Atheists: Does anything attract you to Christianity?

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Re: Atheists: Does anything attract you to Christianity?

Post by melanie »

Kenny wrote:
Nessa wrote:
Kenny wrote:
Nessa wrote:Atheists,

Is there anything that attracts you to Christianity?
Not so much the religion itself, but sometimes the people of Christianity can be an attraction.... but then that kinda works both ways, some of them can have the opposite effect.

I think for some people Christianity gives them a reason to be their best. I've seen people who were jerks, all of a sudden take their religion seriously (aka got saved) and notice a distinct positive difference in their behavior. Even when they get mad you can sometimes see the jerk trying to come out, but they suppress it and they handle the situation in a more peaceful manner because they feel an obligation to represent their religion in a more positive light, because others might judge their religion by their behavior.
I find this attractive.

Ken, I honestly don't find that attractive.
Conformity for the basis of representation.
People behaving in a certain manner to better reflect a religious persuasion.
That's not heartfelt.
Nor sincere.
It's a work based idea of religion.
We just can't help but put our best foot forward to wave the flag of whatever.
I don't treat people better than perhaps they deserve because my religion dictates I should but because my own experience has shown me that people deserve it. Sorrow, regret, neglect, abandonment, despair, helplessness.
Or simple decency.

Us screw ups aren't the antithesis of religion we are the poster children.
Not in some trap or grasp at normality but because pain breeds the authentic pull at life because we make or break what is real.
It sucks somtimes, sometimes it makes us wanna curl in a ball and forget or neglect.
But it takes realness, it takes balls,
To realise that to be blessed doesn't mean smooth sailin.
We pain,
And fret
There is pain.
But we triumph.
We have strength
We keep putting one foot in front another.
I trust in myself, in His strength.
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Re: Atheists: Does anything attract you to Christianity?

Post by melanie »

Nessa wrote:Mel,

I agree 100% to the heart of what you are saying.
There mixed feelings I have tho.

I went to get a coffee at a little cafe once and the owner started going on about something, letting the f word drop. I actually felt extremely disrepected and put off. To me thats darn rude to run a professional business and acting all angry and mouthing off infront of your customer. I just would never to that to a customer myself while working.

We also have had tradesmen come and work on the kitchen and have sworn like a sailor. Part of me takes offense and then realistically I am sitting in the lounge giggling away like a school girl.

Some farmers mouth of during my work interviews but I notice when some say 'shivers' instead, I actually will feel respected, like they are considering my feelings.

Friends swearing around me doesnt make me feel disrespected at all tho and I do it too. There are lots of things I consider wrong but context, and being real matters a heck of a lot.
I dont find it pleasing when people swear around my kids. Or use vulgar language but I'm not a hypocrite either.
My kids don't swear. In actual fact I have never heard them do so.
But I do.
I say the s word, I say the f word. Very rarely.
Never at my kids.
But I'm sure they have heard me use arsehole, and ********.
But never at them. Usually in the car.
i have never called my kids a name, ever!
But I use at times colourful language cause well somtimes a d head is just a d head :ebiggrin:
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Re: Atheists: Does anything attract you to Christianity?

Post by Nicki »

melanie wrote:
Kenny wrote:
Nessa wrote:
Kenny wrote:
Nessa wrote:Atheists,

Is there anything that attracts you to Christianity?
Not so much the religion itself, but sometimes the people of Christianity can be an attraction.... but then that kinda works both ways, some of them can have the opposite effect.

I think for some people Christianity gives them a reason to be their best. I've seen people who were jerks, all of a sudden take their religion seriously (aka got saved) and notice a distinct positive difference in their behavior. Even when they get mad you can sometimes see the jerk trying to come out, but they suppress it and they handle the situation in a more peaceful manner because they feel an obligation to represent their religion in a more positive light, because others might judge their religion by their behavior.
I find this attractive.

Ken, I honestly don't find that attractive.
Conformity for the basis of representation.
People behaving in a certain manner to better reflect a religious persuasion.
That's not heartfelt.
Nor sincere.
It's a work based idea of religion.
We just can't help but put our best foot forward to wave the flag of whatever.
I don't treat people better than perhaps they deserve because my religion dictates I should but because my own experience has shown me that people deserve it. Sorrow, regret, neglect, abandonment, despair, helplessness.
Or simple decency.

Us screw ups aren't the antithesis of religion we are the poster children.
Not in some trap or grasp at normality but because pain breeds the authentic pull at life because we make or break what is real.
It sucks somtimes, sometimes it makes us wanna curl in a ball and forget or neglect.
But it takes realness, it takes balls,
To realise that to be blessed doesn't mean smooth sailin.
We pain,
And fret
There is pain.
But we triumph.
We have strength
We keep putting one foot in front another.
I trust in myself, in His strength.
I think he's not that far off - I'm pretty sure we're supposed to keep in mind how we're representing Christianity to others with what we do. It could even be a genuine change - I experienced a couple of fairly major changes in behaviour when I became a Christian and they had nothing really to do with the impression I was making on others regarding my faith. It's good you manage of your own volition to never be a jerk :P but most people have their moments from time to time; however, we believe God wants us to be humble and patient and put others before ourselves - not just to represent him well but just because.
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Re: Atheists: Does anything attract you to Christianity?

Post by edwardmurphy »

Double post somehow...
Last edited by edwardmurphy on Fri Dec 11, 2015 12:02 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Atheists: Does anything attract you to Christianity?

Post by edwardmurphy »

abelcainsbrother wrote:Our bible covers everything you just said and the things you bring up shows that nothing is getting overlooked by God.all you've really done is basically say because man sins I will reject God because God allows sinners to sin.
Actually, your Bible (you're supposed to capitalize that word) doesn't convincingly cover my principle objection to your (or any) religion. I don't believe that your (or any) god exists. Without divine backing a religion is just a bunch of ideas and opinions, and there's nothing preventing me from taking what I see as good and rejecting what I see as garbage.
abelcainsbrother wrote:However you totally white-washing history by ignoring the fact that atheists killed,slaughtered and oppressed far,far more people than all Christian wars,atrocities and countries combined even if you include Hitler. so if you were really so concerned with the evil in this world atheism should be the last place you look towards.
I didn't whitewash anything. I didn't bring it up because that's not what we were talking about. You brought it up because that's your knee-jerk response to criticism of your religion, as if showing that one thing can be bad makes its opposite good by default. That's not how it works.

Regarding your point, no, none of those events took place because of atheism. The people you're talking about weren't merely atheists, they were Stalinists and Maoists. Atheism was a part of those ideologies, but it wasn't the only part, or even the most important part. Both of those movements suppressed religion and replaced it with mythology of their own creation.

Finally, you still seem to think that atheism is dogmatic. Yes, I'm concerned with the evil in the world, but I'm not looking at atheism as a solution. Atheism doesn't provide any solutions to anything. For solutions you have to delve into one of the many -isms out there - humanism or rationalism or whatever. I have my own way of seeing the world, and I I haven't put much effort into figuring out which -ism best approximates it.
abelcainsbrother wrote:The very reason God sent Jesus into this world is because of the very things that somehow causes you to reject God but you fail to realize that judgment day is coming and nobody will get away with anything and yet they would if atheism were true,so that you really have no reason at all to complain about the sinful and evil things done in this world.
I don't think Judgement Day is coming, and unfortunately lots of people get away with lots of things. Neither of those things can be changed by embracing religion.
abelcainsbrother wrote:You cannot on the one hand see evil and act like you are so concerned aboiut it and yet if atheism is true all of the evil people get away with it. You have no right at all to complain holding to your world-view.I can tell you alot of people will bust hell wide open for their evil,sinful ways.
You have no authority to dictate my rights to me.

If atheism is true, which I think it is, then yes, evil people are getting away with it. I agree that that sucks. In fact, it sucks so much that people invented Heaven and Hell in an effort to introduce some justice where none really exists. I don't believe in either, so I'm not cushioned from a lot of harsh realities, and sometimes that sucks, too. Oh well. I was born immune to religious indoctrination, so I do my best to cope with stuff like that.
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Re: Atheists: Does anything attract you to Christianity?

Post by Kenny »

melanie wrote:
Kenny wrote:
Nessa wrote:
Kenny wrote:
Nessa wrote:Atheists,

Is there anything that attracts you to Christianity?
Not so much the religion itself, but sometimes the people of Christianity can be an attraction.... but then that kinda works both ways, some of them can have the opposite effect.

I think for some people Christianity gives them a reason to be their best. I've seen people who were jerks, all of a sudden take their religion seriously (aka got saved) and notice a distinct positive difference in their behavior. Even when they get mad you can sometimes see the jerk trying to come out, but they suppress it and they handle the situation in a more peaceful manner because they feel an obligation to represent their religion in a more positive light, because others might judge their religion by their behavior.
I find this attractive.

Ken, I honestly don't find that attractive.
Conformity for the basis of representation.
People behaving in a certain manner to better reflect a religious persuasion.
That's not heartfelt.
Nor sincere.
I don’t think sincerity is always the best thing. I would much rather a jerk pretend to be nice and treat others around him with respect and dignity than for him to be honest with himself, recognize he is a jerk, and offend and harm everyone around him.

Remember when your mom used to say “don’t make that face or it will stay that way”? I think there is some truth to that; if you pretend to be something you are not long enough, eventually it will become natural to you and you will no longer be pretending; you will become that person. If a jerk pretends to be nice because he wants to reflect his religion in a positive light to others, eventually it will become a little easier to be nice to other people and he will no longer be pretending anymore, he will become nice. The way I see it, whatever your motivation; always do the right thing. Even if the source of your motivation is false, a lie, built upon dishonesty; if it causes you to become helpful to your neighbor rather than harming them, I consider that a good thing. I would prefer false love over sincere hatred any day, because if my enemy pretends to smile to my face long enough, (as mom used to say) maybe his face will stay that way; maybe eventually that smile might become natural for him and his smile will be sincere.

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Re: Atheists: Does anything attract you to Christianity?

Post by Nessa »

Kenny wrote:
melanie wrote:
Kenny wrote:
Nessa wrote:
Kenny wrote: Not so much the religion itself, but sometimes the people of Christianity can be an attraction.... but then that kinda works both ways, some of them can have the opposite effect.

I think for some people Christianity gives them a reason to be their best. I've seen people who were jerks, all of a sudden take their religion seriously (aka got saved) and notice a distinct positive difference in their behavior. Even when they get mad you can sometimes see the jerk trying to come out, but they suppress it and they handle the situation in a more peaceful manner because they feel an obligation to represent their religion in a more positive light, because others might judge their religion by their behavior.
I find this attractive.

Ken, I honestly don't find that attractive.
Conformity for the basis of representation.
People behaving in a certain manner to better reflect a religious persuasion.
That's not heartfelt.
Nor sincere.
I don’t think sincerity is always the best thing. I would much rather a jerk pretend to be nice and treat others around him with respect and dignity than for him to be honest with himself, recognize he is a jerk, and offend and harm everyone around him.

Remember when your mom used to say “don’t make that face or it will stay that way”? I think there is some truth to that; if you pretend to be something you are not long enough, eventually it will become natural to you and you will no longer be pretending; you will become that person. If a jerk pretends to be nice because he wants to reflect his religion in a positive light to others, eventually it will become a little easier to be nice to other people and he will no longer be pretending anymore, he will become nice. The way I see it, whatever your motivation; always do the right thing. Even if the source of your motivation is false, a lie, built upon dishonesty; if it causes you to become helpful to your neighbor rather than harming them, I consider that a good thing. I would prefer false love over sincere hatred any day, because if my enemy pretends to smile to my face long enough, (as mom used to say) maybe his face will stay that way; maybe eventually that smile might become natural for him and his smile will be sincere.

I like your posts :)

Well, I would have agreed with you up until I came on this forum, then I realised how much the truth is something to be faced, not something to hide from.

Someone can be honest with themselves about hating someone but can choose to still be kind. To me that is honest if they are sincere. Truth is not an excuse to be rude, rather Christians are called to speak the truth in love. Even to admit to someone that you dont like them sometimes. It may just be appropriate.

As much as lies can make us feel better it's not a healthy way to live. They are an indication that something is not right and not how it should be. We can ignore major chest pains and choose to just lie to ourselves it must be just heartburn. Or we can find out the truth, and possibly save ourselves a premature death.

I dont mind if someone slaps me in the face with the truth, as long as they are holding on gently to my other hand while doing it - ok, that does sound rather girly BUT the truth can blimmen hurt! :amen:
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Re: Atheists: Does anything attract you to Christianity?

Post by Kenny »

Kenny wrote:
melanie wrote:
Kenny wrote:
Nessa wrote:
I think for some people Christianity gives them a reason to be their best. I've seen people who were jerks, all of a sudden take their religion seriously (aka got saved) and notice a distinct positive difference in their behavior. Even when they get mad you can sometimes see the jerk trying to come out, but they suppress it and they handle the situation in a more peaceful manner because they feel an obligation to represent their religion in a more positive light, because others might judge their religion by their behavior.
I find this attractive.

Ken, I honestly don't find that attractive.
Conformity for the basis of representation.
People behaving in a certain manner to better reflect a religious persuasion.
That's not heartfelt.
Nor sincere.
I don’t think sincerity is always the best thing. I would much rather a jerk pretend to be nice and treat others around him with respect and dignity than for him to be honest with himself, recognize he is a jerk, and offend and harm everyone around him.

Remember when your mom used to say “don’t make that face or it will stay that way”? I think there is some truth to that; if you pretend to be something you are not long enough, eventually it will become natural to you and you will no longer be pretending; you will become that person. If a jerk pretends to be nice because he wants to reflect his religion in a positive light to others, eventually it will become a little easier to be nice to other people and he will no longer be pretending anymore, he will become nice. The way I see it, whatever your motivation; always do the right thing. Even if the source of your motivation is false, a lie, built upon dishonesty; if it causes you to become helpful to your neighbor rather than harming them, I consider that a good thing. I would prefer false love over sincere hatred any day, because if my enemy pretends to smile to my face long enough, (as mom used to say) maybe his face will stay that way; maybe eventually that smile might become natural for him and his smile will be sincere.

Nessa wrote: I like your posts :)

Well, I would have agreed with you up until I came on this forum, then I realised how much the truth is something to be faced, not something to hide from.
Would you also agree that the truth about one self can often be something that needs to be changed?
Nessa wrote: Someone can be honest with themselves about hating someone but can choose to still be kind. To me that is honest if they are sincere. Truth is not an excuse to be rude, rather Christians are called to speak the truth in love. Even to admit to someone that you dont like them sometimes. It may just be appropriate.
I think we are talking about two different people. You seem to be talking about someone who is loving, even though his feelings towards you might be bad.
I’m talking about a mean person. A person who is honest in his hatred towards you and is not kind about it. Perhaps he is mean to you because your skin is the wrong color, maybe he doesn’t like your religion, or even your political opinions; whatever the case the person is mean and not loving.
Nessa wrote: As much as lies can make us feel better it's not a healthy way to live. They are an indication that something is not right and not how it should be. We can ignore major chest pains and choose to just lie to ourselves it must be just heartburn. Or we can find out the truth, and possibly save ourselves a premature death.

I dont mind if someone slaps me in the face with the truth, as long as they are holding on gently to my other hand while
doing it - ok, that does sound rather girly BUT the truth can blimmen hurt! :amen:
I doubt a truly mean person is going to just slap your face while gently holding your other hand while doing it, he will more likely grab you by the collar to make sure you don’t get away; and just punch you in the face!

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Re: Atheists: Does anything attract you to Christianity?

Post by Nessa »

Kenny wrote:
Kenny wrote:
melanie wrote:
Kenny wrote:
Nessa wrote:
I think for some people Christianity gives them a reason to be their best. I've seen people who were jerks, all of a sudden take their religion seriously (aka got saved) and notice a distinct positive difference in their behavior. Even when they get mad you can sometimes see the jerk trying to come out, but they suppress it and they handle the situation in a more peaceful manner because they feel an obligation to represent their religion in a more positive light, because others might judge their religion by their behavior.
I find this attractive.

Ken, I honestly don't find that attractive.
Conformity for the basis of representation.
People behaving in a certain manner to better reflect a religious persuasion.
That's not heartfelt.
Nor sincere.
I don’t think sincerity is always the best thing. I would much rather a jerk pretend to be nice and treat others around him with respect and dignity than for him to be honest with himself, recognize he is a jerk, and offend and harm everyone around him.

Remember when your mom used to say “don’t make that face or it will stay that way”? I think there is some truth to that; if you pretend to be something you are not long enough, eventually it will become natural to you and you will no longer be pretending; you will become that person. If a jerk pretends to be nice because he wants to reflect his religion in a positive light to others, eventually it will become a little easier to be nice to other people and he will no longer be pretending anymore, he will become nice. The way I see it, whatever your motivation; always do the right thing. Even if the source of your motivation is false, a lie, built upon dishonesty; if it causes you to become helpful to your neighbor rather than harming them, I consider that a good thing. I would prefer false love over sincere hatred any day, because if my enemy pretends to smile to my face long enough, (as mom used to say) maybe his face will stay that way; maybe eventually that smile might become natural for him and his smile will be sincere.

Nessa wrote: I like your posts :)

Well, I would have agreed with you up until I came on this forum, then I realised how much the truth is something to be faced, not something to hide from.
Would you also agree that the truth about one self can often be something that needs to be changed?
Nessa wrote: Someone can be honest with themselves about hating someone but can choose to still be kind. To me that is honest if they are sincere. Truth is not an excuse to be rude, rather Christians are called to speak the truth in love. Even to admit to someone that you dont like them sometimes. It may just be appropriate.
I think we are talking about two different people. You seem to be talking about someone who is loving, even though his feelings towards you might be bad.
I’m talking about a mean person. A person who is honest in his hatred towards you and is not kind about it. Perhaps he is mean to you because your skin is the wrong color, maybe he doesn’t like your religion, or even your political opinions; whatever the case the person is mean and not loving.
Nessa wrote: As much as lies can make us feel better it's not a healthy way to live. They are an indication that something is not right and not how it should be. We can ignore major chest pains and choose to just lie to ourselves it must be just heartburn. Or we can find out the truth, and possibly save ourselves a premature death.

I dont mind if someone slaps me in the face with the truth, as long as they are holding on gently to my other hand while
doing it - ok, that does sound rather girly BUT the truth can blimmen hurt! :amen:
I doubt a truly mean person is going to just slap your face while gently holding your other hand while doing it, he will more likely grab you by the collar to make sure you don’t get away; and just punch you in the face!

I dont try to purposely seek out the truth from mean people....Im not quite there yet ;)
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Re: Atheists: Does anything attract you to Christianity?

Post by abelcainsbrother »

edwardmurphy wrote:
abelcainsbrother wrote:Our bible covers everything you just said and the things you bring up shows that nothing is getting overlooked by God.all you've really done is basically say because man sins I will reject God because God allows sinners to sin.
Actually, your Bible (you're supposed to capitalize that word) doesn't convincingly cover my principle objection to your (or any) religion. I don't believe that your (or any) god exists. Without divine backing a religion is just a bunch of ideas and opinions, and there's nothing preventing me from taking what I see as good and rejecting what I see as garbage.
abelcainsbrother wrote:However you totally white-washing history by ignoring the fact that atheists killed,slaughtered and oppressed far,far more people than all Christian wars,atrocities and countries combined even if you include Hitler. so if you were really so concerned with the evil in this world atheism should be the last place you look towards.
I didn't whitewash anything. I didn't bring it up because that's not what we were talking about. You brought it up because that's your knee-jerk response to criticism of your religion, as if showing that one thing can be bad makes its opposite good by default. That's not how it works.

Regarding your point, no, none of those events took place because of atheism. The people you're talking about weren't merely atheists, they were Stalinists and Maoists. Atheism was a part of those ideologies, but it wasn't the only part, or even the most important part. Both of those movements suppressed religion and replaced it with mythology of their own creation.

Finally, you still seem to think that atheism is dogmatic. Yes, I'm concerned with the evil in the world, but I'm not looking at atheism as a solution. Atheism doesn't provide any solutions to anything. For solutions you have to delve into one of the many -isms out there - humanism or rationalism or whatever. I have my own way of seeing the world, and I I haven't put much effort into figuring out which -ism best approximates it.
abelcainsbrother wrote:The very reason God sent Jesus into this world is because of the very things that somehow causes you to reject God but you fail to realize that judgment day is coming and nobody will get away with anything and yet they would if atheism were true,so that you really have no reason at all to complain about the sinful and evil things done in this world.
I don't think Judgement Day is coming, and unfortunately lots of people get away with lots of things. Neither of those things can be changed by embracing religion.
abelcainsbrother wrote:You cannot on the one hand see evil and act like you are so concerned aboiut it and yet if atheism is true all of the evil people get away with it. You have no right at all to complain holding to your world-view.I can tell you alot of people will bust hell wide open for their evil,sinful ways.
You have no authority to dictate my rights to me.

If atheism is true, which I think it is, then yes, evil people are getting away with it. I agree that that sucks. In fact, it sucks so much that people invented Heaven and Hell in an effort to introduce some justice where none really exists. I don't believe in either, so I'm not cushioned from a lot of harsh realities, and sometimes that sucks, too. Oh well. I was born immune to religious indoctrination, so I do my best to cope with stuff like that.

Yes! Our bible does cover sin and evil,you'll find sin and evil in all kinds of different ways in the bible and how God deals with it. God is honest with us althroughout the bible about sin/evil.

Like I said if you were really so concerned about sin/evil in the world atheism should be on of the last places you should look towards. You would not have the freedom to reject God,to reject Jesus or even bash him living in an atheist society.You would have no choice. I know atheists always try to claimMao,Pol Pot,Stalin were not atheists representing atheism but the bottom line is they promoted atheism for their society and it was worse than anything any Christian society has done.

still,you have no right to be a double-minded person criticizing God because there is sin and evil in the world when history shows atheism produces far,far more sin/evil in society but also they get away with it if atheism is true. This is why atheism is so deadly in history because there are no consequences at all for the sin/evil.

You are being hypocritical blaming God because of sin/evil in the world while adopting a world-view that produces far,far more sin/evil than any Christian society. You should embrce sin/evil because of your world view which is atheism if you were being consistent but NO God is evil for allowing sin/evil eventhough atheism produces it according fairly recent 20th century history that atheists white-wash. It is hypocritical just so they can try to make God evil when God is going to judge every man and nothing will be overlooked.

If you were so concerned about sin/evil in the world you should instead embrace God because he is going to do something about all of the sin/evil in this world but on his time scale,not yours.But the truth is you are not at all really concerned about the sin/evil in this world because if you was atheism would not be your world-view at all. You're just wanting to repeat history that is far,far more deadly than any Christian society. Even atheist philosophers have acknowledged this fact and have spoke out about it.
Hebrews 12:2-3 Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith;who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross,despising the shame,and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God.

2nd Corinthians 4:4 In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not,lest the light of this glorious gospel of Christ,who is the image of God,should shine unto them.
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Re: Atheists: Does anything attract you to Christianity?

Post by Kenny »

abelcainsbrother wrote:
edwardmurphy wrote:
abelcainsbrother wrote:Our bible covers everything you just said and the things you bring up shows that nothing is getting overlooked by God.all you've really done is basically say because man sins I will reject God because God allows sinners to sin.
Actually, your Bible (you're supposed to capitalize that word) doesn't convincingly cover my principle objection to your (or any) religion. I don't believe that your (or any) god exists. Without divine backing a religion is just a bunch of ideas and opinions, and there's nothing preventing me from taking what I see as good and rejecting what I see as garbage.
abelcainsbrother wrote:However you totally white-washing history by ignoring the fact that atheists killed,slaughtered and oppressed far,far more people than all Christian wars,atrocities and countries combined even if you include Hitler. so if you were really so concerned with the evil in this world atheism should be the last place you look towards.
I didn't whitewash anything. I didn't bring it up because that's not what we were talking about. You brought it up because that's your knee-jerk response to criticism of your religion, as if showing that one thing can be bad makes its opposite good by default. That's not how it works.

Regarding your point, no, none of those events took place because of atheism. The people you're talking about weren't merely atheists, they were Stalinists and Maoists. Atheism was a part of those ideologies, but it wasn't the only part, or even the most important part. Both of those movements suppressed religion and replaced it with mythology of their own creation.

Finally, you still seem to think that atheism is dogmatic. Yes, I'm concerned with the evil in the world, but I'm not looking at atheism as a solution. Atheism doesn't provide any solutions to anything. For solutions you have to delve into one of the many -isms out there - humanism or rationalism or whatever. I have my own way of seeing the world, and I I haven't put much effort into figuring out which -ism best approximates it.
abelcainsbrother wrote:The very reason God sent Jesus into this world is because of the very things that somehow causes you to reject God but you fail to realize that judgment day is coming and nobody will get away with anything and yet they would if atheism were true,so that you really have no reason at all to complain about the sinful and evil things done in this world.
I don't think Judgement Day is coming, and unfortunately lots of people get away with lots of things. Neither of those things can be changed by embracing religion.
abelcainsbrother wrote:You cannot on the one hand see evil and act like you are so concerned aboiut it and yet if atheism is true all of the evil people get away with it. You have no right at all to complain holding to your world-view.I can tell you alot of people will bust hell wide open for their evil,sinful ways.
You have no authority to dictate my rights to me.

If atheism is true, which I think it is, then yes, evil people are getting away with it. I agree that that sucks. In fact, it sucks so much that people invented Heaven and Hell in an effort to introduce some justice where none really exists. I don't believe in either, so I'm not cushioned from a lot of harsh realities, and sometimes that sucks, too. Oh well. I was born immune to religious indoctrination, so I do my best to cope with stuff like that.

Yes! Our bible does cover sin and evil,you'll find sin and evil in all kinds of different ways in the bible and how God deals with it. God is honest with us althroughout the bible about sin/evil.

Like I said if you were really so concerned about sin/evil in the world atheism should be on of the last places you should look towards. You would not have the freedom to reject God,to reject Jesus or even bash him living in an atheist society.You would have no choice. I know atheists always try to claimMao,Pol Pot,Stalin were not atheists representing atheism but the bottom line is they promoted atheism for their society and it was worse than anything any Christian society has done.

still,you have no right to be a double-minded person criticizing God because there is sin and evil in the world when history shows atheism produces far,far more sin/evil in society but also they get away with it if atheism is true. This is why atheism is so deadly in history because there are no consequences at all for the sin/evil.

You are being hypocritical blaming God because of sin/evil in the world while adopting a world-view that produces far,far more sin/evil than any Christian society. You should embrce sin/evil because of your world view which is atheism if you were being consistent but NO God is evil for allowing sin/evil eventhough atheism produces it according fairly recent 20th century history that atheists white-wash. It is hypocritical just so they can try to make God evil when God is going to judge every man and nothing will be overlooked.

If you were so concerned about sin/evil in the world you should instead embrace God because he is going to do something about all of the sin/evil in this world but on his time scale,not yours.But the truth is you are not at all really concerned about the sin/evil in this world because if you was atheism would not be your world-view at all. You're just wanting to repeat history that is far,far more deadly than any Christian society. Even atheist philosophers have acknowledged this fact and have spoke out about it.
You seem to be making the same mistake I see many christians make; assuming atheism is to atheist what christianity is to christians.

RickD wrote
"What can be asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence".
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Re: Atheists: Does anything attract you to Christianity?

Post by edwardmurphy »

abelcainsbrother wrote:Yes! Our bible does cover sin and evil,you'll find sin and evil in all kinds of different ways in the bible and how God deals with it. God is honest with us althroughout the bible about sin/evil.
I was referring to the nonexistence of the central figure.
abelcainsbrother wrote:Like I said if you were really so concerned about sin/evil in the world atheism should be on of the last places you should look towards.
You're not getting it. Atheism isn't a religion. I'm not "looking towards" it.
abelcainsbrother wrote:You would not have the freedom to reject God,to reject Jesus or even bash him living in an atheist society.You would have no choice.
Kind of depends on the "atheist society" in question. If it's Stalinist then nope, I'm not going to have a lot of choices and I might get shot for speaking my mind. On the other hand, if it's somewhere in modern day Scandinavia then I'd be just as free as I am here in America, but I'd have more security and a better standard of living.
abelcainsbrother wrote:I know atheists always try to claimMao,Pol Pot,Stalin were not atheists representing atheism but the bottom line is they promoted atheism for their society and it was worse than anything any Christian society has done.
What they did is stomp on church dogma and replace it with dogma of their own in order eliminate competition and justify their rule in one vicious, but fairly clever, maneuver.
abelcainsbrother wrote:still,you have no right to be a double-minded person criticizing God because there is sin and evil in the world when history shows atheism produces far,far more sin/evil in society but also they get away with it if atheism is true. This is why atheism is so deadly in history because there are no consequences at all for the sin/evil.

Whether or not something is true isn't contingent on what would happen if it were...
abelcainsbrother wrote:You are being hypocritical blaming God because of sin/evil in the world while adopting a world-view that produces far,far more sin/evil than any Christian society.
If I was blaming god for things then it would follow that I believed in him, which would mean that I wasn't an atheist.
abelcainsbrother wrote: You're just wanting to repeat history that is far,far more deadly than any Christian society. Even atheist philosophers have acknowledged this fact and have spoke out about it.
The first part is nonsense and the second requires a citation...
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Re: Atheists: Does anything attract you to Christianity?

Post by abelcainsbrother »

edwardmurphy wrote:
abelcainsbrother wrote:Yes! Our bible does cover sin and evil,you'll find sin and evil in all kinds of different ways in the bible and how God deals with it. God is honest with us althroughout the bible about sin/evil.
I was referring to the nonexistence of the central figure.
abelcainsbrother wrote:Like I said if you were really so concerned about sin/evil in the world atheism should be on of the last places you should look towards.
You're not getting it. Atheism isn't a religion. I'm not "looking towards" it.
abelcainsbrother wrote:You would not have the freedom to reject God,to reject Jesus or even bash him living in an atheist society.You would have no choice.
Kind of depends on the "atheist society" in question. If it's Stalinist then nope, I'm not going to have a lot of choices and I might get shot for speaking my mind. On the other hand, if it's somewhere in modern day Scandinavia then I'd be just as free as I am here in America, but I'd have more security and a better standard of living.
abelcainsbrother wrote:I know atheists always try to claimMao,Pol Pot,Stalin were not atheists representing atheism but the bottom line is they promoted atheism for their society and it was worse than anything any Christian society has done.
What they did is stomp on church dogma and replace it with dogma of their own in order eliminate competition and justify their rule in one vicious, but fairly clever, maneuver.
abelcainsbrother wrote:still,you have no right to be a double-minded person criticizing God because there is sin and evil in the world when history shows atheism produces far,far more sin/evil in society but also they get away with it if atheism is true. This is why atheism is so deadly in history because there are no consequences at all for the sin/evil.

Whether or not something is true isn't contingent on what would happen if it were...
abelcainsbrother wrote:You are being hypocritical blaming God because of sin/evil in the world while adopting a world-view that produces far,far more sin/evil than any Christian society.
If I was blaming god for things then it would follow that I believed in him, which would mean that I wasn't an atheist.
abelcainsbrother wrote: You're just wanting to repeat history that is far,far more deadly than any Christian society. Even atheist philosophers have acknowledged this fact and have spoke out about it.
The first part is nonsense and the second requires a citation...

The Word. For you.
Hebrews 12:2-3 Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith;who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross,despising the shame,and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God.

2nd Corinthians 4:4 In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not,lest the light of this glorious gospel of Christ,who is the image of God,should shine unto them.
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Re: Atheists: Does anything attract you to Christianity?

Post by edwardmurphy »

abelcainsbrother wrote:The Word. For you.
I'm not sitting through a Christian parody song, but if you post the lyrics I'll skim 'em.
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Re: Atheists: Does anything attract you to Christianity?

Post by abelcainsbrother »

edwardmurphy wrote:
abelcainsbrother wrote:The Word. For you.
I'm not sitting through a Christian parody song, but if you post the lyrics I'll skim 'em.
It's up to you if you do or don't. I've addressed your views adequately and have said all I needed to say for now about this.
Hebrews 12:2-3 Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith;who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross,despising the shame,and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God.

2nd Corinthians 4:4 In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not,lest the light of this glorious gospel of Christ,who is the image of God,should shine unto them.
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