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Re: My health

Posted: Sun Jan 12, 2014 5:53 pm
by RickD
Philip wrote:It's a non-scientific survey - did some get the flu yet who also got the shot.

I rarely get the shot. Last year, I had what had to be the flu - kept me hammered for a week, and weak as a kitten for another 10 days after it cleared out. First one in 25 years. Viruses are typically 4-5 days max - at least for me.
I've never gotten the flu shot, and I've never gotten the flu. At least not since childhood if at all.

But since I like bacon and ham, I'm anticipating getting the swine flu. ;)

My wife never had gotten the flu shot either. Until this season, because she accepted a job that required it.

Re: My health

Posted: Sun Jan 12, 2014 7:31 pm
by Byblos
Hope you feel better soon Jac. y[-o<

Re: My health

Posted: Sun Jan 12, 2014 7:44 pm
by Philip
My wife never had gotten the flu shot either. Until this season, because she accepted a job that required it.
Which is, no doubt, a "vast right-wing conspiracy!" Or LEFT one ... take your pick. :mrgreen:

Re: My health

Posted: Wed Jan 15, 2014 6:52 am
by Jac3510
Thanks all for the prayers. Feeling much, much better as of yesterday. I guess it was just a passing stomach bug, but I'll be quite happy not to have to put up with that any more. I think I'll take up jlay's suggestion and hit the cardio in the evenings . . . maybe it'll help me stay healthy for a bit.

As to the non-scientific survey, I'm with Rick. I haven't gotten the flu in many, many years and I have never taken the flu shot. That is, not until about two months ago when I had to take it as per my job.


Thanks again all :D

Re: My health

Posted: Wed Jan 15, 2014 8:42 am
by RickD
Jac wrote:
As to the non-scientific survey, I'm with Rick. I haven't gotten the flu in many, many years and I have never taken the flu shot. That is, not until about two months ago when I had to take it as per my job.
You haven't gotten the flu in haven't gotten the flu shot got the flu shot this season...then you got the flu. Coincidence?

Jac, I'm glad you're feeling better. :D