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Posted: Tue May 03, 2011 11:19 am
by zacchaeus
Considering you posted in the public domain, I too choose to respond publicly. Thank you for the welcome, be it lukewarm as it may be, but none the less I receive it. I no longer feel welcomed and I will soon delete the elongated dissertations by Dan Corner. Please don't think that anyone on hear as an original thought that has not already been conceived. If I copy and paste something I agree with and have permission to use, to get across what I'm trying to say that is put into words and order better than I can, what does it matter? Everyone's thought is not their own be it they read it somewhere, was told, or taught, so I suppose its all copied and pasted. The only difference is I cited my work, not to mention I could have put the link but the link would had said exactly what I copied and pasted, so which is easier? I post the link and then no one clicks on it and read it, or I post it myself so that someone might actually read it. I'm not sure the Word is to be debated over be it man is so tenacious about doing so even in opposition, that we all do. My intent and motive was never to really converse as to the driven purpose was to biblical give an answer to the original question of the post, as to we are to be ready to give an answer. (1 Peter 3:15). I simply wanted to teach, admonish, and/or make aware that of which most do not take the time to study and come up with their own answer straight from scripture. As for your concern in your number two point addressed to me, I'm not trying to "WIN" against anybody or anyone. All our goals should be to edify others, one another, and advance the things of the Kingdom in all we do, and that my friend is not only mine but is the business of everyone. We should be spreading the gospel (great commission) and not hoarding amongst ourselves for little profit stirring up the flesh and pride of one another, in what you reference to as a battle or debate. All this should be done according to His Will and not our own. I knew when I saw the topic "salvation" what would be in store for me, and while I thought I could teach or shed some light I get reprehended. I started off with my own writings and exhortations only to little avail in those with hardened hearts and who are head strong. Those like this are the reason atheists don't believe because they are so head strong (non-smart) you have to crack through their reasoning just to get to their hearts. I tried to end my threads before (go read the last 3 or 4 posts) and used scripture to back up my reasoning only to yet again be attacked with nonsense, and my own thoughts taken out of context so one could prove himself. (Romans 14:5; 2 Timothy 2:23-26). I think I've used far greater scripture as well to back my position or so called (opinion), then anyone else. Just read the scripture and continue to study, that is all one can ask. (OSAS) are like modern day pharisees whom try to provoke others to anger when they want agree with their opinion in which they try to pass off for truth. Their parasitical nature gets under my skin, but I'm a bigger and better person then to loose my temper, for we should be slow to anger and quick to listen. I've listened to all that has been said, and I've read all of your posts. I think I'm going to take this opportunity to bow out of it all together. Its quite hard to reason with the unreasoning, especially those who don't want to reason. People don't want truth cause it might mean them giving up something that they've always done for years and years. To many people are still, stagnant, and not moving. They have become comfortable, content, and complacent. People don't wont sacrifice even if it means getting close to God. Most don't wont to get close to God because they fear God. We should cling to what is good and stay away from evil, every appearance of it. Its to hard and might cause to much work for someone to actually get close to God so they go with the "just enough to get by" mentality. You cannot take dark into light with you, and you cannot get close to good with evil. "Truth is still truth be it private or public and there is nothing anyone in the world can do to change truth; truth is the only fact that matters about anything".

In His Nailed Scarred Hands


Posted: Tue May 03, 2011 12:09 pm
by Canuckster1127
You're welcome to leave your material up. A link would be a good idea so that people know where you got it from. If my concern was removing the material, I could have and would have done so myself as a moderator of the forum.

The welcome was sincere. I'm sorry you feel it is lukewarm.

I understand your desire is to teach and that is welcome here. Please understand that we have multiple people who come through, often passionate about a single issue and wishing to set everyone right. Often the reason cited to justify this, as you have, is "truth."

May I suggest to you that "truth" has a name, and it is Jesus Christ. Further Jesus is "Truth" and "Love". For a brush up on how Love behaves, I would draw your attention to I Cor 13.

It's customary, I would presume, that when someone enters your living room as a new friend or guest that they are polite and give deference to you and how your home runs. It's somewhat similar in this context.

In any event, it was not my intent to give you the offense that has obviously been taken. It was my intent however to give some guidance as to how to experience some greater success here in sharing your teaching and understanding.

As you've stated yourself that you're more concerned about "truth" than effectively communicating and understanding the context of where you are and whom you are addressing, it would appear that you're not particularly interested in developing any sense of relationship or community and have chosen to treat us as a stop on your tour to share your "truth." That's a shame. I think you might find if you gave it some time and sought to participate that there are those here who could teach you as well as benefit from your understandings.

That's up to you. The invitation is open and you're welcome to remain. Please take some time, if you haven't already to look at our Board Purpose and Discussion Guidelines and if you choose to remain in our community here, you're again very welcome. If you don't wish to accept my suggestions, you're free to ignore them as well. I was simply seeking to give you some insight as to how your approach was looking and being received by someone who's been here for a while.




Posted: Tue May 03, 2011 3:13 pm
by zacchaeus
Thank you, your last message has been received and well-taken. I accept it and claim it. I apologize if I seemed somewhat on the defense and/or if you thought I may have been lashing out. I guess that's my fault for not even paying attention to whom even really posted it. I thought it was the same person and I took the text for being sarcastic instead of trying to be informative; as to that's what it was meant to be. I know who truth is and assumed that was a given, Jesus is Jesus, and He never changes, and He is the truth...etc. This I mind-you I really do know, lol! I never attacked the running process or the structure of the forums. I'm quite saddened that it seems a little one sided and personally directed to me though. Well established members should know better. If I was the only one wrong, well then I'll accept responsibility and apologize for my discourse. The stop to share truth idea would presumably indicate to go both ways, unless I'm wrong there again. I was interested in sharing the "truth" in reference to scripture pertaining to the question posed, not the ideas and opinions of man. You act as if I don't see where isolated scripture by it self could point to the possibility of (OSAS), but the fact is there is way more significant amounts of scripture that points to willfully sinning without repenting in order to obtain and be covered by grace will cause man to fall. Your only as secure as you want to be. I wasn't trying to converse in the way you would like me to because it always leads into debates as to that is the very thing that has happened. I'm going to pray about positing my posts from now on, I think that would be wise of me. Thanks for the invitation, for now I will just continue reading and learning as to that's how I even came across this site. It is an amazing source, especially for what I've been called to do; that is to reach the hardest of hearts, atheists and agnostics...


Posted: Tue May 03, 2011 9:04 pm
by J.Davis
EDIT-Please disregard any quotes taken from my pervious unedited post as I feel the changes made here fit my original feelings more closely (please disregard quotes with J.Davis in them within other members post below as well as responses to this post as it has changed)-I do not believe an intentional choice made with the mind or will of the heart will lead to any possible loss of salvation and only support what is typed below as well as the following post from me with my picture/"avatar" below.

I think members on both sides of the discussion are going in the right direction, but I want to add a few things to consider.

Hebrews 6:4-8 For in the case of those who have once been enlightened and have tasted of the heavenly gift and have been made partakers of the Holy Spirit, 5and have tasted the good word of God and the powers of the age to come, 6and then have fallen away, it is impossible to renew them again to repentance, since they again crucify to themselves the Son of God and put Him to open shame. 7For ground that drinks the rain which often falls on it and brings forth vegetation useful to those for whose sake it is also tilled, receives a blessing from God; 8but if it yields thorns and thistles, it is worthless and close to being cursed, and it ends up being burned.

It is extremely likely (at least under my understanding of God, the word and spiritual things) that no amount of sin will cause us to lose our salvation because we have offended God to the point where He is fed up. But Hebrews 6:4-8 and other scriptures strongly suggest that one can have a heart condition where they are in a permanent state which believes that salvation is not worth the effort as they nurture a permanent grudge.

Therefore, anyone who fears that they lost salvation, desires salvation, fears hell, is concerned that they are not going to heaven and the like is not unsaved. So, if you are going to ask if you are still saved (meaning you got saved), the answer is yes you are.

We commit sin when we allow unrighteous thought and corrupt forces (greed, lust, envy, pride etc) to push us into taking actions that corrupt the heart (soul), making it less and less like the heart of Christ. Also, each sin is a sin for a reason, not just so God can accuse us of something and make us feel worthless. God did not point out sins just for kicks (each sin has a different effect on the heart/soul). And, as mentioned many times in scripture, God is concerned with the state our hearts/souls have been conditioned towards, which leads to one performing corresponding acts of unrighteousness. So it is not simply the sin itself that God wants to prevent but the effects it has on our heart. God hates sin, yes, it’s true…why? Because of the reason he forbid us to sin in the first place, and the reason He died. Sin distorts Righteous/Christian nature.

God is not going to take anyone’s salvation from them, but if one does not revisit Christian ethnics so long as they live then God will not force them to.

Above all, God wants Christians to have joy and not be burdened by such matters. But because He loves us, He wants us to…

Hebrews 3:12-14 Take care, brethren, that there not be in any one of you an evil, unbelieving heart that falls away from the living God. 13But encourage one another day after day, as long as it is still called “Today (J.Davis: while you still have the day/thy days are seized),” so that none of you will be hardened by the deceitfulness of sin. 14For we have become partakers of Christ, if we hold fast the beginning of our assurance firm until the end.




Posted: Tue May 03, 2011 10:03 pm
by J.Davis


Posted: Wed May 04, 2011 9:42 am
by jlay
Hebrews 6:4-8 (Which is inline with many other scriptures) strongly suggest (even after reading from chapter one through chapter six) that a truly saved Christian, can make a choice to renounce Christianity, but if one does this, they can not be saved again. Therefore, anyone who fears that they lost salvation, desires salvation, fears hell, is concerned that they are not going to heaven, is not happy and content with rejecting God in everyway shape and form is either saved or was never saved to begin with and can choose to become saved.
If you are going to use that interpretation, then you have to follow it through all the way to its logical ends. If someone loses their salvation, it is IMPOSSIBLE to renew them. They can never repent and be saved. It is hopeless.

So, if someone loses their salvation by crossing some unknown sin line, it is impossible for them to regain their salvation. That would be consistent.

However, many like myself reject this position and with good reason.
I am in an in-depth study of Hebrews, as we speak. This requires multiple readings of the entire book, without any commentaries, and then to go back and perform an expositional study line by line. First and foremost, Hebrews is written to JEWS!! Thus its given name, Hebrews. It was written to Jews who were tempted by Judiazers to forsake grace through faith alone, and return to keeping the OT law.

As far as someone renouncing their faith. That is apostasy. And it is a seperate issue. The discussion here is whether someone can be truly, soundly saved and then lose their salvation through sinning.
Any Christian is free to renounce Christianity, God will not take your free will away.
You might want to reconsider that 1st part. 1 Cor 6:19-20 Eph 1:13-14


Posted: Wed May 04, 2011 11:29 am
by zacchaeus
I'm quite hesitant to comment, but I will none the less...

Since apostasy was brought up we should probably re-look at Hebrews 6 the chapter because its quite obvious its a direct warning (command) to saved Christians not to apostatize.

We should leave our own first principles after becoming studiers of the word; take meat and no longer remain in the state of babes. Go on to perfection- never rest until you are capable of taking strong meat, being a teacher, and exercising all your senses in righteousness. The Spirit is the power allotted to the "believer" or "believing" that moves them forward. We will not go on to perfection until the time of rapture and we become saints in a resurrected celestial body, and the corruptible (mortality) puts on incorruptible (immortality). Until then we are to fight the good fight for the HOPE that is to come!

Two outstanding facts: Christians can backslide and tear down their own foundation of repentance that is already laid. Should they ever if at all be admitted into the church again, they would in fact have to build their foundation of repentance again and redo their first works again. (Heb. 2:1-4; Rev. 2:5). Christians can fully apostatize from Christ, completely reject Him and His atoning work, so that its impossible to renew them again to repentance. (Heb. 10:26-29; 2 Pet. 2:20-22)

(Heb. 6:11-12)
Paul circles back again to his repeated stance on the subject to the Hebrews warning them they must continue in full assurance of hope of "eternal life" even to the the end, and by doing so they will finally inherit the blessings of the promises.

Jesus is our Forerunner to Heaven and our High Priest to represent us "until we are safe" in Heaven with GOD!!!

(Eph. 2:1-3)
First, those identified in the passage were dead in their trespasses and sins. Second, they walked according to the course of this world. This shows a voluntary action of ones free-will...

Sin is the death of the soul. A man dead in trespasses and sins has no desire for spiritual pleasures. I thank God knows a mans heart, for He tells us so in scripture. To thank a heart cannot change to and/or go back is not really considering the truth concerning the very nature of things. I would call it a heart problem. Sin cannot enter Heaven. To think sin will not change your relationship with Jesus and your salvation status is to not fully believe in the divine and inerrant scripture. A state of sin is a state of conformity to this world, be you are saved or not. Jesus said you will know them by their fruits, period! Wicked men are slaves to satan. satan is the author of that proud, carnal disposition which there is in both godly and ungodly men; he rules in the hearts of men. From Scripture it is clear, that whether men have been most prone to sensual or to spiritual wickedness, all men, being naturally children of disobedience, are also by nature children of wrath. What reason have sinners, then, to seek earnestly for that grace which will make them, of children of wrath, children of God and heirs of glory! Their will and realization of all that is good; Jesus Christ; Lord and Savior... He want force us to stay with Him no more than He would force us to already be with Him; love Him, before we ever accepted Him in the first place. That is against His nature... He will not force us to do anything and is why we are free moral agents. If you want to argue that if one falls and never can be saved again, then fine, that would be up to the knowledge of the individual and his free will. We are only accountable for what we know, and what we don't know cannot be held against us. So if he willingly, freely, surrenders his own salvation knowing the possibility of never coming back to repentance, that is his choice; but one cannot according to scripture, argue that you cannot freely surrender your own salvation through disobedience of sins in a non-prospering fruitless life or flat out rejecting and/or denying Jesus Christ as Lord.

If we are fully and completely saved in a status that is eternally forever and there is nothing we can do to change that status, being it took place once upon a time as an event and we have to do nothing else ever, then we need not ask for forgiveness, repent, or even pray for that matter. Our sins are no longer sins, they are gone, been washed away by the blood of the Lamb on the cross, we are a new-new creature, born again, perfected, assured, blameless, secured, and sealed, so it seems forgiveness, repentance, even praying is quite needless and serves no purpose. The "condition", as long as we continue to "believe and repent". Whosoever "believeth", a verb showing action, a continual present particle, remains, continues, keeps. Again, the one thing (osas) and I agree on is a present spiritual state... be it we agree we are saved or that were not saved, just one says if he is not saved he may have in fact lost his salvation if he had it and the other says he never had it to begin with; both agree to a current present spiritual status.


Posted: Wed May 04, 2011 12:45 pm
by jlay
being it took place once upon a time as an event and we have to do nothing else ever, then we need not ask for forgiveness, repent, or even pray for that matter.
That simply isn't the case. A believer compromises his fellowship when he sins. There is every reason to pray. Not to maintain salvation, but because we have it. Prayer is for the believer. I think it is rather unusual that you portray prayer is such a way.

If we confess our sins He is faithful and just to forgive our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness. All our sins are forgiven in Christ. However, the continued sin of a believer will harm his fellowship, with God, and with other believers. And so a believer should confess those sins and forsake them. Fellowship is essential to a vibrant and effectual Christian walk.

Many people lump Hebrews in with all Pauline scripture. But it is a very Jewish book, written to Jewish people, for a very specific Jewish issue. I do believe Paul wrote it, and I also believe he left his name off of this letter for that very reason.
If we are fully and completely saved in a status that is eternally forever and there is nothing we can do to change that status,
In Him you also trusted, after you heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation; in whom also, having believed, you were sealed with the Holy Spirit of promise


Posted: Wed May 04, 2011 2:03 pm
by zacchaeus
"A believer compromises his fellowship when he sins."

Question: Does our salvation make us in fellowship with GOD, or can you have an "effective fellowship" with GOD without salvation? If so I agree, if not, well then I must re-quote you, "a believer compromises his salvation when he chooses to sin and doesn't repent". What happens after your believer compromises his fellowship, does he repent and ask for forgiveness? If so, why? If not, what happens?

Funny how you only scrutinized the prayer part of my statement and not the other two. My reference of prayer was to the manner of how we ask for forgiveness or repent be it formal or informal; either way you pray to God to ask for forgiveness through the power of the Holy Spirit in Jesus Name. If you need not do these things because you are "eternally secure" then what purpose would any of the latter serve? My point is it would not matter and you would not have to do these things, unless of course you do have to in which would be conditional?


Posted: Wed May 04, 2011 5:29 pm
by MarcusOfLycia
zacchaeus wrote:"A believer compromises his fellowship when he sins."
Funny how you only scrutinized the prayer part of my statement and not the other two. My reference of prayer was to the manner of how we ask for forgiveness or repent be it formal or informal; either way you pray to God to ask for forgiveness through the power of the Holy Spirit in Jesus Name. If you need not do these things because you are "eternally secure" then what purpose would any of the latter serve? My point is it would not matter and you would not have to do these things, unless of course you do have to in which would be conditional?
Do you have to be a good father to be a father? Do you have to be a good husband to be a husband? Do you have to be a good friend to be a friend?

"My point is it would not matter and you would not have to do these things, unless of course you do have to in which would be conditional?"


Posted: Wed May 04, 2011 6:22 pm
by zacchaeus
"Do you have to be a good father to be a father? Do you have to be a good husband to be a husband? Do you have to be a good friend to be a friend?" To further your question or train of thought I would ask, why wouldn't you, especially if you really love them? How do you show your love...? Certainly not by being mean or bad, and if you are I can assure you they don't know or cant tell that you do love them!!!

Why did Jesus tell the woman, "go, sin no more"? I doubt He would tell her to go do something if it were impossible, and He is truth and doesn't lie. (1 John 3:6) “Whosoever abideth in him sinneth not: whosoever sinneth hath not seen him, neither known him.” According to this anyone who sins doesn't know Him, so if you "sin" you either lost your salvation or you were never saved in the first place. The scripture say those who "abideth IN HIM", those who remain and continue to stay in a particular present state/condition; that is the condition; sins not. So those who chose not to remain in Him do so by "sinning". Those who think sin cannot affect and ultimately change your salvation status, if you continue in it, are just wrong according to scripture. Jesus said you will know them by their fruit, period! So please discern and judge my fruit righteously, I rest assure everyone in their right mind would tell you I'm saved; I'd agree. Lets says we cross paths four or five years from now and I'm cursing up a storm, I'm doing evil things, my fruit is bad (sin) and fruitless; you discern righteous judgment and conclude I'm not a saved person; I'd agree. At this point even if you don't recognize me would not matter and the fact whether I was saved and lost salvation or to you never had salvation would not matter; all that would matter is my current spiritual status and the fact that-that status changed because of unrepented sin.
Read the prodigal son!!!

Not sure I fully understand your last post... was your reiteration agreeing or not agreeing with me, lol???

However, if your not a good father your child might rebel, run away, leave, disown you, be taken away, commit suicide, etc.

If your not a good husband you wife might divorce you, leave, cheat, kill you (snapped)!!! etc.

If your not a good friend your friend may befriend you, leave you, use you, etc.

"My point is it would not matter and you would not have to do these things, unless of course you do have to in which would be conditional?"

“He that sins chooses a vicious course of life; for this would be inconsistent with his indwelling in Christ, and enjoying communion with Him and the taken of any part in the things to come except to be eternally separated from He who knows no sin…”-zacchaeus


Posted: Wed May 04, 2011 9:52 pm
by MarcusOfLycia
I thought it was clear. You suggested that you 'have to be a good Christian' in your previous posts to be a 'Christian' - basically that you have to love God completely in order to have Salvation. I disagree entirely, because it isn't up to us in the slightest... NOTHING we do is worthy of God's love and Salvation - He has to give it freely.

I think you take Christ out of context though when you say that any who sin are not in Him. Based on your later logic, does this mean that every time any Christian sins, they suddenly never knew God in the first place? If not, can you tell me how many sins someone must commit before God stops offering them Salvation? Are some sins more worthy of losing your Salvation than others? How long of a period must one go before God no longer accepts them? Seems to me that what you're saying is that if you aren't perfect, God really can't give you Salvation. Because if you sin, you lose everything. Sorry, man, but I'm just not that perfect. I'm going to hell if God expects perfection from me. I can barely get by. I wager everyone should feel that way if what you say is true.

More questions too, in case someone 'regains' Salvation. Do you get rebaptized by the Holy Spirit? Does Christ's blood suddenly uncover us and then recover us when we repent again? Are we born again over and over based on our actions? Who is really to credit for our Salvation - is it us and our actions or God and His already-completed work?

Look, I'm not trying to minimize sin. But I refuse to take the opposite extreme and say that personal on-our-own perfection is all that He expects from us. Christ is the only one who can live up to what you suggest Christians should do (never sin)! And that's the whole point of Christianity! That God sees Christ's life, death, and ressurection as a sacrifice in place of our sins! Sin hurts our relationship to be sure, but if you understood my last post at all, you'd see that I was indicating that it never removed the relationship. That was the whole point. If you aren't a good husband, friend, or father, it doesn't mean you'll suddenly lose all contact with those you have those relationships with and make it as if those things never occurred - it means you'll strain them.

Sin is severe, but the thing to learn from that fact isn't that we suddenly have to become perfect. Instead, its that we need to accept Christ's gift to us. I suppose you could think otherwise, but it should be very telling that Christ's most severe words were not for the sinners, but for the 'perfect'.


Posted: Thu May 05, 2011 12:20 am
by J.Davis


Posted: Thu May 05, 2011 12:22 am
by J.Davis
Anyone who got saved and cares to fight sin and make an effort to follow God, at any point in their life, has not given up and is still being disciplined by God. Why would a human, who is inclined to sin, due to it’s very nature, ever make a choice to fight sin if God is not disciplining them or drawing them to Him (because they are not saved). Way to many Christians worry about if they are still saved. No one has to be in a constant state of worry because of their mistakes. If you resist sin at any point in your life, after being saved, you are making a choice to choose God and you are ok. Hebrews 12:6,7,8


Posted: Thu May 05, 2011 6:50 am
by jlay
J.Davis wrote:I said in my pervious post that one will know exactly when they (truly) made the decision to leave Jesus, their heart (due to constantly practicing sin) will offer the choice, after that, the Christian will either choose to reject the choice and keep fighting or give in because that is what they want.
I would disagree with the idea that 'constantly practicing sin' will result in one being offered the choice to renounce their salvation? If that is true then what about 1 Corinthians 1:8. "He will keep you strong to the end, so that you will be blameless on the day of our Lord Jesus Christ." and, Jude 1:24 "Now unto him that is able to keep you from falling, and to present [you] faultless before the presence of his glory with exceeding joy."

Question: Does our salvation make us in fellowship with GOD, or can you have an "effective fellowship" with GOD without salvation? If so I agree, if not, well then I must re-quote you, "a believer compromises his salvation when he chooses to sin and doesn't repent". What happens after your believer compromises his fellowship, does he repent and ask for forgiveness? If so, why? If not, what happens?
Our salvation allows us fellowship with God. So, no you can not have effective fellowship without salvation.
When a believer compromises his fellowship through sin, he will be chastened by the Lord. Hopefully he will foresake his ways, and return. If not, he will not find fellowship, nor be able to have an abiding relationship in Christ. How that all plays out is going to vary for each individual. I can only speak to my own testimony of how the Lord chastened me over a many number of years, which included a near nervous breakdown, and sever panic attacks. 15+ years since I've had one. Praise God.
“Whosoever abideth in him sinneth not: whosoever sinneth hath not seen him, neither known him.” According to this anyone who sins doesn't know Him, so if you "sin" you either lost your salvation or you were never saved in the first place.
That is not what it says. Again, as you have done many times over, you are assigning a definition to a word that is not consistent with its primary meaning. You are saying that 'abide' equals 'salvation.' The reality is it doesn't mean this. Although abiding is only possible for one who is saved.
You sin. Everyone sins. So, how many times have you lost and regained your salvation?
1 John 1:8-10 "If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us. If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. If we say that we have not sinned, we make Him a liar, and His word is not in us."
I'm sorry Zac, but it most definately sounds as if you are saying that you never sin. It is also clear that you are saying that a true believer will NOT sin, at all. But the facts are we know they do and will, in some form or the other.

The by-p[roduct of a believer who abides is that they will not sin. Abiding is a posturing of the heart and mind to be directed by the HS. The HS will never direct us into sin. When we grieve the spirit, we are not yielding to it and therefore not abiding. Should we abide? Absolutely. Do we always? Sadly, no. But, through confession, we can be restored to abide.
If you need not do these things because you are "eternally secure" then what purpose would any of the latter serve? My point is it would not matter and you would not have to do these things, unless of course you do have to in which would be conditional?
Well, Jesus prayed more than anyone, and as we all know it wasn't because He sinned.
You are making the error of summing up the "Need" of prayer as if it all pertains to one losing their salvation. The reality is that prayer has genuine value and need if eternal security is a reality. Including the need to confess. Being able to confess one's sins in prayer has value if eternal security is a reality.
Those who think sin cannot affect and ultimately change your salvation status, if you continue in it, are just wrong according to scripture.
No sir. Only according to your interpretations of the scripture. since I was once of the identical position of you, and preached it vehemently, I am well aware of just how untrue that is. Just a few words that I think you have wrongly defined that cause those who hold your position to make such assertions.
Repent. Disciple. Kingdom of Heaven. Abide. Not to mention taking teachings that are specifically to Israel and parables that are written specifically to Israel and trying to apply them willy nilly to each individual, while ingoring context, audience and proper exegesis.
Did you ever even read the article I linked on the word repent?