of the universe. This comes under a different catergory, even before the Earth had begun.

2. The farther away a galaxy is, the faster it moves. Why is that evidence for Creation?

EXCELLENT question! If you look in terms of the ever expanding, accelerating universe, we can see that this is evidence that points only one way - towards creation - a creator! Here's the reason:

If the universe is expanding, and galaxies are becomes further and further separated, then this suggests that if we would rewind time, the universe would be decreasing in size - crunching as the term goes. It would be getting smaller and smaller, slower and slower. This is an undeniable FACT. Therefore, there MUST be a beginning - where the oscillation of the universe was at its smallest and comes to a single-cellular beginning. In simple terms, thing of a circle, getting bigger and bigger (this is the universe.) Now rewind that thought, until it gets smaller and smaller - eventually you will get to one pivotal point - the creation, the starting point.

On these such subjects, I advise you get hold of the book "A case for creation" by Lee Strobel. Very inspiring indeed - and it only shows you the facts - not the "airy fairy".

3. As for your third question, I will answer this when I return since I feel it maybe a lengthy answer.

In Christ,
Fr Andrew