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What's your favorite cartoon show?

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Total votes: 9

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Post by kateliz »

My aunt told me the little story of supply/demand when I was young. I'm not sure I fully understood it. In fact, I think it took me a few years if not more to make sense of what she said. But, now I do know.

Brian, do you know? No? Okay, I'll tell you all about it (in my words, not hers):

Now, once upon a time there was a little country girl. This little country girl wanted a goat. And not just any goat, no, this little girl wanted a purple, pink-spotted, four-horned, unicorn goat! So she went to her mother and told her about her wish to have this purple, pink-spotted, four-horned, unicorn goat. Her mother told her, "Sorry honey, but there is no such thing." The end!

That's the story of demand.

Now for the story of supply:

Once upon a midnight dreary, while I pondered weak and weary over many a tale of forgotten lore, I came across a leprechaun! (spelling?) He stood only two feet tall, but tall he stood. And he asked me, "Do you want me pot o' gold?" And I answered, "Why, yes! Yes I do!" So then the short, tall, little leprechaun gave me his pot of gold. Then I was rich. The end!

That's the story of supply. Now, let's put them together:

Once upon a midnight dreary, while I pondered in the country over a purple, pink-spotted, four-horned, unicorn goat, I came across a leprechaun, who happened to be my mother! And I said to my mother, I said, "Can I have a PPSHUG?" for she had many of them, (being a leprechaun and all.) "Only if you give me as many pots of gold as it would take to line them all up along the longest rainbow God ever made!" she replied. So I then turned and walked sadly away. Luck soon shone upon me, though, despite my having taken the battery out of his flashlight the night before so he couldn't find his way to the outhouse in the forest at night without first wetting himself! ( :twisted: ) I said, "Turn off that blasted, light or I'll box yer ears!" and so he did.

Sorry, I'd finish the story but I have to go now. My personal spacecraft is waiting to take me to the place where I came from. :?:

:lol: :twisted: :evil: :x :( :cry: :?: :lol: :!:

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Post by ochotseat »

kateliz wrote:Inspector Gadget and Carebears were my favorites as a tyke. Can't stand them now. I also watched Teenage Mutan Ninja Turtles and Gargoyles, (I liked them just as much as my brother.)
Smurfs and TMNT were popular in the 80's too. Animaniacs, Gargoyles, X-Men, Batman, Beast Wars, Beavis and Butthead, Tick...all great 90's cartoons.
Used to like Family Guy and Southpark, and for a few years religiously watched The Simpsons; hate them now. Way, way too offensive, even if there's still a lot of good humour in them.
If you were a Seventh-Day Adventist, Mormon, or Amish, you probably wouldn't even know about those shows.
Capitalism is what works in a fallen world, but I don't like it otherwise. Socialism all the way, baby!
If you like socialism, why are you living in America? :lol:
The early Christians tried that, having all things in common, but it failed for them because of... well, reasons I'm not sure of!
It wasn't really socialism, because their government (Roman Empire) didn't implement socialism.
I absolutely hate big, Fat Cats that sit at the top soaking up what the people beneath worked so hard for.
That's a common misconception of a free market system. In a free market, you have a choice of which job to take and you have the most opportunities to choose your destiny.
That's capitalism- where Fat Cats sit on the riches of those below, hoarding them and sinfully witholding them from those in need.
No one forces the workers to work for those fat cats. Also, many fat cats, such as Oprah, weren't born into those conditions. They did it themselves.
How do you get on a Most Rich list? By hoarding.
If socialism is the ideal economic system, socialist countries wouldn't be abandoning it for capitalism.
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Post by kateliz »

ocho wrote:Smurfs and TMNT were popular in the 80's too. Animaniacs, Gargoyles, X-Men, Batman, Beast Wars, Beavis and Butthead, Tick...all great 90's cartoons.
Well, being born in '84 I had the best of both worlds. I loved Animaniacs and Tiny Toons, (scenes from both those keep popping up every once in a while,) but nothing can beat Muppet Babies! :) I just love the whole idea of exploring different "worlds" and all that.

I had thought for a while that heaven was your dream world, (I was always by myself in mine! Not exactly sure why,) and my first dream world was an infinitely long, old mansion with hidden passages and rooms and twisting hallways. I just knew that that was going to be my heaven. Then a few years later I switched it to a tropical paradise where there'd be a waterfall, (duh,) and colorful fish that I would swim with while not needing to hold my breath. Strange, in both I was all by myself, and in the real heaven the focus will be "people". Interesting, non?

BTW, hated Beavis and Butthead. First episode I saw, in fourth grade, had them watching this girl on a beach and them saying things about wanting her to take her clothes off. Repulsed me.
ocho wrote:It wasn't really socialism, because their government (Roman Empire) didn't implement socialism.

I didn't mean the political system they lived under, but the system they chose to live by as a small group under the Roman Empire! :roll: Boy, you must think I'm as intelligent as Beavis and Butthead! :o
he whom I have to keep correcting wrote:That's a common misconception of a free market system. In a free market, you have a choice of which job to take and you have the most opportunities to choose your destiny.
Baloney! (Versus bologna. 8) ) Even if you earn every penny you're still hoarding when you should be giving. The Bible decries hoarding and puts it in the same category as stealing. Giving is the rule of God's economy. And besides, how do these people make all that money? By marketing something many people like. And who are these people? The members of that capitalist society. And what do they do for a living? Things that for the most part don't pay as well but contribute so much more to society. How much should Oprah get paid to sit and talk for an hour compared to how much a janitor at an airport who cleans the toilets so many of us get disgustingly filthy? Who should get paid more for their labour? I say the janitor. Your wages should be in accordace with your work.

And if you happen to make a ton of money off other people for work easier than a lot of them have it, you should give it back or charge less or whatever the case would be. Take my state's sports team, (the Twins or the Vikings, I can't remember which,) that wants a new stadium. We pay them what they make, and they make a ton of money. Yet they want the taxpayers, people who don't all care about them, to pay for so much of the stadium. We already gave them plenty of enough money! If they want one so bad they should just buy it themselves! Why do we have to pay them more money so they can be happy? If it would contribute to local vendors, fine, let it contribute. That doesn't mean they need money off of those people too! Even if they bring in the extra buisness! They make their money by the people who care; why charge those who don't??? It's ludicrous and defys logic! Greed and selfishness. And I hate it.

A handful, (like, literally,) of Reese's, even if sold at a movie theater, (who charge and arm and a leg for the movie itself,) should never cost $4. What are we supposed to do, (I sneak stuff in usually, but other times I don't plan ahead for that,) protest and boycott everything? Yes, if I don't agree with it I shouldn't pay for it, but let's get real people. (Oh, and by the way, I paid for the tickets; my mother, whom I went with, paid for the candy that I wouldn't have otherwise even considered.) People should be fair, just and not so incredibley selfish.

Hey, take Paris Hilton for example! You spend a night at a Hilton and it goes straight into her pocket! She's quite wealthy, you know. And just imagine how cheap things would be if they were their just price and not bloated up by the Fat Cats who greedily stuff their faces with the proceeds off a ridiculous price. And how about John Kerry, wife of a Heinz? (Presidential elect who ran against Bush Jr, if anyone happens to be unfamiliar with him.) Would he have gotten to run for president if Heinz ketchup and what have you were appropriately priced?

Bush is probably a Fat Cat of sorts himself- with oil, so I've heard. You have to hoard money earned by selfishness, greed and/or birthright in order to even run for the presidency, right? How many awesome presidents do we miss by this? I'm dead serious about beleiving there should be laws agaisnt spending your own money for those campaigns. You should get alloted an equal amount of airtime, man-power and whatever else goes into running for president. Don't ask me about specifics, but it should work that way somehow. It's only right. :!:
ocho wrote:If socialism is the ideal economic system, socialist countries wouldn't be abandoning it for capitalism.
You didn't get what I said earlier about that system not working in our world. That's why. Capitalism is what works for sinful people.

Sorry I've gone on and on. I'm just very passionate about this! :)
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Post by AttentionKMartShoppers »

I saw pre and post Scrappy
"My actions prove that God takes care of idiots."

He occasionally stumbled over the truth, but hastily picked himself up and hurried on as if nothing had happened.
- On Stanley Baldwin

-Winston Churchill

An atheist can't find God for the same reason a criminal can't find a police officer.

You need to start asking out girls so that you can get used to the rejections.
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Post by TimM1104 »

I liked pre-scrappy better, but I did like Pup Named scoobydoo, even though thats newschool -_-, but its still interesting.. another good anime cartoon was.. hmm what was it called.. it was on adult swim.. it was a detective one.. oo it was called Case Closed.. i loved it! i cant believe they cancelled it!!!!
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Post by Deborah »

Tweety bird, I meant the original tweety bird, not the watered down versian you see today!
Church tradition tells us that when John, son of Zebadee and brother of James was an old man, his disciples would carry him to church in their arms.
He would simply say, “Little children, love one another”
After a time his disciples wearied at always hearing these same words and asked “Master why do you always say this?
He replied, “it is the Lords command, and if done, it is enough”
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Post by bizzt »

the Good ol days of Wile Coyote and the Road Runner, Bugs, Tweety, Sylvester!!
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Post by BavarianWheels »

bizzt wrote:the Good ol days of Wile Coyote and the Road Runner, Bugs, Tweety, Sylvester!!
"Now we're cookin' with gas!"
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Post by bizzt »

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Post by BavarianWheels »

"Bricker Bracker Firecracker Shish Boom Ba. Bugs Bunny, Bugs Bunny, Rah Rah, Rah!!"
"Bricker Bracker Firecracker Shish Boom Ba. Bugs Bunny, Bugs Bunny, Rah Rah, Rah!!"
"Bricker Bracker Firecracker Shish Boom Ba. Bugs Bunny, Bugs Bunny, Rah Rah, Rah!!"
"Bricker Bracker Firecracker Shish Boom Ba. Bugs Bunny, Bugs Bunny, Rah Rah, Rah!!"
"Bricker Bracker Firecracker Shish Boom Ba. Bugs Bunny, Bugs Bunny, Rah Rah, Rah!!"
"Bricker Bracker Firecracker Shish Boom Ba. Bugs Bunny, Bugs Bunny, Rah Rah, Rah!!"
"Bricker Bracker Firecracker Shish Boom Ba. Bugs Bunny, Bugs Bunny, Rah Rah, Rah!!"
"Bricker Bracker Firecracker Shish Boom Ba. Bugs Bunny, Bugs Bunny, Rah Rah, Rah!!"

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Post by Mystical »

Slightly off topic. I will start a new thread if it's too off.

I love South Park. However, not the instances when they mock Jesus. At those times, are there requirements for me as a Christian? Should I stop watching it? What would God expect from me in those instances?
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Post by Believer »

Mystical wrote:Slightly off topic. I will start a new thread if it's too off.

I love South Park. However, not the instances when they mock Jesus. At those times, are there requirements for me as a Christian? Should I stop watching it? What would God expect from me in those instances?
South Park is created from atheists, just because it is funny, you don't have to watch it. Yes, it does contain religious stuff in it, but South Park is about mocking those things. I gave South Park up. Its purpose IS to offend people but not atheists.
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Post by Poetic_Soul »

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