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Re: Ignorance of Christianity

Posted: Mon Nov 28, 2016 3:48 pm
by crochet1949
bbyrd009 wrote:
crochet1949 wrote:
bbyrd009 wrote:Word

"Word" ??
Pneuma, Breath, Dabhar etc, yes. Surprising how many--all, imo--of our colloquial (slang) usages for Scriptural concepts are right on the money, huh. By "Word" there i mean "amen," as i'm sure you gathered already. I consider what she said to be inspired, and i invite you not to, if it does not fit with your reason and/or common sense.

So -- why not simply Say "Amen" -- and Why / How would 'we' be able to 'gather that already'.

Re: Ignorance of Christianity

Posted: Mon Nov 28, 2016 4:02 pm
by bbyrd009
crochet1949 wrote:
bbyrd009 wrote:
crochet1949 wrote:
bbyrd009 wrote:
crochet1949 wrote:Okay -- you're a guy and a pastor's daughter 'came on' to you? And - as a guy you had No control over the situation? Just let the gal 'have her way' with you?! Oh, my.
no, actually i lied, and that never happened. So now, we can all keep pretending that pastors' daughters don't have reputations that precede them. Lol.

Oh, so now you're a liar and slamming pastor's daughters. Some many years ago -- I'd been a pastor's Wife and I have two daughters.

Your bio says you're single -- can't image why?! :shakehead:
hear what you will hear, my brother.
i meant no offense to pastors' daughters, at all. It is not i, after all, who have denigrated anyone here, is it?
that would be you, and not me. I merely evoked a common understanding, and did not imply it was universal.
and then i came clean about it, told the truth, so that you could say...whatever you might say.
and, no offense taken; this is a forum after all. a crucible, if you will.
have a nice evening.

First of all -- I'm NOT your 'brother' / in Christ Or otherwise.
so then i am judged, by you. ok.
crochet1949 wrote: You're the one who made the comment.
yes, and i stand by it.
crochet1949 wrote: It is NOT a 'common understanding' --which amounts to being 'universal'.
i have over 69 million returns which disagree, crochet1949 ... r+daughter

which auto-completed, along the way, for "wife," also, as well as "daughter," "d" was enough.
the point being that reputations are earned; not that they are necessarily deserved, wadr.
crochet1949 wrote: I Intend to have a nice evening. One of my daughters is coming over.
can't think of a better way to beherenow. See you tomorrow then, God willing.

Re: Ignorance of Christianity

Posted: Mon Nov 28, 2016 4:07 pm
by bbyrd009
crochet1949 wrote:
bbyrd009 wrote:
crochet1949 wrote:
bbyrd009 wrote:Word

"Word" ??
Pneuma, Breath, Dabhar etc, yes. Surprising how many--all, imo--of our colloquial (slang) usages for Scriptural concepts are right on the money, huh. By "Word" there i mean "amen," as i'm sure you gathered already. I consider what she said to be inspired, and i invite you not to, if it does not fit with your reason and/or common sense.

So -- why not simply Say "Amen" -- and Why / How would 'we' be able to 'gather that already'.
because i wished to evoke the colloquial use of the term, Word (which does not even require words, sometimes; after all, an expression can even be "Word," or, the Word that you hear, that is very near to you, does not result in audible words, in other...words), which expression i guess you are not familiar with, although others surely are; the poster i was replying to is, i bet. Ask her. Ask her in a pm, if you like.

Re: Ignorance of Christianity

Posted: Mon Nov 28, 2016 4:24 pm
by bbyrd009
and ps, i apologize for my manner, i am still pretty new at this, this leading people to Word thing, cuz trust me, i have done all of the dumb things, ok. whatever you could imagine, the truth is worse, where my past is concerned.

Re: Ignorance of Christianity

Posted: Mon Nov 28, 2016 6:26 pm
by crochet1949
bbyrd009 wrote:
crochet1949 wrote:
bbyrd009 wrote:
crochet1949 wrote:
bbyrd009 wrote:Word

"Word" ??
Pneuma, Breath, Dabhar etc, yes. Surprising how many--all, imo--of our colloquial (slang) usages for Scriptural concepts are right on the money, huh. By "Word" there i mean "amen," as i'm sure you gathered already. I consider what she said to be inspired, and i invite you not to, if it does not fit with your reason and/or common sense.

So -- why not simply Say "Amen" -- and Why / How would 'we' be able to 'gather that already'.
because i wished to evoke the colloquial use of the term, Word (which does not even require words, sometimes; after all, an expression can even be "Word," or, the Word that you hear, that is very near to you, does not result in audible words, in other...words), which expression i guess you are not familiar with, although others surely are; the poster i was replying to is, i bet. Ask her. Ask her in a pm, if you like.

In this setting -- we Read - we can't Hear your thoughts or read your mind. So - if you Mean "Amen' just Say "Amen" then everyone else around here who reads this will know For Sure what you're meaning. And now you're giving me permission to pm her and ask her. Thank you for your permission :shakehead: :roll:

Re: Ignorance of Christianity

Posted: Mon Nov 28, 2016 6:28 pm
by crochet1949
bbyrd009 wrote:and ps, i apologize for my manner, i am still pretty new at this, this leading people to Word thing, cuz trust me, i have done all of the dumb things, ok. whatever you could imagine, the truth is worse, where my past is concerned.
God is a loving and forgiving God -- just talk to Him about it. 1John 1:9 "If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness."

Re: Ignorance of Christianity

Posted: Mon Nov 28, 2016 6:56 pm
by crochet1949
BTW -- what do you have against pastor's -- their daughters.

Re: Ignorance of Christianity

Posted: Mon Nov 28, 2016 7:00 pm
by Jac3510
As a pastor with two daughters, I'm curious to know as well. Everyone here knows I can be sharp (or blunt, whichever analogy you prefer). But insulting people's kids . . . let's just say I really hope "and ps, i apologize for my manner" was with reference to the smear of the kids in question. :-/

Re: Ignorance of Christianity

Posted: Mon Nov 28, 2016 7:05 pm
by crochet1949
Jac3510 wrote:As a pastor with two daughters, I'm curious to know as well. Everyone here knows I can be sharp (or blunt, whichever analogy you prefer). But insulting people's kids . . . let's just say I really hope "and ps, i apologize for my manner" was with reference to the smear of the kids in question. :-/

Thank you -- That's appreciated. (for Me, though, that's a pretty slim - almost non-existent apology)

Re: Ignorance of Christianity

Posted: Tue Nov 29, 2016 5:38 am
by bbyrd009
crochet1949 wrote:
bbyrd009 wrote:
crochet1949 wrote:
bbyrd009 wrote:
crochet1949 wrote:

"Word" ??
Pneuma, Breath, Dabhar etc, yes. Surprising how many--all, imo--of our colloquial (slang) usages for Scriptural concepts are right on the money, huh. By "Word" there i mean "amen," as i'm sure you gathered already. I consider what she said to be inspired, and i invite you not to, if it does not fit with your reason and/or common sense.

So -- why not simply Say "Amen" -- and Why / How would 'we' be able to 'gather that already'.
because i wished to evoke the colloquial use of the term, Word (which does not even require words, sometimes; after all, an expression can even be "Word," or, the Word that you hear, that is very near to you, does not result in audible words, in other...words), which expression i guess you are not familiar with, although others surely are; the poster i was replying to is, i bet. Ask her. Ask her in a pm, if you like.

In this setting -- we Read - we can't Hear your thoughts or read your mind. So - if you Mean "Amen' just Say "Amen" then everyone else around here who reads this will know For Sure what you're meaning. And now you're giving me permission to pm her and ask her. Thank you for your permission :shakehead: :roll:
"if you like?" c'mon, crochet1949. yes, i am also still a vain, proud, soft-murdering rapist, too, ok. i am doing my best. if i say something that isn't for you, maybe it's just for someone else, ok? changing your mind is hard, you have to do it at your own pace. i don't expect you to dump Rapture and find Dabhar after a little conversation with some weirdo who came into your space.

15For these men are not drunk, as you suppose, for it is only the third hour of the day;

ever been accused of being drunk at 9am, crochet? that's all i care about, ok?

Re: Ignorance of Christianity

Posted: Tue Nov 29, 2016 6:12 am
by bbyrd009
crochet1949 wrote:BTW -- what do you have against pastor's -- their daughters.
ha nothing whatsoever. a concept was being presented...that i am not going to be able to track-back and find very easily here, but lemme see...brutal, ok, your comments here, which i am not going to quote directly, as this board is hard enough to read anyway, and i can't find a post # for, even
Your comments are a bit scare ie. A person who forges their own path -- without any direction -- free thinkers -- and so when they end up as mass murderers -- selling drugs - getting people to buy drugs that will ruin their lives -- white slavery --rebelling against Society. I'm purposely going for the negatives -- because they could Also become teachers, doctors, scientist, etc. And, who knows -- they Might meet a Christian / a believer and be led to a personal relationship to God. That would be okay with you - as their mother - the negative part? They are Not to accept anything, from you, their mother? Can't quite comprehend that. My husband and I have raised 4 kids -- now adults -- with 6 grandkids. We both grew up with Biblical principles / morals / ethics and passed that on to them. They look to God's Word for their choices -- just as We try to.
which was a great post, btw, don't get me wrong, but i just thought it wouldn't hurt to maybe reflect upon how when we assume a premise, yours here being "raise up a child in the way they should go..."--which i even agree with, btw--but the point was that i saw a Law in your mind, "you should do it this way," and i saw the same Law reflected in...ha, who knows now, the mother's mind, when she said, "bit her tongue," or whatever, rather than resist her son's statement about "not believing God" or whatever, i think that was it--which i think was amazingly prescient and hard/impossible for a mother to do, i mean, i doubt i could have done that--and surely you can see that that was mostly what the kid was going for, a reaction, i gather he is at that age, the resistance age, finding his own way, and while i surely would have done what you would have done there, prolly ended up grounding him for life or whatever, over-reacting--me anyway, dunno about you--i just wanted to illuminate that our premises are what led me on a 20 year side trip of shooting dope in San Francisco, after being raised like you say, and getting resistance, when understanding would maybe have changed my path.

so, the preacher's daughter thing, the marriage statistics thing, was just meant to be a little reality check about the consequences of resistance/judgement, since they are basically the same thing. Iow raise them up right, and when they come out with some ridiculous thing, like kids do, looking for a reaction, see that sometimes the best thing a parent could do might be to go find the kid some atheists to interact with, some hell's angels or whatever, and let them find what they are seeking, let them get a good dose. Because you aren't going to accomplish anything by resistance, imo.

Laws are great, for a root, i have laws, my laws, for me, but i notice when i try to enforce them on others, they don't seem to be too interested.

Re: Ignorance of Christianity

Posted: Tue Nov 29, 2016 6:30 am
by bbyrd009
Jac3510 wrote:As a pastor with two daughters, I'm curious to know as well. Everyone here knows I can be sharp (or blunt, whichever analogy you prefer). But insulting people's kids . . . let's just say I really hope "and ps, i apologize for my manner" was with reference to the smear of the kids in question. :-/
ok look, you are characterizing me as having insulted someone, when all i did was mention a cliche` ok, backed up by powerful evidence, millions of hits when i search it, that has nothing whatsoever to do with any individual person, your daughters included. it was not about them. it was about "let's look at the fruit of that, broadly speaking." the difference in raising a kid right, v demanding compliance to a law, your law, or not letting go when the time is right, or however you want to put it.

laws are inadequate, and insufficient for salvation, because gods don't like to be told something they can't do, which they prolly weren't even interested in doing, until they were told they couldn't do it, then of course they have to do it to find out why, which is why we exist in the first place, to learn how to do it wrong. Where there is no sin, there is no Grace, loosely speaking. It's the baby's hand in the fire all over again--which i don't know if i've dragged that one out yet, but you've had kids, so you prolly remember the first kid you had, their first experience with fire, as a toddler or whatever, you telling them "don't be putting your hand in there, you will get burned," thinking you were helping that little kid out, huh? you were just gonna save them some grief, because you love them, and have a better idea, lol. Of course, you might even say the same thing to the third kid, but by then you have learned God's way a little better, and you just make sure you have the burn cream or whatever ready, which actually no cream is God's way, and you are just now setting the kid up for Pharmacopoeia, to go with his Snake on a Pole--little medical humor/hint there, for ya--but whaddya gonnado, you are a god, you'll figure it out. You will reap what you sow. The best gift, ever.

so i hope you see that there are no "kids in question," ok. point to the kids in question. i did not point to any kids. i pointed to 33 million hits on google, or whatever, and a pastor with daughters is naturally going to hear something differently there than a single guy with no kids even meant, which does not make the reflection any less true, does it? Preacher's daughters and wives still have reputations, if they deserve them--and if they don't, they don't, i mean, nobody tries to make time with girls who are lined up right, are they, why waste your time, when there are so many others; those are the kind of girls you end up wanting to marry, not make time with--if the preacher manifests that kind of fruit, there is no way that he is going to not reap what he sows, and you can see it as a bad thing, if you want, characterize it as being denigrating, if you like, but i sure don't mean that. See what you will see.

Re: Ignorance of Christianity

Posted: Tue Nov 29, 2016 6:50 am
by bbyrd009
crochet1949 wrote:
Jac3510 wrote:As a pastor with two daughters, I'm curious to know as well. Everyone here knows I can be sharp (or blunt, whichever analogy you prefer). But insulting people's kids . . . let's just say I really hope "and ps, i apologize for my manner" was with reference to the smear of the kids in question. :-/

Thank you -- That's appreciated. (for Me, though, that's a pretty slim - almost non-existent apology)
so, i hope i have made it clear enough now? that i am not apologizing? and that i am pretty sure that any pastor's daughters who have not earned this reputation are nodding their heads with me? and that any who have are offended, oh well? i mentioned no people, no names; so who is offended? see how that works? Who told you you were naked?

God does not, ever, judge. Not anyone, ever. God is love. I know about all those verses that might seem to suggest otherwise, i have them memorized, too. Apparently it is gods who go through this judgemental phase, i guess, i dunno, being as how i have never made any gods, myself. prolly hard.

Re: Ignorance of Christianity

Posted: Tue Nov 29, 2016 6:53 am
by Jac3510
You've made yourself clear enough alright. You've insulted my children. You're just . . . gross.

Re: Ignorance of Christianity

Posted: Tue Nov 29, 2016 7:02 am
by Kurieuo
bbyrd009 wrote:God does not, ever, judge. Not anyone, ever. God is love. I know about all those verses that might seem to suggest otherwise, i have them memorized, too. Apparently it is gods who go through this judgemental phase, i guess, i dunno, being as how i have never made any gods, myself. prolly hard.
You are obviously reading from a different Bible, perhaps texts from Greek mythology.