It was morning and evening and that was the nth day

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Re: It was morning and evening and that was the nth day

Post by Byblos »

because wrote:If it is not, then you would say that God is a politician. He says one thing but meant another. So, how could we ever understand each other if you read it day and night does not meant what it say. When will we ever have a good communication? When he said let there be light, you gonna say that, that is not what he meant. Is this how we are going to read the Bible?
God is in charge and on this area he meant what he said.
Yom as a long period of time is not a novel idea; that's how the original audiences would have understood it. And when scripture is read with the original intent in mind, the only sound exegesis is for a long period of time. It is the YEC position that interjects a novel interpretation.
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Re: It was morning and evening and that was the nth day

Post by dayage »

The text says "and it was evening and it was morning." These are not being combined. These are two points in time. Evening closes out a work period and morning is the dawning of the next work period. See this creation account's definition Psalm 104:20-23. It is very clear that evening ends the work period.

On day one evening closes off "In the beginning." Morning begins the work period called one day. Each "day" start with "and God said." This does not start until Gen. 1:3. So the first two verses are before the creation week.

Hebrews 4 says we are still in the seventh day.

The phrase "In the beginning" always refers to a period of time, not an instant.

Light was not created on day one. God said "let there be" (haya). He did not use bara (create) or asa (make). On days one and four the atmosphere was changed, not the universe. Genesis one is all about changing the earth not the heavens. Gen. 1:2 says "The earth was formless and void, and darkness was over the surface of the deep..."

This is why all of the days say "and God saw that it was good." Each day showed God changing one of these original conditions. Day two on the other hand does not say God saw it was good, because He did not change the darkness, void or the formlessness. He just separated the cloud layer from the ocean surface.

God told Job how earth became dark and covered with water in Job 38:7-9. Stars and angels were already there. These waters are also meantioned in Ps. 104:5-6. If you believe God caused a global flood that took 40 days to cover the earth with water, when the fountains of the deep broke fourth, then the waters coming from inside the earth in Job 38:8 (Gen. 1:2) took at least that long.
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Re: It was morning and evening and that was the nth day

Post by zoegirl »

Thanks, Dayage, good points!!
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