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Posted: Sat Mar 05, 2005 7:50 pm
by Believer
Hello, my name is Brian and I am currently 20, almost 21. I am a learning Christian and I am from NW Oregon, U.S.A. I am into building customized computers, religion, meeting new friends, and other stuff. Not in college, although I should be :oops: . I'm a real nice guy, it's what I am. I'm looking for some friends to chat with from these forums. If you have MSN Messenger, just add or to your contact list. I would like to chat with you about anything.

Posted: Sun Mar 06, 2005 2:04 am
by Anonymous
Hello everyone. My name is Dan. I've been a Christian for 23 years. I love science and I've read the Bible through 3 or more times which makes this site a joy to me. I am 41 and happily married (20 years) we have 5 kids. I am self employed building decks and fences. I am looking forward to chatting with this group.


Posted: Tue Mar 08, 2005 11:04 am
by Preach
Hello all. I'm "Preach" and this is my first post. I found this forum today as a result of a google search about God and the multiverse theory. I am an ex-atheist, having converted to christianity a few years back. Why Christianity? A logical assumtion of what a supreme being would be like and how this being would act is in perfect harmony with the way the Bible portrays Yahweh.
My search for truth began when my research led me to understand that I would not be honest with myself if I were to continue believing that the universe and all life within it were the result of one big accident. The sheer astronomically low probabilities alone seem to hint at a Creator. Personally, I would not gamble against those odds.
I find I am in good company here and many think like myself. I look forward to intelligent discussion here about our Lord and his Creation.

Posted: Tue Mar 08, 2005 3:54 pm
by Felgar
Well, welcome to the board Preach. Searching for multiverse theory; are you a scientist by vocation, or just someone who's curious?

Regardless, welcome aboard and feel free to kick off some discussions. :)

New (big) kid on the block

Posted: Thu Mar 17, 2005 3:06 pm
by Anonymous
Hi, dont know if I have done this right as this is a new thing for me.
I am a believer in the lord Jesus Christ and am struggling to learn guitar. Iknow 2 chord so if anyone has any tips. . .

Llike the idea of this site and sharing encouragement so thought I'd have a go.
I have lots of "issues" but try not to be negative.

Posted: Thu Mar 17, 2005 10:57 pm
by Preach
Hi there, Sssnakebite. Here is something to get you started. If you have any questions about how to read the charts, feel free to reply or send me a PM and I'll try to answer as best I can. ... te11.shtml

Re: New (big) kid on the block

Posted: Fri Mar 18, 2005 9:52 am
by Joel Freeman
sssnakebite wrote:Hi, dont know if I have done this right as this is a new thing for me.
I am a believer in the lord Jesus Christ and am struggling to learn guitar. Iknow 2 chord so if anyone has any tips. . .

Llike the idea of this site and sharing encouragement so thought I'd have a go.
I have lots of "issues" but try not to be negative.
A good site is It has every chord you'll ever need. For about 70% of all worship songs all you really need to know is G C and D. If you can transition smoothely between those chords then you're set. You can email me or send me and instant message over aim if you need any help or have any questions. I would be glad to help you out. My screen name on aim is summerslastreign.

Am I the only female here?!

Posted: Wed Mar 30, 2005 3:14 am
by kateliz
Hi everyone,

I've already written a few posts, and am eager for any responses, please! I'm, just like HelpmeGod, 20 and almost 21. A bright young girl who hungers daily for the deepest conversation possible about the things of God, which, as I've stated in my profile, is my main interest! God is so Good to me; He's recently started me on the topic of the science of Creation, as He formerly has with other things like the end times, and I gratefully found this site first when I went looking for a site, that's, well, just like this! Please feel free to e-mail me anytime about anything, I don't get enough e-mails to satisfy me. I have so many things I love to talk about, (though probably nearly all relating to God :wink: ) that I'm very eager indeed to dig into things! Can I stress that enough?! :lol: Converse with me!

Posted: Wed Mar 30, 2005 8:44 am
by Felgar
Welcome to the forums Kateliz! I can see from your posts that there'll be plenty of in-depth discussions forthcoming soon enough. ;)

Posted: Sat Apr 02, 2005 3:30 pm
by Anonymous
Hi I am Carolyn. I just joined today. I live in southern california. And I am 17.

Other than that I don't really have much else to say about myself at the moment

Greetings from Shamus

Posted: Sun Apr 03, 2005 11:54 am
by Anonymous
Hello everyone. New member to your board. I just discovered the website while searching out a question and was overwhelmed with all the great information that is offered. I see that I have much to read about and hope to learn even more. Look forward to reading your discussion board as well.

I have recently experienced a "crisis of conscience" having separated myself from an organization I was affiliated with for many years. I'm a little bit lost at the moment, but with much prayer and guidance from God, I hope to find at least some inner peace.

God bless all here,

Posted: Sun Apr 10, 2005 10:08 pm
by LittleShepherd
My name's Derek, and I'm from the middle Georgia area.

My salvation experience came last July, the morning that one of my friends confirmed my fears that she had an abortion. Honestly, I can't explain why I thought that -- she never told me she was pregnant or anything. I just remembered on New Year's Eve that she said she had a doctor's appointment the next day, and...something inside me just *knew*. And I said nothing -- anyway, that morning in July was the day I realized just how wretched and evil I really was, and finally surrendered to Christ.

Anyway, I take a very firm Bible-first stance when it comes to Christianity. I evaluate everything in light of the Bible, which means that I take a firm stand against unbiblical traditions and doctrines. This tends to make me unpopular with Mormons, Jehovah's Witnesses, and Catholics, amongst others. One of my strongest desires at this moment is to someday lead my mother out of Catholicism and into a relationship with Jesus Christ.

The boss at my place of employment is Buddhist, and the way I wear my relationship with Christ on my sleeve annoys her sometimes. I find this strange, since I almost never mention it -- she's the one who brings up the topic when it arises. I simply admit the truth when asked.

My primary interest concerning Christianity is evangelism, but I also enjoy apologetics. God has planted strong conviction in my heart that I'm meant to be a preacher, a teacher, and a family man. Perhaps I'll meet my future wife at college, or even at seminary. You never know. :wink:

Posted: Mon Apr 11, 2005 11:44 am
by AttentionKMartShoppers
The boss at my place of employment is Buddhist, and the way I wear my relationship with Christ on my sleeve annoys her sometimes. I find this strange, since I almost never mention it -- she's the one who brings up the topic when it arises. I simply admit the truth when asked.
I always thought Buddhism was full of "peaceful and serene" people. It's amazing that people put their faith in a dead guy who said much and did nothing fantastic....except get his belly in every Chinese restaurant...(and I was told he wasn't fat, so how ironic).

Posted: Wed Apr 13, 2005 10:06 am
by Battlehelmet
Hello everyone. I'm Battlehelmet, A serious creationistion and Christian. I have believed in God since the beginning.

This board was the exact 'niche" I was looking for a forum based in creationism to argue with skeptics and fellowship with Christians. Overall, you guys are real interesting and read some posts around the forum.

What is up??? :)

Posted: Wed Apr 13, 2005 10:27 am
by Mastermind
Skeptics are frowned upon around here.