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Re: God suffers with us

Posted: Fri Jun 30, 2017 5:26 am
by PaulSacramento
God is love because God can NOT lack anything and hate or indifference is a lack of Love so God, if He be God MUST be Love.
A other-centered, complete, lacking nothing love.
Not a human concept of love BUT an all encompassing force that creates and sustains ALL.

Re: God suffers with us

Posted: Fri Jun 30, 2017 11:56 am
by 1over137
Can I say then that if God is love, he also is suffering?
If he cannot have emotions and is unchangable.....

Re: God suffers with us

Posted: Fri Jun 30, 2017 1:03 pm
by RickD
1over137 wrote:Can I say then that if God is love, he also is suffering?
If he cannot have emotions and is unchangable.....
You can say that, but you'd be wrong. :mrgreen:

Re: God suffers with us

Posted: Fri Jun 30, 2017 4:43 pm
by B. W.
God's love is far above and deeper than we as mere created human beings can rightly know in this mortal life.

God is a jealous God... God longs to reason with others/communicate. He slow to anger and thus from anger his wrath comes and are expressions of emotions in action. So yes, God has emotions. God is all knowing and since all knowing, he knows our pain and sufferings as well too. Since he, Jesus (2nd person of the divine trinity) stepped into our humanity, YHWH suffer with us knowing firsthand all about losing loved ones, pain, rejection, being abandoned, plotted against, rejected, despised, hated, mocked... etc...

No one can say to God,"Hey God not fair, you don't know what it is like to be human..."

If they tried, he would answer back, "I died in your place upon that cross for you and rose from the dead so you can too. I know all about pain, suffering, etc and etc... do you?"

John 3:16

Re: God suffers with us

Posted: Sat Jul 01, 2017 7:25 am
by melanie
God is love because He claimed Himself to be. With every thought of language that could explain His existence He chose love.
He didn't claim to know love or experience love He described Himself as love.
Jesus also reiterated His Father as Love.
God is in every describable
For God so loved the world...
It is His very essence.
From love stems every positive emotion..... Compassion, empathy, understanding, consideration, genoristy and kindness.
From everything we know from the bible the one thing that is without question, devoid of debate is the premise that God is Love.
It is His self proclaiming essence.
To be love.
Whilst we struggle with the forgiveness, empathy and inclusion that that existence for tells, Jesus in every single situation and parable lived the principal.

Re: God suffers with us

Posted: Sat Jul 01, 2017 9:26 am
by Kurieuo
Yes, I believe God suffers more-so, yet it is also different to ours.