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Re: Transitional / intermediate

Posted: Sat Dec 10, 2016 7:54 am
by Audie
abelcainsbrother wrote:First off the reason a lack of transitional fossils is brought up is because Charles Darwin was proven wrong that transitional fossils would be found,they never were found and yet this did not stop evolutionists from pushing evolution,instead they just made up their own chart and made a chart and called them transitional fossils and it shows how dishonest scientists are in their attempt to push the ToE on the world as true science. Evolutionists might have ignored this and came up with talking points to explain it away,but the bottom line is there are no transitional fossils like Darwin predicted would be found. This is why it is brought up when it comes to evolution.

All of your points about what a transitional fossil should look like is just a talking point you've picked up from somewhere. It is evolutionists playing dumb because they should already know what a transitional fossil should look like based on Charles Darwin's book "The origin of species" because it tells us what Darwin meant by transitional fossils and atheists know all about Charles Darwin,they have read his books,they know all about evolution,yet play dumb when called on something he was wrong about.It is to try to cover up the fact Darwin was wrong.

A Lie
If you have nothing to contribue but your usual litany of insults and falsehoods, please take yourself

"playing demb" "just talking points" "made up" "cover up" "a lie"

I asked you several times to say what you conceive of a transitional or non-complete organism might be. You' ve not said 2 words in response.

IF you can say something honest, and ON TOPIC, please do so. If not, please go-away.

Re: Transitional / intermediate

Posted: Sat Dec 10, 2016 9:44 am
by crochet1949
Audie --- sorry to hear that you've not been feeling well -- hope you will have a speedy transition back to feeling good.

Re: Transitional / intermediate

Posted: Sat Dec 10, 2016 10:52 am
by Audie
crochet1949 wrote:Audie --- sorry to hear that you've not been feeling well -- hope you will have a speedy transition back to feeling good.
Thanks. Im sure I can be back to work monday.

Do you know about lungfish, or mudskippers? ... -psKuCM%3A

Here is a lungfish ... LIrYLtM%3A

Some species can breathe with gills and lungs. Others' gills are so reduced that
they will drown if held underwater.

No magic suddenly one then the other. Cool, no?

Re: Transitional / intermediate

Posted: Sat Dec 10, 2016 3:20 pm
by crochet1949
I Did look that up -- interesting looking 'fish'.

Isn't it Also possible that God created them like that? That He knew that eventually scientists would find these fish and marvel at how they look and live in their environment.

And, maybe, as in other animal life - there are varieties Of fish that are 'born' a particular way - not being able to create more of their particular kind -- they are observed Now , for a time. Sort of like a horse and donkey? can mate but their offspring are sterile. So - there are enough of one type of fish that can reproduce with another type and ... Just a thought. And, I already know I'll hear about my ignorance of the subject. :)

Re: Transitional / intermediate

Posted: Sat Dec 10, 2016 3:41 pm
by Audie
crochet1949 wrote:I Did look that up -- interesting looking 'fish'.

Isn't it Also possible that God created them like that? That He knew that eventually scientists would find these fish and marvel at how they look and live in their environment.

And, maybe, as in other animal life - there are varieties Of fish that are 'born' a particular way - not being able to create more of their particular kind -- they are observed Now , for a time. Sort of like a horse and donkey? can mate but their offspring are sterile. So - there are enough of one type of fish that can reproduce with another type and ... Just a thought. And, I already know I'll hear about my ignorance of the subject. :)
Just lettin' you know the gill / lung thing is not as you thought, and that fish climbing outta the watrr is a thing.

Two down however many to go, eventually you will notice a trend.

If God made the world, no reason to not accept what happened along the way.
And if he didnt, it is interesting to know what happened anyway.

More good stuff, a couple of semesters' study worth. What it all mea wont be obvious at a glance
but fish / amphibian transitional specied are actually pretty well known thanks to favourable environment for preservation.

Hmm. Cut n paste isnt working for me. Look for "labyrinthodont skeleton" in images.

Re: Transitional / intermediate

Posted: Sat Dec 10, 2016 3:44 pm
by AirBetweenTheNotes
So, your saying that when God created everything within it's kind, that you see wiggle room to shoehorn in the demonic lye of evilnotion in there somehow?
There was a quote earlier of weathermen looking to the sky & knowing what was coming or something to that extent....really....they've been predicting a significant amount of snow here for the last 5 days & not a flake yet.

Re: Transitional / intermediate

Posted: Sat Dec 10, 2016 3:50 pm
by Audie
Oh dear.

Re: Transitional / intermediate

Posted: Sat Dec 10, 2016 3:57 pm
by AirBetweenTheNotes
hughfarey wrote:
AirBetweenTheNotes wrote:We are not talking of a few feet of depth of waters but that of thousands of feet. If you spent time around rivers & digging in their muck or observing what & how things move around on their surface "hughfarey", you would see the idea of time without biological interaction on what settles out is erroneous. There is so much alive in the bottom to feed on what is left it that things don't survive unless there is great devastation the likes of which we just don't see in a natural observation of time & assuming that is how things always go on as time unfolds. It takes a great cataclysm to bring about what evolutionists see as great amounts of time passage. Look to the depths of the sea, enough weight of water there to compress sediment into rock but still we see life feeding on the bits falling down to them whether it be dust or a whale.
So is all that experience of the great outdoors any use or not in determining what might have happened in a global catastrophe? In line 1 you say that I can't tell you what would happen in a global flood because my experience of flood detritus doesn't compare to a global catastrophe, while in line 2 you say that you can tell me what would happen in a global flood because your experience in rivers does compare to a global catastrophe. Don't you think that's a little contradictory?
"It takes a great cataclysm to bring about what evolutionists see as great amounts of time passage." Could you relate this statement to my observations regarding the layers in Greenland and Antarctic ice?
"Look to the depths of the sea, enough weight of water there to compress sediment into rock but still we see life feeding on the bits falling down to them whether it be dust or a whale." We see life feeding on the soft parts, agreed, but not on shells or bones. That's why it's shells and bones that are fossilised, and not the soft parts, except in the exceptional circumstances I mentioned in my previous post.

The 2 water burial quotes are your saying I had no idea of how a flood works? I was speaking that a flood that we see here & now is nothing like The Flood & how deep those waters were & that your observations of a flood now a days is not near as deep or powerful nor is there as much volcanic activity involved or crust movement today as was experienced in Noah's flood & so your ideas of how the effects of a small flood of today would be nothing like the effects of the global flood, way, way more forces involved than what is seen today.

Re: Transitional / intermediate

Posted: Sat Dec 10, 2016 4:08 pm
by RickD
AirBetweenTheNotes wrote:So, your saying that when God created everything within it's kind, that you see wiggle room to shoehorn in the demonic lye of evilnotion in there somehow?
There was a quote earlier of weathermen looking to the sky & knowing what was coming or something to that extent....really....they've been predicting a significant amount of snow here for the last 5 days & not a flake yet.
First warning. Please refrain from using terms like, "demonic lye of evilnotion". It adds nothing to the conversation.

Re: Transitional / intermediate

Posted: Sat Dec 10, 2016 4:08 pm
by Audie
The flood is a myth.

Re: Transitional / intermediate

Posted: Sat Dec 10, 2016 4:32 pm
by crochet1949
Audie wrote:The flood is a myth.
No -- no myth -- just a real happening. :ebiggrin:

Re: Transitional / intermediate

Posted: Sat Dec 10, 2016 4:32 pm
by crochet1949
crochet1949 wrote:
Audie wrote:The flood is a myth.
No -- no myth -- just a real happening. :ebiggrin:
And God's Word Tells us Why it happened.

Re: Transitional / intermediate

Posted: Sat Dec 10, 2016 4:38 pm
by AirBetweenTheNotes
post deleted by moderator. Please reread the forum rules. Specifically the following:
Perhaps the most important aspect of the new moderating policy:

There will be absolutely NO further continued PUBLIC arguing (past a warning, in a thread) over ANY aspect of what a poster has been warned about! Again, while a warned poster cannot continue a PUBLIC discussion over their warning, they CAN engage moderators privately, to argue or lobby their contentions and views concerning their warning. It is important to emphasize this new addition to policy is NOT designed to censor or temper the civil discussion of ideas and beliefs, no matter how extreme they might be - as long as they do not violate other aspects of our moderating policy. ... hp?f=1&t=4

You will have a 7day temp ban. I suggest that if you want to remain here, you reread the update to the new policy, and decide if you can follow the rules.

Re: Transitional / intermediate

Posted: Sat Dec 10, 2016 5:03 pm
by hughfarey
AirBetweenTheNotes wrote:The 2 water burial quotes are your saying I had no idea of how a flood works?
No. I was saying that you had used double standards in that you claimed my extrapolation from the present to the past was invalid, but yours was valid. That's very poor argument.
I was speaking that a flood that we see here & now is nothing like The Flood & how deep those waters were & that your observations of a flood now a days is not near as deep or powerful nor is there as much volcanic activity involved or crust movement today as was experienced in Noah's flood & so your ideas of how the effects of a small flood of today would be nothing like the effects of the global flood, way, way more forces involved than what is seen today.
Possibly, but if my experiences of modern floods are no guide to the Great Flood, then you can be absolutely sure that neither are yours. That means that your notions of gradual stratigraphy and the order in which fossils are found are wholly fanciful, and your experiences of wading in rivers worthless.
AirBetweenTheNotes wrote:Evolution is not a demonic lye? I don't understand? Are you saying that honest science points to anything besides a Creator, intelligence, order, creativity, laws that keep things spinning or heading in the direction intended, a Master's Hand seen same as the brush strokes of Monet point out his works?
Honest science points to evolution. To some people evolution demonstrates the creative power of a Master's Hand. The two are not incompatible.
So the establishment doesn't remove people from position if the party line is strayed from (in that naturalism is the only way " the lye"), that foolishness of nothing multiplied by 20 billion years equals EVERTHING, THing, thing, ing.... is pushed in place of Creation?
Does this mean anything at all? Are you sure a forum entitled 'God and Science' is relevant to your comment? 'Lye' is a powerful alkali used for making soap with. Is that relevant, or are you just being humourously poetic? If so I'm not sure you've come to the right forum.
Or that where did everything come from to begin with that came out of the Bigbang? Or where did all of the organic information come from to move from one organism to the next more complicated one?
If you are interested in the answers to your questions then a quick Google will tell you all you want to know.
Information & odds which one comping up with via just time passing is so very remote like how many times would it take to drop scrabble squares to come up with "To be, or not to be?" or better yet a dictionary to come about via an explosion in a printing shop?
er... nope... can't make head of tail of this either. Do you have the same English teacher as abelcainsbrother?
When the amount of info in just one of our cells is enough to fill a book of at least 500 pages doublesided & all of your cells info would fill the Grand Canyon with said books 50 times? Evilnotion?
Evilnotion, eh? Sounds like you're a teeny bit prejudiced...

Re: Transitional / intermediate

Posted: Sat Dec 10, 2016 5:04 pm
by hughfarey
*Sigh* Pity. He didn't last long....