Muslim says Muhammad was predicted in New Testament

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Muslim says Muhammad was predicted in New Testament

Post by Mary »

I was wondering what you guys think of this and how you would respond to it.
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Re: Muslim says Muhammad was predicted in New Testament

Post by jlay »

All Bibles in our possession today are the result of extensive cutting and pasting from these various manuscripts with no single one being the definitive reference.
I'd say the burden of proof is overwhelmingly on them. This is an attempt to undermine the scholorship behind the modern copies. They seek to uphold the scriptures for their own means, and discredit them for their own means. It is not surprising. And Christ warned us of false prophets. There are simply too many contradictions between Islam and Christianity. Saying that our texts have been corrupted, and then granting them authority to try and prove this ridiculous notion is absurd to say the least.
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Re: Muslim says Muhammad was predicted in New Testament

Post by August »

There is a difference between a spirit and a prophet. This is a mighty big reach, even for them.

Also, how can the "Spirit of truth", from the passage in John that they want to use, be overcome by evil to write the Satanic verses?
Acts 17:24-25 (NIV)
"The God who made the world and everything in it is the Lord of heaven and earth and does not live in temples built by hands. [25] And he is not served by human hands, as if he needed anything, because he himself gives all men life and breath and everything else."

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Re: Muslim says Muhammad was predicted in New Testament

Post by Gman »

Mary wrote:I was wondering what you guys think of this and how you would respond to it.
Numerous faults.... Christ wasn't the son of God, Christ wasn't resurrected, there is no original sin, God isn't love, no Trinity. This is what that religion teaches..
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