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Posted: Tue Oct 04, 2005 1:36 am
by stixandstones
Forget Sealand...make your Dland. And when you do call me up and I'll immigrate. But there has to be goats? Are there goats? Will there be goats?

Posted: Tue Oct 04, 2005 7:34 am
by BGoodForGoodSake
stixandstones wrote:Forget Sealand...make your Dland. And when you do call me up and I'll immigrate. But there has to be goats? Are there goats? Will there be goats?
It will be a goatopia...

Posted: Tue Oct 04, 2005 8:03 am
by kateliz
Goatopia was my idea, BGood! I started it in 1979 and it's prospered ever since. Our new attractions include, (but are not limited to): a metal can eating contest, (that's for humans, of course; we wouldn't want to see our poor goats' gums all cut up and bloody, now would we?) a Stab the Butt game, (the goats play this with their horns. Felgar lost the last game, poor guy. First time we had to call an ambulance to Goatopia :shock: ) and the most famous of all- Find the Smelly Goat. We reek up our fastest goat and send it loose all over the fairgrounds to be caught by the winner, who would then be awarded with a lock of the goat's hair, (which I've heard retains it's aroma for several years.) And actually, we had a mishap during the last game of that, too. And, yes, sadly, it was with poor Felgar again. He was captured by bizzt, who was a little confused, and who claimed his prize right then and there... but didn't have any scissors on hand. Man, did he get caught up in the game! Just ripped it right out, he did! Never seen a grown man cry that much, Poor Felgar!

And just for that, BGood, NO! You cannot pet the bunny. It's my bunny; my un-birthday gift from my good friend Jake-o-lantern. And thank you for the bunny; it's a nice bunny. Kind of like the nice little bunny Mr. Python and his friends owned while they searched for the godly cup. Pet your own bunny, BGood!

Posted: Tue Oct 04, 2005 8:13 am
by bizzt
kateliz wrote:Goatopia was my idea, BGood! I started it in 1979 and it's prospered ever since. Our new attractions include, (but are not limited to): a metal can eating contest, (that's for humans, of course; we wouldn't want to see our poor goats' gums all cut up and bloody, now would we?) a Stab the Butt game, (the goats play this with their horns. Felgar lost the last game, poor guy. First time we had to call an ambulance to Goatopia :shock: ) and the most famous of all- Find the Smelly Goat. We reek up our fastest goat and send it loose all over the fairgrounds to be caught by the winner, who would then be awarded with a lock of the goat's hair, (which I've heard retains it's aroma for several years.) And actually, we had a mishap during the last game of that, too. And, yes, sadly, it was with poor Felgar again. He was captured by bizzt, who was a little confused, and who claimed his prize right then and there... but didn't have any scissors on hand. Man, did he get caught up in the game! Just ripped it right out, he did! Never seen a grown man cry that much, Poor Felgar!

And just for that, BGood, NO! You cannot pet the bunny. It's my bunny; my un-birthday gift from my good friend Jake-o-lantern. And thank you for the bunny; it's a nice bunny. Kind of like the nice little bunny Mr. Python and his friends owned while they searched for the godly cup. Pet your own bunny, BGood!
:roll: :shock: :lol:

Posted: Tue Oct 04, 2005 8:15 am
by BGoodForGoodSake
kateliz wrote:Goatopia was my idea, BGood! ...
Pet your own bunny, BGood!

Didn't anyone tell you sharing is caring?
I would pet my own bunny, but I pet her so much that all the hair has fallen out.

And she scampers in the back yard only during the summer time, because the poor thing gets cold easily now.

I tried to get her to wear a bunny sweater I knitted for her but she refuses.

She wants a designer one, and says that my knitting is poor. I've never had such a high maintenance bunny in my life! :evil:

Posted: Tue Oct 04, 2005 8:16 am
by kateliz
Practicing making faces in the mirror again? Just don't try a double-take, the second look might startle you too much! :wink:

Posted: Tue Oct 04, 2005 8:19 am
by bizzt
kateliz wrote:Practicing making faces in the mirror again? Just don't try a double-take, the second look might startle you too much! :wink:
LOL... I wouldn't go there Kate. How many Mirrors have you Gone through already :wink:

Posted: Tue Oct 04, 2005 8:23 am
by kateliz
That last comment was to bizzt, but it could apply to any-number of you.

You know, I once met a bunny that refused anything other than Gucci. Must be part of the moral-degradation that we see happening in all kinds of bunnies these days. I even once thought I smelt a little Mary Jane on the neighbor bunny. And our neighborhood used to be such a nice place to raise children! What happened to the bunnies of old? Where they'd sit pretty, not make a peep, and let you pet them?

Ohhhhh! BGood!!! It's all thanks to people like you! People who abuse their bunnies with too much kindness, making the bunnies sick and tired of all that's good in the world! Man, talk about too much of a good thing!

Posted: Tue Oct 04, 2005 8:25 am
by kateliz
bizzt wrote:How many Mirrors have you Gone through already
Thirteen. But eleven of those was from you, remember?

Posted: Tue Oct 04, 2005 8:39 am
by bizzt
kateliz wrote:
bizzt wrote:How many Mirrors have you Gone through already
Thirteen. But eleven of those was from you, remember?
The only problem was the fact that you were standing beside me when the other Eleven Broke. So the Theory is that if you Broke Two and the other Eleven you were beside me. Well you can fill in the Rest :wink:

But Really Kate you need to get your Story Straight. The Troll was there in Goatopia! He can tell you! Trying to Bring Felgar into this like that :roll:

Posted: Tue Oct 04, 2005 8:46 am
by BGoodForGoodSake
kateliz wrote:That last comment was to bizzt, but it could apply to any-number of you.

You know, I once met a bunny that refused anything other than Gucci. Must be part of the moral-degradation that we see happening in all kinds of bunnies these days. I even once thought I smelt a little Mary Jane on the neighbor bunny. And our neighborhood used to be such a nice place to raise children! What happened to the bunnies of old? Where they'd sit pretty, not make a peep, and let you pet them?

Ohhhhh! BGood!!! It's all thanks to people like you! People who abuse their bunnies with too much kindness, making the bunnies sick and tired of all that's good in the world! Man, talk about too much of a good thing!
I was only trying to show my love!

What have I done! My bunny has become so jaded she views other bunnies as annoyances in her daily self-indulging life. She is on the edge of the precipice of morals, about to fall. The passion and joy I once saw in her cute innocent eyes now is now expressionless, the twinkle is gone. She left me and shacked up with a rich bunny up the street.

I don't trust him, I think he runs some sort of illicit ring. One of his underlings was in your neighborhood distributing Mary Jane to your neighbor bunny.

Keep you're bunny away from me!

I will only turn it to the dark side. We have enough corrupt bunnies in this cruel world.

Keep you're bunny away from me!

aha ha wah!
:cry: *sob* :cry:

Posted: Tue Oct 04, 2005 8:58 am
by jakelo
Well since kate doesnt want to share the bunny, I'll just make you your own, BGood.

( \/ )

I don't know about that one though...seems kinda rabid.

Posted: Tue Oct 04, 2005 9:10 am
by BGoodForGoodSake
jakelo wrote:Well since kate doesnt want to share the bunny, I'll just make you your own, BGood.

( \/ )

I don't know about that one though...seems kinda rabid.
It's been mutated...

Look what science has dont to my bunnywunnie!

It's still soft though. Since its a mutant bunny I'm gonna name him munny.

*BGood and money can be seen skipping off into the flowery meadow, rolling in the soft grass and giggling under the shadows of the great trees.*

"Perhaps BGood can learn from the lessons of the past, and not let money be corrupted by the world."

Posted: Tue Oct 04, 2005 9:12 am
by kateliz
The Troll? The Troll?!?! You want to use him to prove I'm lying??? Hmmph! Don't you remember the time he claimed Micheal Jackson used his bathroom? Some witness he is! And the time he freaked out and ran all over town screaming, "The sky is falling! The sky is falling!"? Hmmph! The Troll! I'll tell you what, you get the Troll to admit Micheal Jackson did not use his bathroom and I'll perpetuate this lie of yours that Felgar wasn't involved in those incidents!
BGood wrote:She is on the edge of the precipice of morals, about to fall. The passion and joy I once saw in her cute innocent eyes now is now expressionless, the twinkle is gone.
*Sigh* I knew I should have told you sooner. She's been hanging out with that ring leader up the street longer than you think: eight months. In fact, they got tired of dealing with all the scoundrels they do buisness with and decided to take their own show on the road, just the two of them. Ever hear of Bonnie and Clyde? Well, they call themselves "Bunny and Clover". *Sigh* I should've told you sooner... but I was only trying to keep you from getting hurt! I know how you've cared for your fluffy one so much... I just couldn't break your heart with the bad news!
BGood wrote:Keep you're bunny away from me! I will only turn it to the dark side.
Don't be so hard on yourself! *Sniffle* It'll all be alright! We'll get you a new bunny- one you can prove your bunny-caretaking abilites with! One you can love, and care for, and protect from the "corrupt bunnies in this cruel world"! You can help your bunny be an example to the whole world that bunnies need not be the dredges of society! You can redeem yourself, BGood! You can redeem all of bunnydom!!!

Posted: Tue Oct 04, 2005 9:24 am
by BGoodForGoodSake
kateliz wrote:
BGood wrote:Keep you're bunny away from me! I will only turn it to the dark side.
Don't be so hard on yourself! *Sniffle* It'll all be alright! We'll get you a new bunny- one you can prove your bunny-caretaking abilites with! One you can love, and care for, and protect from the "corrupt bunnies in this cruel world"! You can help your bunny be an example to the whole world that bunnies need not be the dredges of society! You can redeem yourself, BGood! You can redeem all of bunnydom!!!
You just made me laugh out loud at work.

How can I top this?