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Re: Allegiance to God or The State? Heavenly vs. Earthly Authority

Posted: Wed Sep 23, 2015 3:36 am
by abelcainsbrother
This gay marriage thing is just another sign of the times.It is another bible prophecy being fulfilled in these last days.But I definately see Christian persecution coming and I'm surprised how some seem to be naive about is political correctness gone mad and we hate gays just because we say homosexuality is a sin just like any other sin.They are trying to shut up Christians from telling the truth.

However at the same time there is alot of judgment toward homosexuals in the church over this that should not be.However homosexuals do not get a pass when it comes to sinning and yet this is what they want.There is an evil spirit when it comes to homosexuality that I also think people are overlooking. Think of Lot in Sadom and Gamorrah and what they did,they wanted to have sexual relations with the angels,well the same kind of filth is coming.Let's not sugar coat anything. Our future is Sadam and Gamorrah just like it was in the days of Lot exactly like Jesus said it would be when he returns.But also as the days of Noah also.