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Re: Russian Jet Shot Down by Syrian Rebels

Posted: Thu Feb 08, 2018 6:52 pm
by edwardmurphy
abelcainsbrother wrote:Check out this US Military video the US Military put out two weeks ago if you don't believe the US Military is on Donald Trump's side.
Abe, the Military Channel isn't owned or operated by the US military. Also, Trump isn't in that video. He's not even mentioned. It has literally nothing to do with him.

If you want a video about Trump try this.

Re: Russian Jet Shot Down by Syrian Rebels

Posted: Fri Feb 09, 2018 2:59 pm
by RickD
edwardmurphy wrote:
abelcainsbrother wrote:Check out this US Military video the US Military put out two weeks ago if you don't believe the US Military is on Donald Trump's side.
Abe, the Military Channel isn't owned or operated by the US military. Also, Trump isn't in that video. He's not even mentioned. It has literally nothing to do with him.

If you want a video about Trump try this.

You people crack me up!

Re: Russian Jet Shot Down by Syrian Rebels

Posted: Fri Feb 09, 2018 8:37 pm
by abelcainsbrother
edwardmurphy wrote:
abelcainsbrother wrote:Check out this US Military video the US Military put out two weeks ago if you don't believe the US Military is on Donald Trump's side.
Abe, the Military Channel isn't owned or operated by the US military. Also, Trump isn't in that video. He's not even mentioned. It has literally nothing to do with him.

If you want a video about Trump try this.

You're blind to what is going on.You are not informed and so the video I posted put out by the US Military does not make sense to you.This is how I know that this was a video put out by the US Military to send a message to the Deep State and the corrupt politcians in our Government.First off,the video is named "The Leader" in celebration of President Donald Trump.

Now I know that you're not going to believe what I'm about to tell you but I don't care because I am informed and I know what is going on.But Military Intelligence has every bit of evidence they need to drain the swamp. You remember back months ago during the election I brought up the good guys in our Government who saw the treasonous things being done by those in our Government and in The Obama Administration,well the US Generals are some of the good guys in our Government.

You may not know this but the US Military has the exact same technology that our intelligence agencies have but instead of using this technology to go after the American people and Trump during the election and spy on them like the Obama administration did,the US Military used their technology to spy on the bad guys breaking the law and gathered evidence to bust them and expose every bit of the treason and corruption that went on during the Obama administration.And the US Military has ALL of the evidence to prosecute these scumbag traitors in our Government.

You see they were so shocked by the the out right law breaking going on that they actually planned a coup against Obama but decided instead to put it off and to get somebody elected.They went to Donald Trump and laid out ALL of the evidence in front of him of the Uranium One deal where 20% of US Uranium was sold to Russia.

This is out right treason and it is colluding with the Russians too.Liberals always accuse their political opposition of what they do/are guilty of and they blamed Trump for colluding with the Russians when it was they who did.

Getting Donald Trump elected was only the first step in their ability to bust these scumbag traitors in the Obama adminstration. And despite what you might think,there is nothing you liberals can do or your liberal MSM can do to stop what is going to happen.

Because they are going to trickle out evidence over time in order to bust Hillary and those in the Obama adminstration.They have ALL of the evidence and it will not matter that the MSM ignores it like they are doing now,helping to cover up the crimes of these traitors in our Government,they are aiding and abetting these traitors to our country and the US Constitution and they are just as guilty. That MEMO is "A dud"? A conspiracy theory? It is the Trump administration trying to confuse? LOL! Whatever!But there is nothing that the left can do to stop the info from coming out.It has started and it is going to continue and when they are finished there will be no more treason in the US and our Government and in Washington DC.

It is not going to be just the American people that must obey the laws,but the powerful in our Government get away with breaking laws.No More Banana Republic.The law will be applied to the powerful too and they thought they would get away with it.

Re: Russian Jet Shot Down by Syrian Rebels

Posted: Sat Feb 10, 2018 3:23 am
by Hortator

Israeli fighter jet shot down in Syria

Congratulations, Assad. You just lost the war.

Re: Russian Jet Shot Down by Syrian Rebels

Posted: Sat Feb 10, 2018 3:26 pm
by Blessed
Hortator wrote:Image

Israeli fighter jet shot down in Syria

Congratulations, Assad. You just lost the war.

Assad and Putin are allies. Israel has no business there.

Re: Russian Jet Shot Down by Syrian Rebels

Posted: Sat Feb 10, 2018 3:44 pm
by Hortator
Blessed wrote:
Hortator wrote:Image

Israeli fighter jet shot down in Syria

Congratulations, Assad. You just lost the war.

Assad and Putin are allies. Israel has no business there.
Assad’s forces shot down a Russian fighter jet. Pilot ejects, basically has a Black Hawk Down final stand with Syrian fighters before falling and is killed.

Assad’s forces yesterday shot down an Israeli fighter jet, tho I am unsure what became of the pilot.

Assad is probably not an ally of Putin anymore

Israel now definitely has business in Syria.

Re: Russian Jet Shot Down by Syrian Rebels

Posted: Sat Feb 10, 2018 7:35 pm
by Kurieuo
Wow. Interesting to see how it plays out.

Israel fly fighters into Syria, have bombed the Syrian army, and Syria are the aggressors? :lol: It'll be interesting to see the dance the US does, when Russia defends Syria against Israel.

Here's what will likely happen. Israel will retaliate, even though they were in the wrong. Russia will puff up, America will puff up, then Iran, Turkey will be thrown into the mix, things will settle and they'll all go back to playing with ISIS.

Funny, I didn't even mention Syria, yet everyone is playing on Syria's turf. What gives each country the right to do such? Only Russia as far as I'm aware was invited.

PS. US will never get Assad via miliary intervention, unless they go to war with Russia. That's a line drawn in the sand. Black ops is really the only option now, but such would be seen as a very aggressive action that would really escalate things. It'd be foolhardy to do so.

Re: Russian Jet Shot Down by Syrian Rebels

Posted: Sat Feb 10, 2018 8:06 pm
by Kurieuo

Re: Russian Jet Shot Down by Syrian Rebels

Posted: Sat Feb 10, 2018 9:47 pm
by RickD
Israel shot down an Iranian drone, which was in Israeli airspace. The drone came from Syria.

Not sure how that makes Israel the aggressor.

Re: Russian Jet Shot Down by Syrian Rebels

Posted: Sun Feb 11, 2018 1:15 am
by Kurieuo
To quote another news article on what happened:
  • Israel's military said the confrontation began with the drone entering its airspace before being intercepted by a combat helicopter.

    Conricus said it was intercepted well inside Israel north of the city of Beit Shean, near the Jordan border.

    He did not say whether the drone was armed, but alleged it "was on a military mission sent by Iranian military forces" from an "Iranian base" in the Palmyra area.

    Eight Israeli aircraft then "targeted the Iranian control systems in Syria that sent the UAV" and confirmed hits, Conricus said.

    He said the aircraft met "massive Syrian anti-air fire", and the F16 later came down in northern Israel's Jezreel valley, probably as a result of the anti-aircraft fire.

    Damascus said its air defences repelled two Israeli raids on its military bases in central Syria, hitting more than one warplane during the first.
    ( ... f16-downed)
Israel have a history of acting aggressively, performing airstrikes and then flying away. This isn't the first Syrian incidence, it is quite common that Israel launches raids within Syrian territory. This the first time they were shot out of the sky.

Let's assume there was an Iranian drone (a claim denied by Iran and Russia, so take your pick who you believe but I'm skeptical of Israel myself). What is Israel doing launching air-to-surface missiles from Lebanon's air space at facilities near Damascus? It is laughable to me that anyone would think Israel has carte blanche right to fly over surrounding states without permission and/or launch airstrikes into other territories.

I do not see Israel as justified in launching their sorties, but I suppose it is justification enough for them to claim they're surrounding by Arabs who want them destroyed so any military action they take towards surrounding nations is always justifiable. As for how Syria shouold response, they have a right to see Israel as an aggressor. If a nation is carrying out raids in another nation, then the nation being attacked has every right to response and defend. If an intruder comes into your home ready to kill and destroy, you have every right to defend yourself and family.

Lebanon are also annoyed that Israel flies through their territory to perform air raids on Syria. They don't like rockets being fired from/at its territory. That Israel use their airspace for their missions, which is apparently a reoccuring thing, disrepects them as a sovereign nation and hence their complaining to the UN Security Council.

Re: Russian Jet Shot Down by Syrian Rebels

Posted: Sun Feb 11, 2018 6:10 am
by RickD
Kurieuo wrote:To quote another news article on what happened:
  • Israel's military said the confrontation began with the drone entering its airspace before being intercepted by a combat helicopter.

    Conricus said it was intercepted well inside Israel north of the city of Beit Shean, near the Jordan border.

    He did not say whether the drone was armed, but alleged it "was on a military mission sent by Iranian military forces" from an "Iranian base" in the Palmyra area.

    Eight Israeli aircraft then "targeted the Iranian control systems in Syria that sent the UAV" and confirmed hits, Conricus said.

    He said the aircraft met "massive Syrian anti-air fire", and the F16 later came down in northern Israel's Jezreel valley, probably as a result of the anti-aircraft fire.

    Damascus said its air defences repelled two Israeli raids on its military bases in central Syria, hitting more than one warplane during the first.
    ( ... f16-downed)
Israel have a history of acting aggressively, performing airstrikes and then flying away. This isn't the first Syrian incidence, it is quite common that Israel launches raids within Syrian territory. This the first time they were shot out of the sky.

Let's assume there was an Iranian drone (a claim denied by Iran and Russia, so take your pick who you believe but I'm skeptical of Israel myself). What is Israel doing launching air-to-surface missiles from Lebanon's air space at facilities near Damascus? It is laughable to me that anyone would think Israel has carte blanche right to fly over surrounding states without permission and/or launch airstrikes into other territories.

I do not see Israel as justified in launching their sorties, but I suppose it is justification enough for them to claim they're surrounding by Arabs who want them destroyed so any military action they take towards surrounding nations is always justifiable. As for how Syria shouold response, they have a right to see Israel as an aggressor. If a nation is carrying out raids in another nation, then the nation being attacked has every right to response and defend. If an intruder comes into your home ready to kill and destroy, you have every right to defend yourself and family.

Lebanon are also annoyed that Israel flies through their territory to perform air raids on Syria. They don't like rockets being fired from/at its territory. That Israel use their airspace for their missions, which is apparently a reoccuring thing, disrepects them as a sovereign nation and hence their complaining to the UN Security Council.
In instances like these, I kinda tend to take the side of the tiny little nation that everyone else around her keeps attacking. I kinda lean towards believing the nation that is just trying to exist, despite the nations around her wanting to wipe her off the face of the earth.

Re: Russian Jet Shot Down by Syrian Rebels

Posted: Sun Feb 11, 2018 7:19 am
by Kurieuo
That tiny little nation, isn't really that tiny when it's supported by Super-nation -- I'm talking about Australia of course sif it'd be the US. ;)

Re: Russian Jet Shot Down by Syrian Rebels

Posted: Sun Feb 11, 2018 8:29 am
by RickD
Kurieuo wrote:That tiny little nation, isn't really that tiny when it's supported by Super-nation -- I'm talking about Australia of course sif it'd be the US. ;)
Israel is the only true democracy in the region. It's a nation that only wants to exist, while everyone around her wants her destroyed. And the U.S. Supports this nation that is constantly bullied and attacked.

Tell me again how this U.S. support is a bad thing?

Re: Russian Jet Shot Down by Syrian Rebels

Posted: Sun Feb 11, 2018 9:16 am
by Kurieuo
I really think that card is overplayed. Syria isn't a threat, neither is Lebonon. But yes, Arab Muslims as I understand generally hate Israel and would like them gone, but that doesn't represent everyone in such nations... and those extreme types that do, well, we the US-Coalition left a big void in the Middle East that allowed them to flourish (Iraq, Afghanastan, Lybia - ISIS). Israel was the aggressor here though.

Re: Russian Jet Shot Down by Syrian Rebels

Posted: Sun Feb 11, 2018 10:45 am
by RickD
Kurieuo wrote:I really think that card is overplayed. Syria isn't a threat, neither is Lebonon. But yes, Arab Muslims as I understand generally hate Israel and would like them gone, but that doesn't represent everyone in such nations... and those extreme types that do, well, we the US-Coalition left a big void in the Middle East that allowed them to flourish (Iraq, Afghanastan, Lybia - ISIS). Israel was the aggressor here though.
When Syria allows Iran to do their dirty work from Syria, that makes Syria complicit. And by being complicit, they bear responsibility for the actions that are caused by Iran, through Syria.

Not to mention hezbollah works through Syria, and is based in Lebanon.