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Re: Trump saying Mexico will pay for the wall

Posted: Thu Mar 16, 2017 8:34 am
by RickD

Mainstream media and the left have made it clear that Trump hates everyone that's not a wealthy white male.

Re: Trump saying Mexico will pay for the wall

Posted: Thu Mar 16, 2017 9:28 am
by edwardmurphy
thatkidakayoungguy wrote:Btw, he doesn't hate all Mexicans, in fact I remember him saying that he assumed some were good people, just to let you know.
Here's the quote.
When Mexico sends it people, they're not sending their best. They're not sending you. They're sending people that have lots of problems, and they're bringing those problems with us. They're bringing drugs. They're bringing crime. They're rapists. And some, I assume, are good people.
His point was that most illegals are dangerous criminals. The possibility that some illegals might be good people was very much an afterthought.

In reality, the data clearly shows that the only crime that most of them ever commit is illegal immigration.

And Rick, if the media is saying that Trump is a racist it's probably because he makes it so very easy to back up their claim. There's a reason that the American Nazis, the Klan, and White nationalists across the board love the guy.

Re: Trump saying Mexico will pay for the wall

Posted: Thu Mar 16, 2017 9:38 am
by thatkidakayoungguy
edwardmurphy wrote:
And Rick, if the media is saying that Trump is a racist it's probably because he makes it so very easy to back up their claim. There's a reason that the American Nazis, the Klan, and White nationalists across the board love the guy.
Right, even if he's not, which's why he needs to be more careful with his big mouth.

Re: Trump saying Mexico will pay for the wall

Posted: Thu Mar 16, 2017 9:51 am
by Philip
ONLY very foolish people think it's cool to let everyone who wants to, simply stream over our borders. Especially in this day and age. That's an unacceptable risk. If you want to come here, do what the law says: GET IN LINE! As for those who are supposedly non-criminals - what the heck do you call a person who breaks our laws and simply strolls into the U.S.? That is a criminal action. Most nations around the world try to control their border security - why wouldn't we? It is not a given human right to come here. That most are not dangerous doesn't take away from the fact that A) it's illegal and B) that certain people represent serious risks. Those who say this is racism, merely because it disproportionately impacts those south of the border - that's complete bunk! Are some who are upset about this influx of illegals racist? Of course. Are MOST? Absolutely not - except according to certain leftist media types.

Re: Trump saying Mexico will pay for the wall

Posted: Thu Mar 16, 2017 10:49 am
by DBowling
RickD wrote: Mainstream media and the left have made it clear that Trump hates everyone that's not a wealthy white male.
That's not quite accurate...

The mainstream media narrative is that Trump hates everyone who is not an unedjumicated white male.

All the rich people and smart people voted for Clinton.
It was the stupid white males who put Trump in office.

Now we all know that the mainstream media narrative is biased and false.
The really, really, really smart people voted for...
... wait for it ...

Re: Trump saying Mexico will pay for the wall

Posted: Thu Mar 16, 2017 7:07 pm
by edwardmurphy
Philip wrote:ONLY very foolish people think it's cool to let everyone who wants to, simply stream over our borders. Especially in this day and age. That's an unacceptable risk. If you want to come here, do what the law says: GET IN LINE! As for those who are supposedly non-criminals - what the heck do you call a person who breaks our laws and simply strolls into the U.S.? That is a criminal action. Most nations around the world try to control their border security - why wouldn't we? It is not a given human right to come here. That most are not dangerous doesn't take away from the fact that A) it's illegal and B) that certain people represent serious risks. Those who say this is racism, merely because it disproportionately impacts those south of the border - that's complete bunk! Are some who are upset about this influx of illegals racist? Of course. Are MOST? Absolutely not - except according to certain leftist media types.
I've never once heard anyone make the argument that you're trying to counter.