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Posted: Fri Aug 26, 2005 11:32 am
by LittleShepherd
I love the 80s action cartoons. Thundercats is my favorite, and then there's He-Man and She-Ra. Later on, I was really into the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, but I think that was mostly in the 90s. I literally watched hundreds of cartoons as a kid, but those are the ones that stick out to me the most.

Posted: Fri Aug 26, 2005 12:01 pm
by bizzt
LittleShepherd wrote:I love the 80s action cartoons. Thundercats is my favorite, and then there's He-Man and She-Ra. Later on, I was really into the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, but I think that was mostly in the 90s. I literally watched hundreds of cartoons as a kid, but those are the ones that stick out to me the most.
Yup those were the good ones

Posted: Fri Aug 26, 2005 5:11 pm
by BavarianWheels
ochotseat wrote:Don't try to be a smart aleck. :P

Since you've posted on the video games thread, that rule must not pertain universally.
That's going to be difficult.

It must

Posted: Fri Aug 26, 2005 11:27 pm
by ochotseat
I love the 80s action cartoons. Thundercats is my favorite, and then there's He-Man and She-Ra. Later on, I was really into the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, but I think that was mostly in the 90s. I literally watched hundreds of cartoons as a kid, but those are the ones that stick out to me the most.
Contrary to what Bav has said, many 80's and 90's cartoons were out of this world. Good selection, Little, but I would've added X-Men, Spiderman, and Batman :wink:

Posted: Fri Aug 26, 2005 11:29 pm
by ochotseat
XenonII wrote: South Park is the product of Canadian liberals and is full of sick and vulgar "humor".
There's no question that South Park isn't decent, but they do take occasional shots at liberals:
Yet in spite of its coarse language and base humor, the show persuasively communicates the Republican position on many issues, including hate crime legislation ("a savage hypocrisy"), radical environmentalism, and rampant litigation by ambitious trial lawyers. In one episode, industrious gnomes pick apart myopic anti-corporate rhetoric and teach the main characters about the benefits of capitalism.

Posted: Fri Aug 26, 2005 11:36 pm
by XenonII
ochotseat wrote:
XenonII wrote: South Park is the product of Canadian liberals and is full of sick and vulgar "humor".
There's no question that South Park isn't decent, but they do take occasional shots at liberals:
Yet in spite of its coarse language and base humor, the show persuasively communicates the Republican position on many issues, including hate crime legislation ("a savage hypocrisy"), radical environmentalism, and rampant litigation by ambitious trial lawyers. In one episode, industrious gnomes pick apart myopic anti-corporate rhetoric and teach the main characters about the benefits of capitalism.
The producers are a bunch of hippies. The show promotes bestiality of all things and is full of childish toilet humor. A movie based on this evil filth was produced with non stop swear words. One episode was pushing the homosexual agenda a story about some "gay" who wanted to be in the boy scouts and how it was "discrimination" not to allow this potential child molestor to participate. Why would a homo want access to children? I still can't understand why the girl scouts allow lesbos to particapte? What sort of example is that setting the young girls? A very poor one! Capitalism only benefits those at the top, millions of workers at the bottom are exploited and get screwed over by it. Its a modern day plague on humanity sweeping the globe.

Posted: Sat Aug 27, 2005 12:34 am
by ochotseat
XenonII wrote: I still can't understand why the girl scouts allow lesbos to particapte?
Homosexuals aren't allowed to participate in the Boy or Girl Scouts as leaders as they shouldn't, because they are poor role models to impressionable children.
Capitalism only benefits those at the top, millions of workers at the bottom are exploited and get screwed over by it. Its a modern day plague on humanity sweeping the globe.
Ok, pinko. :)

Posted: Sat Aug 27, 2005 12:58 am
by XenonII
ochotseat wrote:
XenonII wrote: I still can't understand why the girl scouts allow lesbos to particapte?
Homosexuals aren't allowed to participate in the Boy or Girl Scouts as leaders as they shouldn't, because they are poor role models to impressionable children.
Capitalism only benefits those at the top, millions of workers at the bottom are exploited and get screwed over by it. Its a modern day plague on humanity sweeping the globe.
Ok, pinko. :)
Well that's certainly true about the ones living a so called "gay" lifestyle. As for the 2nd comment, I felt like the devil was annoying me when I wrote it. Of course that's no excuse I need to learn how to stand up against him more effectively. :wink:

Posted: Sat Aug 27, 2005 1:10 am
by ochotseat
XenonII wrote: Well that's certainly true about the ones living a so called "gay" lifestyle. As for the 2nd comment, I felt like the devil was annoying me when I wrote it. Of course that's no excuse I need to learn how to stand up against him more effectively. :wink:
If you maintain that you're a conservative, you should be more supportive of capitalism...unless you're a communist.

Posted: Sat Aug 27, 2005 12:55 pm
by LittleShepherd
Capitalism only benefits those at the top, millions of workers at the bottom are exploited and get screwed over by it. Its a modern day plague on humanity sweeping the globe.
I'd like to see you propose an alternative. Communism sure didn't work. Capitalism, on the other hand, is responsible for our having some of the best qualities of life in the world. Sure, a small portion benefit greatly, but still the vast majority of people under Capitalism, at least in the US, are middle-class, which isn't bad at all. Sure, we have some poor and homeless, but nothing like the numbers in 3rd-world countries, or under Communism.

Capitalism really doesn't need a complete rehaul. The people need to start taking advantage of it better. You'd be surprised how many people could become wealthy millionaires if they practiced some self-control and actually saved some of their money rather than buying all the "I want it but I don't really need it" junk and getting themselves into debt so they can have a shiny new car(as opposed to a perfectly good 3-year-old used car that's actually worth what you pay for it).

If they'd budget, not buy things they can't afford, put some in savings, and actually learn a little bit about mutual funds and other investment options(what you need to know to make decent profits isn't that difficult), utilize IRA, student IRAs, etc. the vast majority of US citizens could be very well-off indeed. Even some lower-class people could work their way up to middle-or-higher. Capitalism is wonderful when the people using the system aren't being stupid. And even with the majority of people being stupid, it still works better than anything else the world's ever had to offer.

Posted: Sun Aug 28, 2005 10:13 am
by Prodigal Son
south park and family guy rule.

Posted: Sun Aug 28, 2005 3:36 pm
by ochotseat
LittleShepherd wrote: I'd like to see you propose an alternative. Communism sure didn't work. Capitalism, on the other hand, is responsible for our having some of the best qualities of life in the world. Sure, a small portion benefit greatly, but still the vast majority of people under Capitalism, at least in the US, are middle-class, which isn't bad at all. Sure, we have some poor and homeless, but nothing like the numbers in 3rd-world countries, or under Communism.

Capitalism really doesn't need a complete rehaul. The people need to start taking advantage of it better. You'd be surprised how many people could become wealthy millionaires if they practiced some self-control and actually saved some of their money rather than buying all the "I want it but I don't really need it" junk and getting themselves into debt so they can have a shiny new car(as opposed to a perfectly good 3-year-old used car that's actually worth what you pay for it).

If they'd budget, not buy things they can't afford, put some in savings, and actually learn a little bit about mutual funds and other investment options(what you need to know to make decent profits isn't that difficult), utilize IRA, student IRAs, etc. the vast majority of US citizens could be very well-off indeed. Even some lower-class people could work their way up to middle-or-higher. Capitalism is wonderful when the people using the system aren't being stupid. And even with the majority of people being stupid, it still works better than anything else the world's ever had to offer.
Even in America, we don't have a pure capitalist system.

Little, you forgot Garfield, Spiderman, Silverhawks, Transformers... :P

Posted: Sun Aug 28, 2005 6:03 pm
by TimM1104
TRANSFORMERS! wow i loved transformers! and Beastwars(even tho that was more 3d animation...)

Posted: Sun Aug 28, 2005 7:02 pm
by kateliz
Inspector Gadget and Carebears were my favorites as a tyke. Can't stand them now. I also watched Teenage Mutan Ninja Turtles and Gargoyles, (I liked them just as much as my brother.)

Ed, Edd and Eddy is entertaining and interesting, but I don't embrace it whole-heartedly. I liked Pepper Anne quite a bit a few years ago when it was on at a convienient time. Talks to herself much like I, myself do! :D Can be pretty funny.

Used to like Family Guy and Southpark, and for a few years religiously watched The Simpsons; hate them now. Way, way too offensive, even if there's still a lot of good humour in them.

Capitalism is what works in a fallen world, but I don't like it otherwise. Socialism all the way, baby! The early Christians tried that, having all things in common, but it failed for them because of... well, reasons I'm not sure of! But that is the ideal, and I believe it's the way the Millenial Kingdom will work like under our divine King. Sinful natures make it fail in today's world. Greedy people at the top, and greedy and selfish and lazy people on the bottom. A perfect system screwed up by sin.

People in my social studies class thought I was crazy because we learned of communism before socialism, and I, having never heard of socialism before, very much preferrred communism over captialism. I like "community spirit," (as corny as it sounds,) much more than greed.

I absolutely hate big, Fat Cats that sit at the top soaking up what the people beneath worked so hard for. How in the world can a handful of candy at the theaters cost $4?!?!?! It's an outrage! Yet I'll buy it because of suppy/demand. I support such outrages by participating in them. That's capitalism- where Fat Cats sit on the riches of those below, hoarding them and sinfully witholding them from those in need. How do you get on a Most Rich list? By hoarding.

Posted: Sun Aug 28, 2005 7:06 pm
by Believer
kateliz wrote:How in the world can a handful of candy at the theaters cost $4?!?!?! It's an outrage!
Um, I think it has to do with the theaters expense of buying the film from the producers so the public can watch it. It is always expensive and they have to use some form of selling to keep the good movies coming. That's my take, always has. But still, it is an outrage!