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Re: Well Trump fired...

Posted: Sat May 13, 2017 9:27 pm
by Hortator
Kurieuo wrote:
Hortator wrote:
abelcainsbrother wrote:
Kurieuo wrote:Did you guys see how happy Lavrov was when hearing Comey was fired? Trump certainly knows how to role out the carpet to Russia. :P
It is kinda funny that the day after he fires Comey he meets with the Russian when the Democrats believe this "Russia helped Trump win" conspiracy theory.He has them all riled up now.
Fun fact: "President Lyndon B. Johnson was known as an owner of an Amphicar. Johnson, a known practical joker, was said to enjoy frightening visitors at his Johnson City, Texas ranch by driving them downhill in his Amphicar, directly into his property's lake, all the while shouting that he had malfunctioning brakes." (Wikipedia)

If President Donald Trump has a kink, I think he enjoys messing with and riling up the media :lol:
Just needs to announce a special investigation team being setup for Hillary. Maybe the media can also be put on trial for treason.
Funny you should say that K.... ... own-trump/

Re: Well Trump fired...

Posted: Sun May 14, 2017 11:06 am
by Kurieuo
Methinks anti-Trumpers were clamming around mainsteam fake news, late show fake news and alt fake news like TYT, talking up Trump being impinged on some Russian collaboration which is in fact more conspiratorial in my opinion than anything Info Wars et al have said. Maybe too much Colbert lecturing.

Out of the many Tubers I listen to, I don't always agree, but I H. A. Goodman seems fairly impartial considering. Perhaps it's because he was a Bernie supporter, so given Bernie was sold out, Goodman has no real commitment to either side.

So, who thinks an impeachment is still coming? I could have told you it wouldn't eventuate. I don't know how many times you guys have been wrong the past year or so, but you should retire. You make Abe look good, prophetic even. :poke:

Re: Well Trump fired...

Posted: Sun May 14, 2017 11:31 am
by edwardmurphy
I still think an impeachment is still coming. Give it time.

Re: Well Trump fired...

Posted: Sun May 14, 2017 2:13 pm
by thatkidakayoungguy
B. W. wrote:Well, Trump fired FBI director Comey... what do you all think about this?
I heard he did it bc of the way Comey handled the email investigation.

Re: Well Trump fired...

Posted: Sun May 14, 2017 2:34 pm
by RickD
B. W. wrote:Well, Trump fired FBI director Comey... what do you all think about this?
I think I may need to update my résumé. y:-?

Re: Well Trump fired...

Posted: Mon May 15, 2017 7:31 pm
by edwardmurphy
Kurieuo wrote:So, who thinks an impeachment is still coming?
Been watching the news tonight? Trump apparently did this. So...oops?

Here's the thing, K. I don't think that firing Comey will get Trump impeached. I don't think that allowing a Russian state news photographer into the Oval Office and then saying "They tricked us!" when the guy releases his photos will get Trump impeached. I don't even think that accidentally giving the Russians highly classified information about our contacts in Syria will get him impeached. Neither will his taxes. Or his shady dealings with international criminals and money launderers. Or his flagrant violation of the Emoluments Clause. Or his decision to put Jared Kushner in charge of basically everything. Or his... Well, you get the idea.

My point here is that it's all adding up. The Trump Administration has been a nonstop geyser of scandal, incompetence, and stupidity and there's no reason to expect that to change. The guy is in way, way over his head. Meanwhile, Mike Pence is just hanging around, looking stable and competent. You might even say... Presidential?

Trump's approval rating was at about 41% last week - just before he fired Comey and made a hash of explaining why, had that Russian photographer over to the Oval Office, and accidental gave highly classified intelligence to the Russian Foreign Minister. Seems unlikely that those numbers will improve in the near future. Meanwhile, the Democrats loathe him and his erratic behavior and overall incompetence terrifies the Republicans.

If things keep following their current trajectory the day is going to come when the Republicans decide that keeping Trump is scarier than impeaching him. Seems unlikely that the Democrats will save him, so that will be that.

Just give it time...

Re: Well Trump fired...

Posted: Mon May 15, 2017 8:00 pm
by Kurieuo
edwardmurphy wrote:
Kurieuo wrote:So, who thinks an impeachment is still coming?
Been watching the news tonight? Trump apparently did this. So...oops?
As far as I see, Russia and the US should both be sharing intelligence so far as ISIS is concerned. But, that aside. NYTimes is talking up heresay, which wouldn't be submitable in a court of law.
Ed wrote:Here's the thing, K. I don't think that firing Comey will get Trump impeached. I don't think that allowing a Russian state news photographer into the Oval Office and then saying "They tricked us!" when the guy releases his photos will get Trump impeached. I don't even think that accidentally giving the Russians highly classified information about our contacts in Syria will get him impeached. Neither will his taxes. Or his shady dealings with international criminals and money launderers. Or his flagrant violation of the Emoluments Clause. Or his decision to put Jared Kushner in charge of basically everything. Or his... Well, you get the idea.

My point here is that it's all adding up. The Trump Administration has been a nonstop geyser of scandal, incompetence, and stupidity and there's no reason to expect that to change. The guy is in way, way over his head. Meanwhile, Mike Pence is just hanging around, looking stable and competent. You might even say... Presidential?
If you call the media whining left, right and centre all the time "it's all adding up" -- when built all up upon sand whatever "adds up" is quickly and easily washed away.
Ed wrote:Trump's approval rating was at about 41% last week - just before he fired Comey and made a hash of explaining why, had that Russian photographer over to the Oval Office, and accidental gave highly classified intelligence to the Russian Foreign Minister. Seems unlikely that those numbers will improve in the near future. Meanwhile, the Democrats loathe him and his erratic behavior and overall incompetence terrifies the Republicans.
It's kind of funny that Colbert had to explain to his audience why Trump firing Comey was a bad thing.

The narrative is being pushed strongly by many "liberal" associated networks, they're all banding together to push an anti-Trump narrative which is exagerrated beyond extreme. It was this way right through the whole electorial campaign, you expect both sides to slag each other off, but against Trump it was really taken to new levels.
Ed wrote:If things keep following their current trajectory the day is going to come when the Republicans decide that keeping Trump is scarier than impeaching him. Seems unlikely that the Democrats will save him, so that will be that.

Just give it time...
Mark my words here, Trump won't be impeached. And, he just might get a second term (he'd have to clean out sabatours though, as I expect there's a lot he is still rubbing shoulders with who will knife him in the back at any opportunity).

And, fwiw, I've been less than impressed to date with many, substantial, Trump decisions. The one thing I can't deny, is he's been quite busy trying to set his own agenda. Some are rushed, but then he seems to do a full circle and come back to them. For example, bombing Syrian airbase. Poor decision, but now he's doing a full circle and coming to the table with Russia (a good thing). Hopefully, they move forward a bit better together as I think that'd be a really good thing to happen.

Re: Well Trump fired...

Posted: Tue May 16, 2017 12:41 am
by B. W.
After yesterday, I am going to ramble on a bit... about this topic...

Let's see, facts no longer are important only feelings are when it comes to law enforcement.

Comey's testimony

Comey's testimony was well LORDY really bad and nauseous... all pun intended.

Justice is to be blind in the USA and not based upon feelings. Comey based his decision upon his feelings and that is not good.

He should have been asked to resign the day after the Testimony but maybe fired was the best response to the Top FBI law enforcement officer in the land who bases decisions in investigations upon personal feelings and then acts to declare Clinton innocent without following the legal protocol procedure with the Justice department declaring the case closed is amazing.

He should have been fired by Obama for this back in 2016.

I know people hate trump with irrational deathly hatred as they do all Republicans and conservatives...and anyone who still believes in the USA is not a bad place to live and can become that again ... receives that same venom...

Recent evidence:

Violence And Intimidation Against Republicans Are Becoming The New Normal

Disgrace: Oregon Parade Canceled Due to Violent Threats By 'Anti-Fascists' Against Republican Participants
Wilsonville, OR – Oregon Republican Party Chairman Bill Currier, in an Opinion Editorial piece appearing in the Saturday May 6, 2017 edition of The Oregonian (link is external), lays out the stark choices that leaders all over the state must face up to, especially in Portland, to put an end to the Anti-Free Speech groups who are using threats of physical violence and intimidation against Republicans and others whose political opinions they disagree with. Chairman Currier, in the piece, makes the following powerful point:

Currier Op Ed Calls For An End To Riot Groups and Need For Tough Legal Action
Some folks are thinking that it maybe time to do the same against democrats and the left - violence met with violence because, "war ya want - war ya get..." says a lot of fed up Americans.

That just might be where we maybe heading... very tragic indeed.

Never thought 8 years with the left in power could do this much damage to this country.

Example of how bad it is...

My wife and I went hiking on a trial in the Flatiron trail system in Boulder, CO. Beautiful vistas in the foothills over looking the land and the city. My wife took a tumble due to us being pushed down a very step and dangerous part of the Arch Trial. I was holding back folks behind me at a narrow section of the trial so my wife, in front of me, would not be pushed off balance. The crowd below the rough trial shoot want to move ahead.

This caused my wife to tumble, crack her ribs, very bad bruise of left leg, wrenched back. The two competing groups asked if she was okay. She couldn't talk, wind knocked out of her. they looked and passed by in their hurry not wanting to be interrupted. I saw my wife move through the air and could not reach her in time. She hit a rock with her lower ribs.

I reached her and held her while these morons passed by. She teared up cause of the pain. I hiked trials in Colorado for years. I helped and followed injured folks and reported injures as well. Use to be that folks helped each other when you are miles away from any first aid. Not anymore. Times changed.

Manged to make sure she was able to walk and a few prayers. We walked 3 miles back the car. She is in pain, nothing you can do for cracked ribs except prayer. She is doing better today.

What does this have to do with topic?

Much, Colorado University is in Boulder, there were CU students and local Boulderains... Predominately liberal leftist - CU is the Berkeley of Colorado. Must be something in the water... Bunch of people who shout about love, tolerance, acceptance,global oneness and harmony but actually show none. I say at least at the minimum 98 percent of the people hiking there as it is a city park near campus are lost, selfish, and delusional in their relativistic morality.

A friend of mine, escaped from Poland, early 1980's as well as others I know who escaped communism all mentioned how selfish and insensitive people were to each other in the eastern Block. Well it is here in the USA.

Colorado along the front range used to be nice place. Not anymore. You have to get into the country or deep mountain areas away from any liberal mountain town mecca to find nice folks.

Wow, what 8 years can do... thanks Obama

Who has done more damage to this Country than Trump and got away with it too.

You know I maybe 59 years old but I still roam the mountain hikes - 10 mile round trip 5 miles up and 5 down no problem. Sky blue and clear at least 290 days a year. Land is beautiful... but in 8 years and since the 1992 people have gotten uglier inside reminding me that there is something to 2 Tim 3:2,3,4,5 after all.

God please Bless the United States as its people do not because they do not know what they have till after its gone, then its too late...

Yes, strange post me to ramble but after yesterday, If is met a liberal on this thread, live in person, Lord help me not pound his face into mush.

Re: Well Trump fired...

Posted: Tue May 16, 2017 1:09 am
by B. W.
Don't worry, I will calm down my morning and instead preach the gospel to you instead of smack you down... needed to vent - rough Sunday...

Re: Well Trump fired...

Posted: Tue May 16, 2017 6:55 am
by edwardmurphy
I'm sorry for your wife's injury, and if I'd been there I'd have helped.

That said, I'm having a hard time seeing how any of this has anything to do with politics or how President Obama could possibly be responsible. The toxicity in our politics, and to a lesser extent in our society, is not the responsibility of a single political party, or ideology, or individual. Blaming it all on "the left" is just more partisanship, and you can only make that argument by applying a double standard to everything that you see.

Re: Well Trump fired...

Posted: Tue May 16, 2017 7:51 pm
by Kurieuo
Yes, I think I have to agree with Ed with this specific example provided.

Often, I find many Christians who'd just as much turn a blind eye. People just don't like moving out of their own comfort bubble. Really, how do you know what those youngsters believed? Whether they were liberal, left, or perhaps even Christian? The connection you've made seems to be more fitting a particular narrative you see in the world.

I do understand what you are saying, yet lest we forget the many atrocities of the past whether the world wars, halocaust or what-not, there's always been and always will be evils in the world. This isn't just a recent degradation of society not caring for others, but such "degradation" has really always been the case, sometime mores, sometimes less, but quite continual.

Thankfully, as Christians, we can look to Christ who also suffered the worst. And, we can see an end to all the crap that goes on in the world. I really don't know how non-Christians handle it, who are sensative, seeing all the bad stuff that goes on, the hopelessness to it all, thinking it'll always be that way, and then even reflecting upon their own life in the scheme of things.

Many people don't like to think about such though, so they put on blinders to it all. For example, we are great at blocking and distancing information where millions of people die, all the while eating KFC and laughing with friends or family. Our lack of real care is something we're all good at to a degree, perhaps some of it is brought about by a level of despondency and despair with all the bad that happens in the world, a feeling it won't ever change. At least, not until the end.

Otherwise, sounds like a horrible story. I pray your wife is feeling better!

Re: Well Trump fired...

Posted: Wed May 17, 2017 3:25 am
by Ged
abelcainsbrother wrote:
I think this is eventually going to lead to the swamp being drained in Washington.
I think Trump needs to drain the water off his brain.

Re: Well Trump fired...

Posted: Wed May 17, 2017 8:21 pm
by abelcainsbrother
Ged wrote:
abelcainsbrother wrote:
I think this is eventually going to lead to the swamp being drained in Washington.
I think Trump needs to drain the water off his brain.
Trump is fine.He is just biding his time until they gather enough evidence to start prosecuting and then you'll see the swamp be drained and then both parties won't be able to block his agenda like they are now.

Re: Well Trump fired...

Posted: Thu May 18, 2017 7:12 am
by edwardmurphy
Abe, that doesn't even make sense.

As far as I can tell, the plan that you're outlining looks like this:

1) Elect Trump
2) Drain the swamp
3) ????
4) Win so much you get sick of winning.

Can you fill in the details for #3? Who's going to get prosecuted? And for what? And how will that solve Trump's problems with the legislature?

And as an aside, would a competent leader have this much trouble with a legislature that's dominated by his own party?

Also, is it a good thing when your own Justice Department appoints a special prosecutor to look into allegations of Russian interference during the election you just won, while simultaneously the FBI opens criminal cases against two of your advisors, one of whom you tried to protect by secretly asking the Director of the FBI (who you just fired) to back off? Would you say that that situation makes it easier or harder for Trump to get support for his agenda?

Re: Well Trump fired...

Posted: Thu May 18, 2017 7:36 am
by abelcainsbrother
edwardmurphy wrote:I still think an impeachment is still coming. Give it time.

You're going to be wrong again.No US President has ever been impeached and Trump will not be impeached as a matter of fact this is going to backfire on the Democratic Party and the MSM because Trump will hit back at the right time and take out much of the establishment based on real crimes,not just made up conspiracy theories.This is what Trump has been doing consistently since he first got in this race and it always works for him and it is not going to change.When you hit him he hits you back even harder at the right time. This is one reason I supported Trump because I know liberals like yourself are used to wimpy Republicans who always give in and cave to political corectness but Trump does'nt and he won't.But your tactics will not and do not work against Trump,it is because he is a fighter and he hits you back harder than you hit him and he does far more damage to those who first attacked him.He has been doing this from the start and he has won every battle.The swamp you love and defend so much is going to be drained.This is what is going to happen.