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Re: HELLoween... stupid!!!

Posted: Mon Oct 29, 2012 11:43 am
by Ivellious
If you don't care for Halloween, great, no one is forcing you to care.
I don't care much for halloween myself but the kids like the dressing up thing (like all kids do) and I like the costume party thing too.
It's fun.
I admit that I was a bit wound up in my responses before, perhaps too aggressive. But this was basically my point. You have every right to not like something, but to demonize people and teach your children to do the same is doing no one any good.
I think that if a person has issues with ANY "special day" or "silly event" that they should indeed NOT participate at all.
I agree, but I think it is wrong to take it step further and start judging and attacking those who don't have any issues with having fun on Halloween or Christmas or whatever.
Taking the "demonic" aspect out of Halloween and making it about dressing up, candy, kids having fun and all around silliness is basically removing any pagan and/or satanic influence from it.
And there is NOTHING "satanic" about good Old "kris Kringle" and " christmas trees".
Can't disagree here.

Re: HELLoween... stupid!!!

Posted: Mon Oct 29, 2012 12:06 pm
by PaulSacramento
Having JW's in the family, I have gone through the issues of Christmas, Bdays, Halloween, Easter, the Eucharist and so much more, ad nauseum !
The whole " pagan tradition" thing gets brought up a lot, but of course it is "selective" since, other pagan traditions don't seem to bother them:
Honeymoons, wedding rings, baptisim (water purification), days of the week, etc.

Re: HELLoween... stupid!!!

Posted: Mon Oct 29, 2012 1:35 pm
by RickD
zacchaeus wrote:Call me a hater, old-fashion if you want... But not Luke warm. Am I the only one that HATES Halloween??? occultism and Christianity don't mix, thoughts?
Is somebody having a bad day, and is in need of a hug? y>:D<

Re: HELLoween... stupid!!!

Posted: Mon Oct 29, 2012 2:29 pm
by Icthus
Personally, I like Halloween, but I understand that some don't. What I don't understand is that many of the people I know that don't like Halloween seem to object primarily to its pagan origins. I mean, when children dress up and go door to door to get candy, I doubt they are thinking "This is fun, I want to be a pagan" or "Satan is cool, let's worship him". If there is a reason to object to Halloween, shouldn't it be the prevalence of violence and the like? I mean, nowadays you can find little kids dressed up as all manner of blood-stained, misshapen monsters and serial killers. The glorification of violence and gore is kind of nasty at times.

Re: HELLoween... stupid!!!

Posted: Mon Oct 29, 2012 8:00 pm
by zacchaeus
Yall have it all wrong maybe yall don't know me... I've sat in the background far too long now, I use to be very active. I have nothing but love, I've judged, nor condemned anyone... Be kind of hard and silly to do so considering there is no condemnation for those who are in Christ!!!

Sure, i can always use a hug no doubt, its evident my question is rhetorical now- seeing that I am the only one. :) Am I holier than thou- absolutely!!! NOT lol... I'm nobody special, I suck at life probably more so than the rest, thank God He uses us to confound the wise.

Not sure how dressing up brings glory to God, do you? What about knocking on peoples doors telling our kids its okay to talk to strangers, even beg them... Or threaten them you'll trick them if they don't...

In essence of their innocence hearing a child slip up not knowing what they say like a curse word, may be cute to some, and they laugh it off... My kids would have dentures before the teen years if the case, and they will know that scripture says about unwholesome talk, as well as we are to worship and love God alone, that we are to do so in word or deed in the name of Jesus.

My 6yr old the other day said Satan really stinks, I think he pooted in the car, she also told me she didn't want Jesus to die but He had to He could of lived with us, and she followed by saying she thought a lecrae song was probably His favorite song lol... See thats things that are cute, that's things that bring joy to my heart and glorifys God.

Re: HELLoween... stupid!!!

Posted: Mon Oct 29, 2012 8:06 pm
by zacchaeus
Also, let me explain something to everyone here, who believes 'hallowed eve' is a harmless celebration about 'making memories' with their kids, cotton candy, carving out orange vegetables to light candles in, popcorn balls, and costumes. While you're out 'trickin'', you are being 'TRICKED!" You are being 'punked out' by a pagan pumpkin!

This is 'devil night', and it don't matter how you dress up or dress down, it don't matter how many precious pictures you take of your 'ninjas' or 'gorgeous goblins', your perception does not change the reality of this demonic unholyday! (don't parents understand that 'ninjas' have nothing to do with 'turtles'? They come from a 'cult of assassins".

Sorcerers, wizards, and witches are gathering in covens around the globe worshiping satan with such things as the sacrifice of 'human babies! While America sits back in agreement and capitalizes on the horror, terror, and fear spread by enemies of the cross.

What we should be doing is educating our kids about what is truly behind this day and calling an ol' fashioned prayer vigil, where we spend the night coming against all these principalities, powers, rulers of darkness, and spiritual wickedness in high places.

We could call our group, 'Smashing Pumpkins"!

Re: HELLoween... stupid!!!

Posted: Mon Oct 29, 2012 8:11 pm
by zacchaeus
I understand everyones gist here, its cool. But, it is our' lack of concern' through the years, that has led to much of our 'lack of discernment'. We can 'rejoice and be glad' (celebrate) every day the Lord has made. But, we don't have to 'rejoice and be glad' (celebrate) with the world everyday it 'makes or invents' especially such a day as hallowed eve. I just don't understand 'born again', spirit filled believers, who are blind to the blatant worship of satan on this day. If we truly want to be a light, let us expose the darkness of this eve. Not, dress up with it, not participate with it, not be conformed to it.

To me, it's kind of like saying, it would have been ok to build and dance around the 'golden calf', if they just would have chiseled the ten commandment on it's belly. I mean, in essence, that's the argument being put forth, that somehow, by mixing the Truth of the Gospel in with the lies of the devil; we are letting our light shine. It don't work like that, never has, never will! Peace, joy, love... Also try not to confuse what yall think as lack of love or judging for CONVICTION this time- LoL!!!

Re: HELLoween... stupid!!!

Posted: Mon Oct 29, 2012 8:36 pm
by cheezerrox
Zaccheus, if you're really convicted about participating in Halloween, then by all means, feel free to not participate in it and to refrain from allowing your kids to do the same. But there's a difference between that and using that personal conviction of conscience to judge other believers as being "blind to the blatant worship of satan," having a "lack of concern" and "lack of discernment," saying that those who participate in it to condone and implicitly approve of "the sacrifice of human babies!" and "horror, terror, and fear spread by enemies of the cross," and comparing those who participate to being worshippers of the golden calf. Can you see how this is at least the slightest judgemental?

Romans 14:4-5
"Who are you to judge the servant of another? To his own master he stands or falls; and he will stand, for the Lord is able to make him stand. One person regards one day above another, another regards every day alike. Each person must be fully convinced in his own mind."

Like I said, I believe you're sincere and that you have a heart for Christ, but try to be less zealous about your personal convictions of conscience, and more zealous about the essentials of the faith. We aren't a light by trying to expose a holiday that has roots in paganism but is now no more than a day for kids to have fun and interact with their community as some kind of satanic ritual, we're a light by telling people about the Death and Resurrection of Jesus and by loving our neighbor as ourselves.

Re: HELLoween... stupid!!!

Posted: Tue Oct 30, 2012 6:12 am
by PaulSacramento
zacchaeus wrote:Also, let me explain something to everyone here, who believes 'hallowed eve' is a harmless celebration about 'making memories' with their kids, cotton candy, carving out orange vegetables to light candles in, popcorn balls, and costumes. While you're out 'trickin'', you are being 'TRICKED!" You are being 'punked out' by a pagan pumpkin!

This is 'devil night', and it don't matter how you dress up or dress down, it don't matter how many precious pictures you take of your 'ninjas' or 'gorgeous goblins', your perception does not change the reality of this demonic unholyday! (don't parents understand that 'ninjas' have nothing to do with 'turtles'? They come from a 'cult of assassins".

Sorcerers, wizards, and witches are gathering in covens around the globe worshiping satan with such things as the sacrifice of 'human babies! While America sits back in agreement and capitalizes on the horror, terror, and fear spread by enemies of the cross.

What we should be doing is educating our kids about what is truly behind this day and calling an ol' fashioned prayer vigil, where we spend the night coming against all these principalities, powers, rulers of darkness, and spiritual wickedness in high places.

We could call our group, 'Smashing Pumpkins"!
Halloween MAY have been about many things, but it is what it is about NOW that matters, or not and I say "or not" simply because the silliness of Halloween is NOT forced on anyone, you don't have to do anything during halloween if you don't want to.
By the way, the whole notion of ninjas as an "assasin cult" is really just hollywood myths, they were "special soldiers" at best, mercenaries at worse, nothing more. They were an ancient "spec ops" operators.

Look, if you are going to educate your kids about what Halloween USED to mean, great and it would probably be a good idea to educate them about the pagan background behind ALL the traditions we have and use and follow too, I mean, why not right?

Re: HELLoween... stupid!!!

Posted: Tue Oct 30, 2012 10:15 am
by Icthus
Zacchaeus, you seem to be rather routinely conflating paganism with satanism. If Halloween had pagan origins, then it is not a holiday set aside for the "worship of Satan" because Satan is not the deity of most pagan religions. I doubt that many people worship Satan anyway.

Re: HELLoween... stupid!!!

Posted: Tue Oct 30, 2012 10:54 am
by Furstentum Liechtenstein
Icthus wrote: If Halloween had pagan origins, then it is not a holiday set aside for the "worship of Satan" because Satan is not the deity of most pagan religions.
Actually, from a biblical perspective, in the back of all idolatry is the worship of the creature rather than worship of the Creator. This would include atheism as well as all false faiths.

FL y:-B

Re: HELLoween... stupid!!!

Posted: Tue Oct 30, 2012 12:16 pm
by PaulSacramento
I am wondering Zacch, any issues with "day of the dead" celebrations?

Re: HELLoween... stupid!!!

Posted: Tue Oct 30, 2012 10:33 pm
by zacchaeus
NOPE... yall win, so who cares, ill be at the holloween "clothes" party at the strip club with my kids, they are putting candy in and scriptures on condoms... So its def must be glorifying God!!! Can't say nor discuss anything we might be judging... Since when did we start accepting conviction of something we want to hold on to and don't want to give up yet, cause we love the world, for judging? Sad we rather justify than glorify, but I don't care... I left the page a while ago for its looseness and so I can do without. To each their own...

Re: HELLoween... stupid!!!

Posted: Wed Oct 31, 2012 10:02 am
by theophilus
PaulSacramento wrote:One could argue that, in taking a pagan tradition and "christianizing" it is a good thing.
But Halloween has never been Christianized. Easter is about the resurrection of Christ and Christmas is about his birth; these have replaced the original pagan traditions behind these holidays. But there is nothing Christian associated with Halloween.
Taking the "demonic" aspect out of Halloween and making it about dressing up, candy, kids having fun and all around silliness is basically removing any pagan and/or satanic influence from it.
But these things don't remove the Satanic influences. They simply provide a new way of expressing them.
And there is NOTHING "satanic" about good Old "kris Kringle" and " christmas trees".
But there is a lot that is Satanic about the things associated with Halloween.

We shouldn't observe Halloween but there is a way to take advantage of it to spread the gospel. When trick or treaters come to your home give them gospel tracts as well as candy.

Re: HELLoween... stupid!!!

Posted: Wed Oct 31, 2012 12:02 pm
by PaulSacramento
theophilus wrote:
PaulSacramento wrote:One could argue that, in taking a pagan tradition and "christianizing" it is a good thing.
But Halloween has never been Christianized. Easter is about the resurrection of Christ and Christmas is about his birth; these have replaced the original pagan traditions behind these holidays. But there is nothing Christian associated with Halloween.
Taking the "demonic" aspect out of Halloween and making it about dressing up, candy, kids having fun and all around silliness is basically removing any pagan and/or satanic influence from it.
But these things don't remove the Satanic influences. They simply provide a new way of expressing them.
And there is NOTHING "satanic" about good Old "kris Kringle" and " christmas trees".
But there is a lot that is Satanic about the things associated with Halloween.

We shouldn't observe Halloween but there is a way to take advantage of it to spread the gospel. When trick or treaters come to your home give them gospel tracts as well as candy.
Halloween is the "silly" festival of the west, no one does it for the reasons it was created BUT people still like doing it because it is silly fun.
I think that if people do have issues with Halloween that they should NOT observe it at all.
I don't see anything "satanic" about Halloween, I don't see anyone worshiping or offering sacrifice to Satan or anything like that.
Is their glorification of demons and ghouls and such? Yes, and cowboys and nurses and superman and salt and pepper shakers and assorted silliness.
I am not saying there is nothing worng with Halloween, there is, just as there is stuff wrong with almost every celebration we have, such is human nature.
I am saying that if a person has issues with Halloween then, yes they should NOT observe it (celebration is way too strong a word), if others see it for the pointless silliness that it is, fine for them too.
If some view it as a time to worship Satan then they are already lost, no matter the day or method they choose to do that.