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Re: 'If you could lose eternal life it wouldn't be eternal'

Posted: Tue Nov 29, 2016 12:25 pm
by crochet1949
jpbg33 wrote:crochet1949 2 Corinthians 6:14 was simply saying far Christians to not marry people who were not Christians.

If y'all were right then there would be no way to know if someone was a Christian or not because according to y'all it dose not mater what you are doing as long as you believed at sometime in your life then you are saved no mater what.

So if we can not tell if someone is a Christian or not then 2 Corinthians 6:14 is stupid.

You must see your interpretation of the bible make a joke of the bible.

You can not say we are Christian sinners in one breath then in another say God forgives us of all our sin

You can not say Christian must marry Christians in one breath then in another say we can not know who Christians are in another.

You can not say all unbelievers are going to hell in one breath then in another all Christians unbelievers are going to heaven in another

That kind of thinking does not make since.

With your attitude -- I'm not in any good frame of mind to respond at this time.

Re: 'If you could lose eternal life it wouldn't be eternal'

Posted: Tue Nov 29, 2016 12:38 pm
by jpbg33
in sorry if I made you mad that was not what I mean to do. It just does not make any since to me to say the bible has conflicting statements. All scripture must fit together or the interpretation is wrong. That was all I was saying.

I did not mean what y'all are stupid nor did I mean that y'all are making a joke of the bible what I was saying was when I read the bible and use y'all's thinking it doesn't make any since to me and those were some of the examples that I see that do not work with the way y'all are interpreting it.

Re: 'If you could lose eternal life it wouldn't be eternal'

Posted: Tue Nov 29, 2016 1:31 pm
by crochet1949
When a person reads God's Word -- it's a good idea to read it As God's Word and not simply something that other men wrote. God gave you a brain -- it's Not meant to be 'ya'lls thinking'. But what the Holy Spirit is teaching You. And the Holy Spirit teaches people as they progress in their spiritual maturity. So we Can share what we've read -- and ask questions as they come to mind. Taking from the simple basics to the more advanced understanding.

When it comes to serious relationships --such as marriage -- Take Time To Really Get to know the other person. Chemistry between people can cloud their judgement. And getting married has been known to change people's perspective. If people are married really young -- sometimes they've not matured enough to know What they want -- besides having a sexual relationship. We Need to know each other's goals / dreams in life. And we Can know if someone is a believer or not -- ASK. Communication 101. Talk to each other about the really serious stuff of life. Read God's Word Together / pray together. If there is no real interest in Those basics -- then -- rethink marriage. Especially if you're wanting a Christian person to marry. If a person doesn't Care about the religious aspect of life -- well, having children Can bring that into your life. Again -- Talk about that stuff.

And sometimes two non-Christians will get married and due to whatever happening -- one will accept Jesus Christ as Savior and the other doesn't. That can be problematic -- explain to the other spouse the why's and wherefore's and hopefully they will choose the same path you have. Sometimes they Won't.

Your comment about 'Christian unbelievers' going to heaven? Don't know Where you get That from. There's no such thing as a Christian unbeliever.

Re: 'If you could lose eternal life it wouldn't be eternal'

Posted: Tue Nov 29, 2016 2:40 pm
by jpbg33
Some here believe that you can stop believing and still be a Christian I do not.

Re: 'If you could lose eternal life it wouldn't be eternal'

Posted: Tue Nov 29, 2016 4:34 pm
by crochet1949
Once a person accepts Jesus Christ as their personal Savior -- the Holy Spirit Immediately indwells them and stays within us until we are safely with Jesus Christ. But the concept of 'stopping believing' -- don't go for that. Sometimes things in life can shake us up -- a Lot. But the Holy Spirit does NOT leave us. He will never leave us or forsake us.

Re: 'If you could lose eternal life it wouldn't be eternal'

Posted: Tue Nov 29, 2016 4:53 pm
by RickD
crochet1949 wrote:Once a person accepts Jesus Christ as their personal Savior -- the Holy Spirit Immediately indwells them and stays within us until we are safely with Jesus Christ. But the concept of 'stopping believing' -- don't go for that. Sometimes things in life can shake us up -- a Lot. But the Holy Spirit does NOT leave us. He will never leave us or forsake us.

What you said, cannot be overlooked. When we believe in Christ, God seals us and gives us the Holy Spirit in our hearts as a pledge. 2 Corinthians 1:22

God places his seal of ownership upon us. He owns us! And God promises that he will never leave nor forsake a believer. Hebrews 13:5

So for it to be possible to lose salvation/everlasting life, first, it would have to be temporary, not eternal. And second, God would have to take away His seal, His pledge, the Holy Spirit, from within us. And since God promises we have everlasting life, not temporary life, when we trust Christ, and He promises that He will never leave us, then I think I'll believe God, not someone whose idea of God, is a weak, pathetic, liar, who has no power to keep those whom He says He will keep.

The god of those who believe we can lose everlasting life, is a false, weak god that I want no part of.

Re: 'If you could lose eternal life it wouldn't be eternal'

Posted: Tue Nov 29, 2016 4:57 pm
by crochet1949
RickD wrote:
crochet1949 wrote:Once a person accepts Jesus Christ as their personal Savior -- the Holy Spirit Immediately indwells them and stays within us until we are safely with Jesus Christ. But the concept of 'stopping believing' -- don't go for that. Sometimes things in life can shake us up -- a Lot. But the Holy Spirit does NOT leave us. He will never leave us or forsake us.

What you said, cannot be overlooked. When we believe in Christ, God seals us and gives us the Holy Spirit in our hearts as a pledge. 2 Corinthians 1:22

God places his seal of ownership upon us. He owns us! And God promises that he will never leave nor forsake a believer. Hebrews 13:5

So for it to be possible to lose salvation/everlasting life, first, it would have to be temporary, not eternal. And second, God would have to take away His seal, His pledge, the Holy Spirit, from within us. And since God promises we have everlasting life, not temporary life, when we trust Christ, and He promises that He will never leave us, then I think I'll believe God, not someone whose idea of God, is a weak, pathetic, liar, who has no power to keep those whom He says He will keep.

The god of those who believe we can lose everlasting life, is a false, weak god that I want no part of.

:amen: :clap:

Re: 'If you could lose eternal life it wouldn't be eternal'

Posted: Tue Nov 29, 2016 5:32 pm
by jpbg33
RickD I would be carfull what I said about God. I believe the same as you on how someone gets saved and read the same bible maybe a different version. Believe in the same God. So I wouldn't have said what you just said it is not a requirement to believe osas or not to believe that. When you say you do not want anything to do with my God you are referring to Jesus Christ. So I would be careful with what you say.

You may think that you are saved so it doesn't matter what you say according to your religion but your religion also say you may just thank you are saved but not be.So I would be careful.

Re: 'If you could lose eternal life it wouldn't be eternal'

Posted: Tue Nov 29, 2016 5:40 pm
by RickD
jpbg33 wrote:RickD I would be carfull what I said about Gob. I believe the same as you on how someone gets saved and read the same bible maybe a different version. Believe in the same God. So I wouldn't have said what you just said it is not a requirement to believe osas or not to believe that. When you say you do not want anything to do with my God you are referring to Jesus Christ. So I would be careful with what you say.

You may think that you are saved so it doesn't matter what you say according to your religion but your religion also say you may just thank you are saved but not be.So I would be careful.
I promise. From now on, I'll be extra carefull with what I say about your Gob. Your Gob is a liar, and has trouble keeping his promises. We don't believe in the same God. My God promises everlasting life to anyone who has believed in Christ. Your false god says that you have temporary life, and you may or may not be saved, depending upon how good you are.

I think I'll stick to my God, thank you very much. y=;

And I'll stick to the gospel that saves. Not your false gospel of works and continued performance.

Re: 'If you could lose eternal life it wouldn't be eternal'

Posted: Tue Nov 29, 2016 6:15 pm
by jpbg33
Yaw now to thank of it my Gob isn't that good after all so if you want it I guess you can have it.

Where in the bible does it say you must believe osas or you are going to hell. I do not remember reading that verse.

I do remember reading in the bible about certain sins that who ever is doing them will go to hell. Not just sinners doing them but everyone doing them will go to hell.

Re: 'If you could lose eternal life it wouldn't be eternal'

Posted: Tue Nov 29, 2016 6:58 pm
by RickD
jpbg33 wrote:Yaw now to thank of it my Gob isn't that good after all so if you want it I guess you can have it.

Where in the bible does it say you must believe osas or you are going to hell. I do not remember reading that verse.

I do remember reading in the bible about certain sins that who ever is doing them will go to hell. Not just sinners doing them but everyone doing them will go to hell.
I never said, nor do I believe, nor does the Bible say that one must believe in osas to be saved.

How you came to that conclusion, is beyond me.

Re: 'If you could lose eternal life it wouldn't be eternal'

Posted: Tue Nov 29, 2016 7:11 pm
by jpbg33
That is pretty much all that is different in our belief in salvation. So we must be serving the same God and you said you didn't want anything to do with my God.

Re: 'If you could lose eternal life it wouldn't be eternal'

Posted: Tue Nov 29, 2016 7:13 pm
by crochet1949
jpbg33 wrote:Yaw now to thank of it my Gob isn't that good after all so if you want it I guess you can have it.

Where in the bible does it say you must believe osas or you are going to hell. I do not remember reading that verse.

I do remember reading in the bible about certain sins that who ever is doing them will go to hell. Not just sinners doing them but everyone doing them will go to hell.

A person who does the things listed in Revelation -- as a Life-style. That is a Strong indication of lack of salvation -- that would be a Warning -- and it Could be that a person is a psychological / pathological liar -- not knowing the difference between the truth and fiction. Because it named liars in the list.

How much do we rationalize our way of life. That 'everyone' is doing IT so IT must be okay.

OSAS is not a belief per se it IS assurance OF. That is a GOOD thing. It's okay to Trust God to keep our soul -- He Won't loose it.

Re: 'If you could lose eternal life it wouldn't be eternal'

Posted: Tue Nov 29, 2016 7:58 pm
by RickD
jpbg33 wrote:That is pretty much all that is different in our belief in salvation. So we must be serving the same God and you said you didn't want anything to do with my God.
You have no idea what you're even arguing against.

If you think that those who believe in osas, think that somebody's salvation hinges upon whether or not they believe in osas, then you are arguing against a straw man.

As bad as the arguments that I've heard against eternal security are, I've never heard anyone argue that osas adherents think that belief in osas is necessary for salvation.

You really need to just stop arguing against things that you don't understand.

Re: 'If you could lose eternal life it wouldn't be eternal'

Posted: Tue Nov 29, 2016 8:40 pm
by jpbg33

RickD wrote

I promise. From now on, I'll be extra carefull with what I say about your Gob. Your Gob is a liar, and has trouble keeping his promises. We don't believe in the same God. My God promises everlasting life to anyone who has believed in Christ. Your false god says that you have temporary life, and you may or may not be saved, depending upon how good you are.

I think I'll stick to my God, thank you very much.

I do not think osas people think you have to believe osas to be saved. That is not what I am talking about. You said that you did not want anything to do with my God. I serve the same God you say you serve.

I was saying you need to be careful what you say.

I am not trying to slam you but it does say all liars are going to hell.

That veres means that if you were saved 30 years ago but are now a liar then if you are still a liar when you die you will go to hell