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Re: Check this anti-abortion site out.

Posted: Wed Aug 17, 2011 5:40 pm
by Jonouchi Katsuya
Regarding Ecclesiastes. Do you understand the context? This is a lament of Solomon. God used humans to write the bible for a reason. To not only convey the plans of God, but to also reveal the futility of the human experience without God. Solomon reveals this quite well. It is certainly not an endorsement for abortion. Shame on you for suggesting such.
Yes, but wouldn't they be without God anyway? Their mother obviously does not believe in God the same way you do.

Re: Check this anti-abortion site out.

Posted: Wed Aug 17, 2011 5:43 pm
by Jonouchi Katsuya
Well, this may sound mean, but it is true. Those children, shouldbe absolutly estatic that they were adopted in the U.S and not sri lanka.
Now you may find this offencive, but sucicide is selfish and cowardly. I, 3 years ago tryed to kill myself, and you what I wish I could do now? Go back and scream at my self for being a weak coward and slap myself around a bit. Weakness is the cause of suicide. I am 100% positive if those kids stopped feeling sorry for themselves and did something productive, (go to the gym, study the bible, find a sport) they would not feel that way anymore.

If you hate life in america, rich or poor, you should be deported to sri lanka to live in a tent city with every disease you can think, dying men women and children all around you, and learn what actual starvation is.

And that child, unless they are being beaten, should have an insane amount of love for their foster family, they took them in and payed thousands of dollars to support them. now I assume they hate their foster home because "Evil DaDy YeLled aT mE" and fail to realize that evil daddy took them under his arm and devoted a large portion of his life to them.



Re: Check this anti-abortion site out.

Posted: Wed Aug 17, 2011 5:44 pm
by Jonouchi Katsuya
(calms down and didn't mean most of that)

Re: Check this anti-abortion site out.

Posted: Wed Aug 17, 2011 6:05 pm
by Jonouchi Katsuya
I don't actually hate Christians... I just hate people who say I hate America.

The coolest thing about America is that... we have this wonderful freedom. We have this wonderful philosophy and ability to critisize our own government. And I know it is worse other places. I never want to live anywhere else.

Every foriegn student I have talked to says this nation is wonderful. They love it here. I have friends from Burma, Japan, South Korea, a pen pal from Turkey, Sweeden.

The only country I think may be worth living in is Canada- but they like it here too. We wouldn't have so many immigrants if we weren't so grand. We wouldn't have so many illegal ones either.

America is a wonderful place. I love American people and people who love America. Just because sometimes a few of us look at other countries and wish we had that here, doesn't mean anything. I think it just means they wish America was number one in maternal survival like Ireland. Or top in education like the Nordic countries and Japan.

We want those things here because we want other countries to see us as great too. I don't want this nation to turn into Russia (no abortion). Or China (forced abortion). We are in this happy middle and I love it. I love that we allow women to choose if that is what they want to do. I am happy we don't commit infanticide to control population (like some places with severe population issues be happy we aren't them).

Let's be happy that we are a nation that wastes so much food, we have so much plenty, that our wasted food could feed the hungry 3x over.

That is just because we are so great. I don't know why other people are so unhappy with our nation and want to move- but that is their right. And it is awesome that we have that.

So don't you guys dare to say I hate America.

Re: Check this anti-abortion site out.

Posted: Wed Aug 17, 2011 6:41 pm
by Murray
Please Re-read. I said a person that hates america should be deported (joke) to live in another country for a day.

I said "if you (you being directed at the american population) hate america"

I DID NOT SAY "you (being you) hate america and you should be deported"

Re: Check this anti-abortion site out.

Posted: Wed Aug 17, 2011 6:59 pm
by DannyM
Bad Karma, Katsuya

I don't know how much good Karma is required now to get you back on the path to enlightenment

And that's not taking into account any further slip ups on this recovery road of lost ground, which will only delay your comeback

It is indeed a setback

Good luck


Re: Check this anti-abortion site out.

Posted: Wed Aug 17, 2011 7:12 pm
by Danieltwotwenty
Unfortuantely there seems to be a misunderstanding or lost in translation issue here, Shalom aleichem Katsuya.

Re: Check this anti-abortion site out.

Posted: Wed Aug 17, 2011 8:05 pm
by Murray
Danieltwotwenty wrote:Unfortuantely there seems to be a misunderstanding or lost in translation issue here, Shalom aleichem Katsuya.

yes indeed there is......

Re: Check this anti-abortion site out.

Posted: Wed Aug 17, 2011 8:31 pm
by neo-x
It is indeed a setback
It is indeed a major one, I mean hate all's more than a billion people you are talking about. :pound: And here it was us who were being accused of hatred. y*-:)

Re: Check this anti-abortion site out.

Posted: Thu Aug 18, 2011 1:08 am
by SnowDrops
Katsuya, you still didn't answer my question. I don't know what significance having a soul has in your religion.

Oh, btw Murray said if... He never implied that you (or anyone) did.

Re: Check this anti-abortion site out.

Posted: Thu Aug 18, 2011 7:01 am
by jlay
Nothing in the bible states that a fetus is fully human or is to be treated as human. Least from what I recall.
Well maybe you need to consider this.
Jeremiah 1:5 "Before I formed you in the womb I knew you,"

Scientifically speaking, conception is the beginning of personhood. You can't argue with the facts. It isn't a matter of whether it is a genetically unique person, only what stage of development it is at.

So, scientifically speaking it is a person. Now, biblically we have shown you it is a person.

Yet, you somehow think you are qualified to play god, and determine which persons should be killed because there might be potentially bad outcome or hard life ahead?

Re: Check this anti-abortion site out.

Posted: Thu Aug 18, 2011 2:36 pm
by Canuckster1127
Please calm the rhetoric down on this thread. Disagreement is fine. Please keep comments to issues and not personally toward others.

Re: Check this anti-abortion site out.

Posted: Thu Aug 18, 2011 11:50 pm
by SnowDrops
Canuckster1127 wrote:Please calm the rhetoric down on this thread. Disagreement is fine. Please keep comments to issues and not personally toward others.
I think there was just a misinterpretation of Murray's' comment.

Re: Check this anti-abortion site out.

Posted: Mon Dec 19, 2011 12:44 pm
by wrain62
Jonouchi Katsuya wrote:I don't actually hate Christians... I just hate people who say I hate America.

The coolest thing about America is that... we have this wonderful freedom. We have this wonderful philosophy and ability to critisize our own government. And I know it is worse other places. I never want to live anywhere else.


Re: Check this anti-abortion site out.

Posted: Fri Feb 10, 2012 5:43 am
by domokunrox
If the US would get me citizenship to the country of my choosing because I didn't like living here anymore, I would take them up on that.

Wouldn't even think twice.