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Re: Question

Posted: Fri Oct 10, 2008 8:09 am
by JCSx2
Sorry took so long to get back, been busy and also I for the life of me forgot where I saw this passage, so I read allot to find it again. As for not remembering the scars on Christs hands, well I look at it as PAID IN FULL, we no longer need that; it will have served its purpose for those who made it to eternal life rejoicing God. We will be in heaven, praising God forever, sin will have lost. Game over for sin.

Christ was sent for us here on this earth to get us to Heaven, after we get there we no longer need those symbols, such as nails in his hands, the cross, we no longer need to be reminded that he gave his life for us, we made it. It is like a movie ticket, after you enter the theater, it has served its purpose, you do not need it any more.

I mention it again we will be in Heaven praising God FOREVER, we will not be there ignoring him, we will not be there thinking about other sinful things, we will be HOLY in the eyes of God, or else we wouldn't be there at all. Christ washed us of our sins, we no longer need things from this world, the only world that matters will be the perfect one that is to come. The past is over done and destroyed, the new beautiful HOLY SIN FREE world will be ours forever.

You say it will open the door for sin to enter again, well I disagree, God has a game plan, do you think it includes an everlasting life with God AND sin?

Isaiah 65:17-18 (New King James Version)

The Glorious New Creation
17 “ For behold, I create new heavens and a new earth;
And the former shall not be remembered or come to mind.
18 But be glad and rejoice forever in what I create;
For behold, I create Jerusalem as a rejoicing,
And her people a joy.

BavarianWheels wrote:
Joshua wrote:
JCSx2 wrote:Actually I believe from scripture that Heaven will be totally brand new and we will not recollect our lives here on earth or our marriage or family we had while here on earth.
If thats true then what is really the point of this life? To die in this life and not remember any of it in the next...isn't that like reincarnation(sp?)?
I guess we'll not understand those scars on Christ's also opens the door once again for sin to enter in...having not experienced it or able to explain its curse.

Re: Question

Posted: Fri Oct 10, 2008 9:18 am
by BavarianWheels
JCSx2 wrote:You say it will open the door for sin to enter again, well I disagree, God has a game plan, do you think it includes an everlasting life with God AND sin?
As long as there remains a God who allows choice...the possibility of sin remains.

Re: Question

Posted: Fri Oct 10, 2008 5:47 pm
by JCSx2
Do you think we a sinful people washed and forgiven of all our sin and allowed in to heaven, will remain sinless? Even one of us? So far NO human besides Jesus was perfect. I am not starting an argument with you I just would like to hear your theory on this and how it may be overcome (if at all). At least not remembering our past may assist in this I guess and make us more accepting of that mass murder standing beside you in heaven because they accepted Christ as their Lord and Savior on their dying breath.
BavarianWheels wrote:
JCSx2 wrote:You say it will open the door for sin to enter again, well I disagree, God has a game plan, do you think it includes an everlasting life with God AND sin?
As long as there remains a God who allows choice...the possibility of sin remains.

Re: Question

Posted: Sat Oct 11, 2008 7:23 am
by rodyshusband
Daniel wrote:I have to agree. We will be rewarded in heaven for what we did on Earth, and it would be strange if we did not know why we were being rewarded.

Likewise, in the Lazarus parable, the man in hell seems to have a recollection of Earth (with the caveat that this might not be meant to be an exact representation of hell, as Glenn Miller points out on his website.
I agree.
If I may add that in Revelation 6:9-11, we read of the martyrs cry to God for retribution and justice. Obviously, they remembered who they are, what occurred and that justice had not been administered.
The scripture provides many examples to show that we will have recollections of our lives, including reunion with loved ones.
The bible also refers to heaven as "home", obviously as a point of reference.

Re: Question

Posted: Sat Oct 11, 2008 6:13 pm
by cslewislover
This is a fun topic :o . I'm looking forward to the rapture - I just don't want to be doing something awkward when it happens (like sinning somehow, which we all do, or sitting on the toilet :lol: ). It makes no difference to me whatsoever how old my son is or how old I am when it happens, since I think we'll all be in a glorified, beautiful, ageless state. I can totally understand people not wanting the rapture to happen until they've experienced physical intimacy, but I also believe that we will have a spiritual intimacy that is stronger than that (from personal experience with the Lord). So, don't sweat it! We are supposed to be looking forward to His return. [oi - I can't find the verse for this!]

Afterthought. Procreation in heaven? Why? It's a totally different place than this place and era. I think Jesus' statement about no marriage in heaven is pretty straightforward. With all the multiple couplings there have been - legal by God's standards or no - how can there possibly be marriage in heaven? Besides the physical aspect of creating new people's bodies, there's the aspect of souls to consider. Souls enter a body here, and there is some predestination involved. There is no mention in the bible of souls being left over or more being created, or us taking part in creating them, in heaven. Who knows what creative activity we will do, and who knows the details of future eras? No one, and there's no reason to think it will be same as here and now.

Re: Question

Posted: Tue Oct 14, 2008 1:35 pm
by rodyshusband
May I suggest the book "Heaven" by Randy Alcorn.
Although I was never a fan of Alcorn's writing (mostly Christian fiction), this work is well researched, comprehensive and follows scripture. It is an excellent read, well worth anyone's time.

Re: Question

Posted: Tue Oct 14, 2008 3:14 pm
by cslewislover
Thanks for that recommendation. I didn't know that Alcorn wrote other books beside fiction. I'll have to check it out.