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Re: The Four Blood Moons

Posted: Tue Jan 21, 2014 1:55 pm
by Silvertusk
RickD wrote:Just an FYI for those interested in Hagee, according to CARM,
John Hagee denies Christ claimed to be the messiah in their article here.

Well he certainly does not deny he is in the book I am reading.

Re: The Four Blood Moons

Posted: Tue Jan 21, 2014 4:24 pm
by RickD
Silvertusk wrote:
RickD wrote:Just an FYI for those interested in Hagee, according to CARM,
John Hagee denies Christ claimed to be the messiah in their article here.

Well he certainly does not deny he is in the book I am reading.
If you read the CARM article, it says in Hagee's book, Hagee describes the messiah as a political messiah, not a spiritual messiah.

Re: The Four Blood Moons

Posted: Wed Jan 22, 2014 3:43 am
by Silvertusk
Again I do not get that impression from Hagee's book. Not supporting him as such - I am just saying it as it is.

Re: The Four Blood Moons

Posted: Fri Jan 24, 2014 1:11 am
by Silvertusk
Ok - looked into this a little more and it is a little scary - although a few questions if anyone can answer:

1) There have been 7 Tetrads - only three of them have been associated with Israel - what about the other 4?

2) Another Tetrad will not happen for a 1000 years. Is this implying Christ Millenium reign after the rapture that may happen in the next two years (don't believe this one by the way)

3) If nothing happens over the next two years - what then? This is always why I find prophetic stuff dangerous and potentially damaging.

4) In all three instances - the Tetrad seems to have happened after the event - so how is this prophetic?

5) Isn't the fact that the Biblical calender is based on the Lunar cycle going to mean that a Tetrad will fall on the feasts anyway if it occurs?

6) Isn't this just a coincidence - didn't other major events happen around the world at the same time as Israels?

Just a few to throw out there?

Re: The Four Blood Moons

Posted: Fri Jan 24, 2014 11:58 am
by jlay
I would proceed with caution when it comes to men like Hagee.

Re: The Four Blood Moons

Posted: Sat Jan 25, 2014 3:16 am
by Silvertusk
Silvertusk wrote:Ok - looked into this a little more and it is a little scary - although a few questions if anyone can answer:

1) There have been 7 Tetrads - only three of them have been associated with Israel - what about the other 4?

2) Another Tetrad will not happen for a 1000 years. Is this implying Christ Millenium reign after the rapture that may happen in the next two years (don't believe this one by the way)

3) If nothing happens over the next two years - what then? This is always why I find prophetic stuff dangerous and potentially damaging.

4) In all three instances - the Tetrad seems to have happened after the event - so how is this prophetic?

5) Isn't the fact that the Biblical calender is based on the Lunar cycle going to mean that a Tetrad will fall on the feasts anyway if it occurs?

6) Isn't this just a coincidence - didn't other major events happen around the world at the same time as Israels?

Just a few to throw out there?

Hi - anyone got any ideas about these questions? Genuinely seeking answers for these.

Re: The Four Blood Moons

Posted: Tue Feb 04, 2014 10:59 pm
by Gman
Silvertusk wrote:Ok - looked into this a little more and it is a little scary - although a few questions if anyone can answer:

1) There have been 7 Tetrads - only three of them have been associated with Israel - what about the other 4?
Some are not directly related to Israel but are related to an event of the Jewish people. As an example 1492 was the time of the expulsion of the Jews from Spain during the inquisition.
Silvertusk wrote:2) Another Tetrad will not happen for a 1000 years. Is this implying Christ Millenium reign after the rapture that may happen in the next two years (don't believe this one by the way)
There are other tetrads coming, just none that are directly related to the Biblical feasts. Some say that there is a tetrad in 2032-33 that is related to the Biblical feasts, but I haven't confirmed that yet.
Silvertusk wrote:3) If nothing happens over the next two years - what then? This is always why I find prophetic stuff dangerous and potentially damaging.
Sure.. I've stated in my other posts that other causes of the Biblical red blood moons are from fire, smoke, (in the atmosphere) and earthquakes (debris) and not a lunar eclipse.. You will find this recorded in places like Acts 2:19-20, Revelation 6:12, Joel 2:30, and Zechariah 14:6.

We shall see..
Silvertusk wrote:4) In all three instances - the Tetrad seems to have happened after the event - so how is this prophetic?
I would think that it would have to be calculated beforehand to get the full picture using simple calculations or software. In many cases the time it occurs for the Jews is bad, such as a war, but later on it turns out to be a positive.
Silvertusk wrote:5) Isn't the fact that the Biblical calender is based on the Lunar cycle going to mean that a Tetrad will fall on the feasts anyway if it occurs?
Not necessarily. The moon has to be at a certain position too.
Silvertusk wrote:6) Isn't this just a coincidence - didn't other major events happen around the world at the same time as Israels?
I first heard of this back in 2008. If it is a coincidence, it's a pretty good guess. Arab spring in 2010, crazy man Kerry trying to divide the land in 2012, Arial Sharon dieing in 2014 in fulfillment of the Kaduri prophecy, etc..

Re: The Four Blood Moons

Posted: Mon Feb 10, 2014 12:28 pm
by Rob
Chris White does a pretty good video about the blood moon theory:

Re: The Four Blood Moons

Posted: Wed Feb 12, 2014 6:32 pm
by Gman
Rob wrote:Chris White does a pretty good video about the blood moon theory:
Yes.. Another good video. But I'm going to wait before I'll say it's totally bunk. There certainly are other ways to interpret the scripture..

Interesting line up of prophetic events that are possibly coming soon to a theater near you..

1. "So called" peace agreement with Arabs in the west bank.
2. Arab spring and the possible coming fall of Syria or Saudi Arabian rulers.
3. Arial Sharon dieing in 2014 in fulfillment of the Kaduri prophecy.
4. Possible nuclear war with Iran.
5. Possible economic collapse coming.
6. Strange weather and environmental disasters on the rise.
7. Stronger EU policies against Israel.

Re: The Four Blood Moons

Posted: Wed Feb 12, 2014 10:29 pm
by Gman
Oh I forgot one..

8. Continued lawlessness and moral decline. (breaking G-d's commandments)

Re: The Four Blood Moons

Posted: Thu Feb 13, 2014 2:08 am
by Silvertusk
Gman wrote:
Rob wrote:Chris White does a pretty good video about the blood moon theory:
Yes.. Another good video. But I'm going to wait before I'll say it's totally bunk. There certainly are other ways to interpret the scripture..

Interesting line up of prophetic events that are possibly coming soon to a theater near you..

1. "So called" peace agreement with Arabs in the west bank.
2. Arab spring and the possible coming fall of Syria or Saudi Arabian rulers.
3. Arial Sharon dieing in 2014 in fulfillment of the Kaduri prophecy.
4. Possible nuclear war with Iran.
5. Possible economic collapse coming.
6. Strange weather and environmental disasters on the rise.
7. Stronger EU policies against Israel.
They are showing the Shroud again in 2015 as well. Don't think that is related - but thought I just throw that one in.

Re: The Four Blood Moons

Posted: Sat Mar 15, 2014 7:30 pm
by Dave
Silvertusk wrote:Hi - anyone got any ideas about these questions? Genuinely seeking answers for these.
Silvertusk wrote:1)There have been 7 Tetrads - only three of them have been associated with Israel - what about the other 4?

1) I don't know about all the tetrads. I'm only concerned with the ones just ahead of us. The previous tetrads were also about major fulfillments of prophecy, not just Israel.

Silvertusk wrote:2) Another Tetrad will not happen for a 1000 years. Is this implying Christ Millenium reign after the rapture that may happen in the next two years (don't believe this one by the way)

2) In 2061/2062 the will be another tetrad that falls on the feast days. Nobody will need to worry about those ones. The rapture or millennial reign will not happen during the six feast day eclipses of 2014/2015.

Silvertusk wrote:3) If nothing happens over the next two years - what then? This is always why I find prophetic stuff dangerous and potentially damaging.

3) I think something big is going to happen over the next two years. If nothing happens we get to enjoy more summers.

Silvertusk wrote:4) In all three instances - the Tetrad seems to have happened after the event - so how is this prophetic?

4) If it were not for the other three tetrads not many would care about the ones ahead of us.

Silvertusk wrote:5) Isn't the fact that the Biblical calender is based on the Lunar cycle going to mean that a Tetrad will fall on the feasts anyway if it occurs?

5) This is what the debunkers say. If these are the signs put in place by The Lord, I wouldn't want to be one of those debunkers in the months ahead.

Silvertusk wrote:6) Isn't this just a coincidence - didn't other major events happen around the world at the same time as Israels?

6) If this is a coincidence it sure is incredible.

Hi Silvertusk

I have found evidence that "The Time of The End" or "The Great Tribulation" will begin during the six feast day eclipses of 2014/2015. It's not just about the blood moons this time. This time there is a specification that makes these ones different from any since 1437BC. This time the feast day eclipses are not alone. They are bringing something else along with them. We are headed into a unique spacing of days that is defined by two sets of solar and lunar eclipses. The number that is carved out is too precise to be a cosmic coincidence in my opinion. I guess in God's economy of numbers a debunker might say that three of the prophetic time periods mentioned in the Bible could coincidentally line up with the behavior of other things that He created like the Sun or the Moon. From where I sit it looks more like God created the solar and the lunar cycle in such a way that He knew their frequency of occurrence would mark out a number that purposely matches something else in phophecy. I recommend for all to get Holy fast. Remove sin far from your house. Remember The Sabbath to keep it Holy. Just do all you know how to get walking in every way of The Lord.


Re: The Four Blood Moons

Posted: Sun Apr 13, 2014 12:50 pm
by PeteSinCA
10 Things You Need to Know About the Blood Moons That Begin on Monday
1. The term “blood moon” is not a scientific term.

The website EarthSky says that to the best of their knowledge, “the use of the term Blood Moon to describe a lunar tetrad is of recent origin. It might have originated with John Hagee’s 2013 book,” Four Blood Moons: Something is About to Change.

2. The technical term for the lunar events Hagee is warning about is a “lunar tetrad.”

This is defined as “four successive total lunar eclipses, with no partial eclipses in between, each of which is separated from the other by six lunar months (six full moons).”

3. The four lunar tetrads in 2014 and 2015 are set to appear during the Jewish feast days of Passover and the Feast of the Tabernacles, or Sukkot.

Hagee claims that it is rare for this lunar tetrad to occur on Jewish holy days. However, since the time of Christ, there have been eight tetrads that have occurred on Jewish Passover and the Festival of Tabernacles.

... Here are the dates of the eight lunar tetrads since the time of Christ:

1. AD 162-163

2. AD 795-796

3. AD 842-843

4. AD 860-861

5. AD 1493-1494

6. AD 1949-1950

7. AD 1967-1968

8. AD 2014-2015

4. Hagee claims that every time there is a lunar tetrad something significant happens to Israel.

“In each of these blood moons you have something that begins in tragedy and ends in triumph,” Hagee told CBN. He uses the example of the Jews being expelled from Spain in 1492, and simultaneously, Christopher Columbus discovering the New World that year — a new world that would become a refuge for the Jews. However, there was no lunar tetrad in 1492, rather it occurred in 1493-1494. It’s important to consider that Israel did not even become a nation until 1948 and prior to that the Jews were scattered. And Israel is always at the center of “something dramatic” in the Middle East and on the world stage, with or without the “blood moons.”
Looking a little closer at #4, obviously, something quite significant happened in Israel between the first and second lunar eclipse in the 1967-1968 lunar tetrad. And that would have been memorable to Hagee. OTOH, the 1949-1950 tetrad happened after Israel became a nation, and before the 1956 war. Likewise, the 1493-1494 tetrad, which happened the year after after the expelling of the Jews from Spain and Columbus's first voyage. But, being nice and going with, "Close counts in horseshoes, hand grenades, and prophetic speculation," what about the tetrads in 860-861, 842-843, 795-796, and 162-163 (almost 4 decades after the Bar Kokhba Revolt)?

Re: The Four Blood Moons

Posted: Sun Apr 13, 2014 4:35 pm
by Gman
More about these moons.. So please folks understand that this is mainly a theory or curiosity. The Jewish world for the most part is viewing this as comical.
msn wrote:On rare occasions, the light reaching the moon is exactly the color of blood, but there is no way of predicting this in advance. So there are no grounds to call any particular lunar eclipse a blood moon until it actually shows its color."
Source: ... apocalypse

Re: The Four Blood Moons

Posted: Sun Apr 13, 2014 4:45 pm
by Gman
PeteSinCA wrote:Hagee told CBN. He uses the example of the Jews being expelled from Spain in 1492, and simultaneously, Christopher Columbus discovering the New World that year — a new world that would become a refuge for the Jews. However, there was no lunar tetrad in 1492, rather it occurred in 1493-1494. It’s important to consider that Israel did not even become a nation until 1948 and prior to that the Jews were scattered. And Israel is always at the center of “something dramatic” in the Middle East and on the world stage, with or without the “blood moons.?'
While I admire Hagee for his stance with Israel.. I have no clue why this guy would think that the rapture is coming. On top of that my personal view of the rapture is that it is anti-Semitic in that the Christians get beamed or raptured out of the world while the Jews are left back on earth to suffer another holocaust for their sins. This to me is absolutely preposterous. :roll:

Christians need to understand that while their beliefs may "sound" good, they also bring baggage that they are not aware of.