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Posted: Wed Oct 13, 2004 8:57 pm
by Jac3510
Come on, K. Everyone knows that Yahweh is a war monger! :shock:


Posted: Thu Oct 14, 2004 9:30 am
by BavarianWheels
Kurieuo wrote::shock: - any qualifications here? Or should we lead people to believe Satan fights for a good cause (i.e., for peace and harmony), whereas God would actually prefer turmoil and destruction. I don't believe such an impression is good to leave, nor is true.

"A good cause" is relative. Gay marriage seems like a good cause to many. And I do believe that Satan is working in a good cause all the time. He works to make people think he doesn't exist...which in turn is good. :lol:

Posted: Sat Nov 06, 2004 11:39 pm
by Anonymous
Kurieuo wrote: From my understanding Mormons do not recognise Christ as their Lord and Savior, rather Jesus was the first of many sons. In other words they would be in the same boat as anyone else who hasn't accepted Christ. If one does not know Christ, then they can't come to the Father. I'd prefer to think of it that way rather than say they go to hell, which in all honesty there are many Christian interpretations on what hell actually is, but the one often conjured up is a literal place full of flames with people burning on stakes and red demons with horns flying everywhere. ;) May be imaginative, but I think the most we can conclude on hell is that it is a place for those who can't be with God because they aren't compatible with Him. If you think about that, not being with God would still really be hell... and all those imaginative pictures are perhaps representative of the horribleness of what "not" being with the source of all good and love would be like. Yet, I'd prefer to state it in terms of someone wouldn't be able to be with God if they haven't got Christ, as "hell" conjures up all sorts of imaginative literal pictures which I think would be literally inaccurate.

Hmmm this sounds fishy, it looks to me like "Mormons" do belive and accpet Christ as there Lord and Savior. I would emagine you could find and build a stronger case than that by reading anti-Mromon trash. If you wanted to learn of Christ as he was stumbling towards the cross, would you go to the Apostle John or would you go to Judas Iscariot? You have used the very same logic. It would seem to me that intelligent people would go to the unbiased sources. This is taken from the source....
Jesus Christ

Jesus Christ is the Son of God. He is Heavenly Father's Only Begotten Son in the flesh. He is our Redeemer. Through Jesus Christ, Heavenly Father has provided a way for all people to become like Him and return to live with Him forever.
We love Christ. We worship Christ. He is our example and our Savior.,8672,802-1,00.html

Although I do completely agree with your definition of hell, in that it would be "Hell" to not live in the presence of God. Although I feel that God loves and cares about us and only wants us happy and comfortable which is why I don't belive there is a "Hell" were people are tortured.... think about it, is a person who murdered someone going to feel comfortable in the presence of God? would you? But regarless God still loves you just as much as he did before, he wants you happy and comfortable though so you would not want to dwell with God because you would feel misrabel. This does not mean that you will never bask in the presence of God, the Bible only says, "no unclean thing can DWELL in the presence of God" so im sure "sinners" will be blessed with his presence occasionally.

Posted: Mon Nov 22, 2004 10:06 pm
by Anonymous
Greetings to you all.

I am new to this forum, I have a really bad internet connection so I will not be able to post as well as I would like.

You all seem very earnest, and for that I applaud you. However, earnestness does not gain you an iota. There is only one Way to get to Heaven: There is only One Way to 'merit' God's favor. Jesus is that only Way.

It does not truly matter what building you go to on the day you choose to worship God. What matters is that you realize your guilt before Almighty God, your Creator, and accept the payment He has offered you for your Sin: Christ Jesus the Lord. God sent us His only begotten, Jesus paid the way on Calvary. There is nothing left. Admit your Sin; Believe Christ died, and rose again, for you; Choose Christ as your Savior and Lord. That is it, nothing added, nothing taken.

To say that all Mormons go to hell is not a complete truth. Not all Mormons are Christians. I believe it is safe to assume that most are not. I cannot judge if your friend has placed her faith in Jesus, or not. That is her only hope.

I know a little of what LDS believes, and from what little I know, it is not Biblical. If your friend IS truly saved I would strongly advise her to sever her relationship with Mormonism. I do not know the specifics of the circumstances, but that would be my generic advise.

There are many 'faiths' that have an appearance of godliness, but they deny God. There is only one Faith, one Way. And that path is tribulated. But, we have a Hope, and a Comforter.

Go with God,

Posted: Thu Nov 25, 2004 8:37 pm
by Anonymous
Actually as I said before... "Mormons" center of belief is on Christ! He is our life and our light, our Savior and Redeemer! But its true, not all "Mormons" will make it to the Celestial kingdom, only those who keep there covenants.

Posted: Thu Nov 25, 2004 9:57 pm
by Felgar
The Doc wrote:God sent us His only begotten, Jesus paid the way on Calvary. There is nothing left. Admit your Sin; Believe Christ died, and rose again, for you; Choose Christ as your Savior and Lord. That is it, nothing added, nothing taken.
Absolutely Doc - well said.

But Jason, what is this concept of covenants?

Posted: Sat Nov 27, 2004 10:54 pm
by Anonymous
Felgar wrote:
The Doc wrote:God sent us His only begotten, Jesus paid the way on Calvary. There is nothing left. Admit your Sin; Believe Christ died, and rose again, for you; Choose Christ as your Savior and Lord. That is it, nothing added, nothing taken.
Absolutely Doc - well said.

But Jason, what is this concept of covenants?

Lets see, really you should start with the basics but... Yes all men are saved! All men will live again, Christ has payed our debts to the father and we all will have a degree of glory, except sons of perdition... So everyone is saved... but only those who Make sacred covenants EX: baptism, marriage... will enter the Celestial or "Highest" kingdom and dwell with God.

Posted: Sun Nov 28, 2004 2:54 am
by Felgar
Hmmm... So you believe that all men except 'sons of perdition' will go to Heaven? (i.e. That they will not be seperated from the glory of God through eternity). And you believe the 'sons of perdition' to be a very small minority of particularly bad people?

Tell me, do you believe that the Bible is the Word of God and in it there are no lies? Do you believe that in the Word of God there is only truth?

Posted: Sun Nov 28, 2004 3:39 pm
by Anonymous
Felgar wrote:Hmmm... So you believe that all men except 'sons of perdition' will go to Heaven? (i.e. That they will not be seperated from the glory of God through eternity). And you believe the 'sons of perdition' to be a very small minority of particularly bad people?

Tell me, do you believe that the Bible is the Word of God and in it there are no lies? Do you believe that in the Word of God there is only truth?
Well, thats a good question. I believe that all men will go to Heaven that that they will go to where they are most comfortable... (i.e. The truth is i do not think everyone would be comfortable living in the presence of God, Do you think that Osoma Binladen would feel comfortable in the presence of God? Didnt think so... so if he forsakes his sins he can go to a place where he is happy) And yes Sons of Perdition are a very small minority of people who deny the Holy Spirt.

I believe the Bible to be the word of God as far as it is translated correctly... It has no lies... But this does not mean it has the all truth, many plain and precious things have been lost over years of translation and Apostasy.

The Great Apostasy

In general
2000 years ago a Man walked in this earth and organized a church and taught about love and the opportunity to go back to our home and live with our Father once again, and there is plenty evidence of His presence here in this Earth, but after His Death and Resurrection the organized church came under a severe attack external and internal.

Persecution as an external cause Judaism and paganism array against the Church many apostles died under this persecution.
Romans were in opposition to Christianity under Nero, under Domitian, under Trajan, under Marcus Aurelious, and the finally Apostles and Christians extintions by Diocletian, and the simplest truth, power, authority and the rock were The Church of jesus Christ was setled upon was taking from this earth (St Mattew16:17-18).

Later the church in an apostated state came under state protection by Constantine the Great, and it is here when the internal causes of Apostasy came into play returning to idolatry, departure from Christianity.

The corrupting of the simple principles of the gospel by the admixture of the so called philosophic systems of the times, judaistic perversions, admixtures\ of Gnosticism with Christianity new Platonic's doctrine of the logos, sibellianism, arianism the Nicean creed, burning of sacred books, the creed of athanasius, perverted view of life, disregard for truth, unauthorized additions to the ceremonies of the church and the introduction of vital changes in essential ordinances, formalism and supertision increase, adoration of images, changes in Baptismal ordinance, ministrations of the exorcist introduced, Imersion substituted by sprinkling, infant baptism introduced, changes in the sacrament of the Lords supper, fallacy of transubstantiation and adoration of the host, unauthorized changes in church organization and government, origin of synods or church organization, bishops of Rome claimed supremacy, title of Poped assumed, secular authority asserted by the pope, indulgences or pardons the infamous doctrine of supererogation, the traffic in indulgence, tetzel the papal agent, the sin of blasphemy, scripture reading forbiding to the people, Draper's arraigment of the papacy.

And then the revolts against of the church of Rome by John wickliffe in England, John Huss and Jerome of Prague, Martin Luther his revolt his excomunication, the protestans, Zwingle and calvin, the inquisition, separation or branches of the apostate church, fallacy of assuming human origen of divine authority etc.etc.etc.etc.etc.etc.

Finally after 1720 years of universal apostasy, and the absolute need of a "Restoration of all things" The Father and the Son manifested themselves to man and the Holy Priesthood with all its powers and authority was again Restored with His church upon the ROCK (Revelation) once again, marking the inauguration of the Dispensation of the Fulness of Times which is the Last Dispensation and preparatory to receive Jesus Christ for second time, and been the Chieft Cornerstone of The Church of JESUS CHRIST of Latter Day Saints where brothers and sisters come and partake the joy of the fullness of the Gospel Restored.

Posted: Sun Nov 28, 2004 4:03 pm
by Felgar
Hmmm... So I'm trying to understand this correctly - please bear with me.

Most of the things you listed were definately corruption of the Gospel by the Church. They were the Catholic church replacing Faith with Religion, and were neither Godly or Biblical.

Do you have the same Bible as Christians do? If not, who wrote the changes? Is your Bible just a different interpretation of our Bible?

And most importantly please answer: Do you believe that every word spoken by Jesus Christ as it is recorded in the New Testatament is truth?

Posted: Sun Nov 28, 2004 6:37 pm
by Anonymous
Felgar wrote:Hmmm... So I'm trying to understand this correctly - please bear with me.

Most of the things you listed were definately corruption of the Gospel by the Church. They were the Catholic church replacing Faith with Religion, and were neither Godly or Biblical.

Do you have the same Bible as Christians do? If not, who wrote the changes? Is your Bible just a different interpretation of our Bible?

And most importantly please answer: Do you believe that every word spoken by Jesus Christ as it is recorded in the New Testatament is truth?
No Problemo! Yes I have the King James Version, with the words of Christ in red! Love it to death! Yes I belive that it is all correct especially what Christ speaks, as long as it is interpreted correctly...

Posted: Sun Nov 28, 2004 8:23 pm
by Felgar
Jasonstudley27 wrote: No Problemo! Yes I have the King James Version, with the words of Christ in red! Love it to death! Yes I belive that it is all correct especially what Christ speaks, as long as it is interpreted correctly...

I'm short on time right now, but I will follow this up in the days to come. Thanks for the response so far.

Posted: Sun Dec 05, 2004 5:49 pm
by Anonymous
Good to hear it! Any other questions?

Posted: Mon Dec 06, 2004 9:57 am
by Felgar
Jasonstudley27 wrote:Good to hear it! Any other questions?
Sorry Jason. I certainly do have more but I'm just really busy in life for a while here. Please check back periodically, because there's lots I'd like to talk with you about. When I get the time I'll certainly be following up. :)

Posted: Mon Dec 06, 2004 6:15 pm
by Kurieuo
Hi Jason,

I'm just wondering what happened to the people living from Constantine's time until 1720 when the Father and Son manifested themselves to man and the Holy Priesthood restoring the church--were they all damned and hope in Christ thwarted for almost one and a half millenia?

Additionally, Jesus passed on His teaching to the Apostles, and the Apostles to other Christians, and so forth. The Early Church set in Constantine's time could trace itself back to the Apostles, and could therefore lay an authoritative claim of Apostolic authority. How is it you know God truely revealed himself to the "Holy Priesthood"? What can they provide to back their claims.
